oven-sh / bun

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nuxt with bun has crashed #11808

Open jsiwa opened 2 weeks ago

jsiwa commented 2 weeks ago

How can we reproduce the crash?

{ "name": "nuxt-app", "private": true, "type": "module", "scripts": { "build": "nuxt build", "dev": "nuxt dev", "generate": "nuxt generate", "preview": "nuxt preview", "postinstall": "nuxt prepare" }, "dependencies": { "@nuxt/image": "^1.7.0", "@nuxt/ui": "^2.16.0", "@vueuse/nuxt": "^10.11.0", "nuxt": "^3.12.1", "vue": "^3.4.27", "vue-router": "^4.3.3" } }

Relevant log output

bun --bun run dev
$ nuxt dev
Nuxt 3.12.1 with Nitro 2.9.6                                                                                              11:05:13 PM
                                                                                                                          11:05:13 PM
  ➜ Local:    http://localhost:3000/
  ➜ Network:  use --host to expose

 WARN                                                                                                                     11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - As of Tailwind CSS v2.2, lightBlue has been renamed to sky.                                                 11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.                                                     11:05:15 PM

 WARN                                                                                                                     11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - As of Tailwind CSS v3.0, warmGray has been renamed to stone.                                                11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.                                                     11:05:15 PM

 WARN                                                                                                                     11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - As of Tailwind CSS v3.0, trueGray has been renamed to neutral.                                              11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.                                                     11:05:15 PM

 WARN                                                                                                                     11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - As of Tailwind CSS v3.0, coolGray has been renamed to gray.                                                 11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.                                                     11:05:15 PM

 WARN                                                                                                                     11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - As of Tailwind CSS v3.0, blueGray has been renamed to slate.                                                11:05:15 PM

 WARN  warn - Update your configuration file to silence this warning.                                                     11:05:15 PM

ℹ Using default Tailwind CSS file                                                                       nuxt:tailwindcss 11:05:16 PM
ℹ Tailwind Viewer: http://localhost:3000/_tailwind/                                                     nuxt:tailwindcss 11:05:17 PM
ℹ Re-optimizing dependencies because lockfile has changed                                                                11:05:19 PM
ℹ Vite server warmed up in 4197ms                                                                                        11:05:25 PM
✔ Nuxt Nitro server built in 1320 ms
Bun v1.1.13 (bd6a6051) macOS x64
Args: "node" "/Users/jsiwa/Documents/projects/webapp/node_modules/.bin/nuxt" "dev"
Features: jsc Bun.stderr Bun.stdin(4) Bun.stdout fetch http_server spawn(3) transpiler_cache(22) tsconfig_paths(14) tsconfig(31)
Builtins: "bun:jsc" "bun:main" "detect-libc" "node:assert" "node:async_hooks" "node:buffer" "node:child_process" "node:constants" "node:crypto" "node:dns" "node:events" "node:fs" "node:fs/promises" "node:http" "node:https" "node:module" "node:net" "node:os" "node:path" "node:perf_hooks" "node:process" "node:querystring" "node:readline" "node:stream" "node:stream/promises" "node:string_decoder" "node:tls" "node:tty" "node:url" "node:util" "node:util/types" "node:vm" "node:zlib" "node:worker_threads" "ws" "node:v8"
Elapsed: 15326ms | User: 16269ms | Sys: 1725ms
RSS: 0.97GB | Peak: 0.97GB | Commit: 0.65GB | Faults: 6

panic: Segmentation fault at address 0x1A
oh no: Bun has crashed. This indicates a bug in Bun, not your code.

To send a redacted crash report to Bun's team,
please file a GitHub issue using the link below:


error: script "dev" was terminated by signal SIGILL (Illegal instruction)
[1]    74451 illegal hardware instruction  bun --bun run dev

Stack Trace (bun.report)

Bun v1.1.13 (bd6a605) on macos x86_64 [RunAsNodeCommand]

Segmentation fault at address 0x0000001A

Features: jsc, Bun.stdin, Bun.stdout, dotenv, http_server, spawn, transpiler_cache, tsconfig_paths, tsconfig

houssemFat commented 1 week ago

I have the same issue. It crashes when we refactor (rename) or delete a file from the source directory.

jukbot commented 1 day ago

Same issue here, crash when hot reload the server.