oven-sh / bun

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Could not install packages. #10875

Closed UMCEKO closed 1 week ago

UMCEKO commented 1 week ago

How can we reproduce the crash?

{ "dependencies": { "@open-wa/wa-decrypt": "^4.4.0", "install": "^0.13.0", "mongodb": "^6.5.0", "npm": "^9.7.2", "qrcode-terminal": "^0.12.0", "whatsapp-web.js": "github:pedroslopez/whatsapp-web.js#webpack-exodus" }, "devDependencies": { "@types/qrcode-terminal": "^0.12.2" } }

Here's my package.json file.

JavaScript/TypeScript code that reproduces the crash?

None. Just ran bun install.

Relevant log output

Bun v1.1.7 (b0b7db5c) Windows x64
Args: "C:\Users\umutc\.bun\bin\bun.exe", "install"
Features: extracted_packages(14) git_dependencies lockfile_migration_from_package_lock 
Elapsed: 3250ms | User: 0ms | Sys: 46ms
RSS: 0.17GB | Peak: 0.17GB | Commit: 0.30GB | Faults: 44397

panic(main thread): Internal assertion failure
oh no: Bun has crashed. This indicates a bug in Bun, not your code.

Stack Trace (bun.report)

Bun v1.1.7 (b0b7db5) on windows x86_64 [InstallCommand]

panic: Internal assertion failure

UMCEKO commented 1 week ago

By the way, this worked the second time I run it. But the log is here just in case you need it.