JavaScript/TypeScript code that reproduces the crash?
const { Level } = require('level')
// Create a database
const db = new Level('./db', { valueEncoding: 'json' })
// Add an entry with key 'a' and value 1
await db.put('a', 1)
// Add multiple entries
await db.batch([{ type: 'put', key: 'b', value: 2 }])
// Get value of key 'a': 1
const value = await db.get('a')
// Iterate entries with keys that are greater than 'a'
for await (const [key, value] of db.iterator({ gt: 'a' })) {
console.log(value) // 2
Relevant log output
No response
Stack Trace (
Bun v1.1.8 (89d2580) on windows x86_64 [AutoCommand]
error: No native build was found for platform=linux arch=x64 runtime=node abi=115 uv=1 libc=glibc node=22.3.0
loaded from: /root/windvane2/F:\Project\NodeScript\node_modules\classic-level
How can we reproduce the crash?
when i write bun index.ts
JavaScript/TypeScript code that reproduces the crash?
Relevant log output
No response
Stack Trace (
Bun v1.1.8 (
) on windows x86_64 [AutoCommand]Segmentation fault at address 0x7FFD57FABAE0
in ntdll.dll0x5dbab
in ntdll.dll0x5da8d
in ntdll.dll0x1e3bb
in KERNEL32.DLL0x205bc
in ucrtbase.dll0x2045f
in ucrtbase.dllGlobal.zig:123