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Expérimenter avec LEAFWriter #11

Open emchateau opened 1 year ago

emchateau commented 1 year ago

LEAFWriter pourrait être utile pour travailler sur l’éditorialisation de l’Encyclopédie dans l’éventualité où nous nous baserions sur un modèle TEI.

lenaMK commented 9 months ago

On n'a pas trop eu de nouvelles de l'équipe mais la dernière newsletter annonce ces modifications:

LEAF-Writer has received notable updates, including the integration of an authentication API. This API now seamlessly handles GitLab and GitHub accounts for LEAF-Writer users. The UI has been revamped, offering a more intuitive interface. Additionally, thanks to our partnership with Diane Jakacki at Bucknell, LEAF-Writer Commons can import and export various formats (including from Transkribus and it allows unauthenticated users to work on documents stored in public GitHub repositories.