oven-sh / bun

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Unknown crash during run #10871

Open smaccoun opened 1 week ago

smaccoun commented 1 week ago

How can we reproduce the crash?

I have no idea. Keeps happening though. I will see if I can find the part of code soon where it's happening. Some important info

  1. It's happening while running backend server
  2. Seems to have just started on 1.1.7

JavaScript/TypeScript code that reproduces the crash?

Not sure yet. Will try to figure out. Happening on backend using lots of trpc, kysely, aws sdk

Relevant log output

Bun v1.1.7 (b0b7db5c) macOS Silicon
Args: "bun", "--hot", "index.ts"
Features: jsc abort_signal dotenv fetch(10) http_server transpiler_cache(102) tsconfig_paths(3) tsconfig(23)
Builtins: "abort-controller" "bun:main" "node:assert" "node:async_hooks" "node:buffer" "node:child_process" "node:constants" "node:crypto" "node:dns" "node:events" "node:fs" "node:http" "node:https" "node:module" "node:net" "node:os" "node:path" "node:querystring" "node:readline" "node:stream" "node:stream/promises" "node:string_decoder" "node:tls" "node:tty" "node:url" "node:util" "node:util/types" "node:zlib" "node:punycode" "ws" "node-fetch" "utf-8-validate" "node:http2"
Elapsed: 608009ms | User: 3157ms | Sys: 1120ms
RSS: 0.57GB | Peak: 0.57GB | Commit: 65.24MB | Faults: 144

Stack Trace (bun.report)

Bun v1.1.7 (b0b7db5) on macos aarch64 [AutoCommand]

Segmentation fault at address 0x00000008

Jarred-Sumner commented 1 week ago

Judging by the stack trace, this looks like https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/pull/28106 might fix it, but we haven't merged that PR yet