Node as well as some other popular scripting languages runtime (PHP, Python...) provide an API to embed the engine in other programming languages (C, C++, Go) as a dynamic or shared library.
What is the feature you are proposing to solve the problem?
Exposing Bun as a library usable in programs able to call libraries using the C conventions (almost all existing programming languages).
What is the problem this feature would solve?
Node as well as some other popular scripting languages runtime (PHP, Python...) provide an API to embed the engine in other programming languages (C, C++, Go) as a dynamic or shared library.
What is the feature you are proposing to solve the problem?
Exposing Bun as a library usable in programs able to call libraries using the C conventions (almost all existing programming languages).
Calling Zig from C looks possible, but experimental:
What alternatives have you considered?
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