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DPMesh: Exploiting Diffusion Prior for Occluded Human Mesh Recovery #6

Open ouusan opened 3 months ago

ouusan commented 3 months ago
  1. challenge persists in occluede HMR task--->current two main methods(1) feature extractor+regression head [1] (2) Diffusion-based methods that multiple denoising steps to progressively refine the pose parameters from random noise or off-the-shelf regression SMPL parameter (e.g., [2] use 4d human regressed SMPL parameters as initial and continue to improve it) -----> DPMesh directly employs the pre-trained denoising U-Net with conditons as backbone, executing a one-step inference.

  2. disturbances arise from 2d detectors---->refine the spatial information from an off-the-shelf detector and inject the diffusion model with these conditions as guidance+ noisy key-point reasoning approach to improve the robustness of their model.

1.Employ pre-trained denoising U-Net with conditons(Add Conditional Control [3] to realize condition Injection):


(1) get fine-grained conditons, do condition jnjection with heatmap: C=(ct, cj)


(2) feature extraction with diffusion model (fuse conditons with controlNet)


(3) SMPL Mesh Regressor


Use learned codebook and feed the corresponding pose embedding to the decoder D of the VQVAE(Vector Quantized) to attain the pose parameters Θ

  1. a self-supervised distillation approach, called Noisy Key-point Reason (NKR), focuses on 2D detection errors, including missing key-points, jitters and mismatch. Training a teacher model adept at accurately encoding feature maps with precise ground truth key-points. Then utilize the teacher’s feature maps FT to guide and supervise the student’s feature map FS. see Overview.
  2. Overview image

Code: https://github.com/EternalEvan/DPMesh