Closed AwesomeKalin closed 2 days ago
import { number, confirm, input } from '@inquirer/prompts'; import type { BunFile } from 'bun'; let randNum: number = Math.round(Math.random() * 10); let attempts: number = 3; let score: number = 0; type Score = { name: string; score: number; } const highScoreLoad: BunFile = Bun.file('./highscore.json'); let highScoreData: { "1": Score; "2": Score; "3": Score; "4": Score; "5": Score; } = { "1": { name: '', score: 0, }, "2": { name: '', score: 0, }, "3": { name: '', score: 0, }, "4": { name: '', score: 0, }, "5": { name: '', score: 0, }, }; const printLeaderboard = () => console.log(`Leaderboard:\n1st: ${highScoreData[1].name}, ${highScoreData[1].score} points\n2nd: ${highScoreData[2].name}, ${highScoreData[2].score} points\n3rd: ${highScoreData[3].name}, ${highScoreData[3].score} points\n4th: ${highScoreData[4].name}, ${highScoreData[4].score} points\n5th: ${highScoreData[5].name}, ${highScoreData[5].score} points\n`); if (await highScoreLoad.exists()) { highScoreData = await highScoreLoad.json(); printLeaderboard(); } while (true) { const guess: number | undefined = await number({ message: 'Guess a number between 0-10', required: true, }); if (guess === undefined) { console.log('Please enter a number!'); continue; } if (guess < randNum) { console.log('Too Low!'); attempts--; } if (guess > randNum) { console.log('Too High!'); attempts--; } if (guess === randNum) { console.log('Correct!'); score++; await playAgain(true); } if (attempts === 0) { console.log(`Incorrect! The number was ${randNum}`); await saveScore(score); score = 0; await playAgain(false); } } async function playAgain(ifSuccess: boolean) { printLeaderboard(); if (await confirm({ message: 'Do you want to play again?' })) { attempts = 3; randNum = Math.round(Math.random() * 10); } else { if (ifSuccess) { await saveScore(score); } process.exit(0); } } async function saveScore(score: number) { let name: string; if (score >= highScoreData[5].score) { name = await input({ message: 'You\'re on the leaderboard! Please enter your name to be added to it!', required: true, }); } else { return; } if (score >= highScoreData[1].score) { highScoreData[5] = highScoreData[4]; highScoreData[4] = highScoreData[3]; highScoreData[3] = highScoreData[2]; highScoreData[2] = highScoreData[1]; highScoreData[1] = { name, score }; } else if (score >= highScoreData[2].score) { highScoreData[5] = highScoreData[4]; highScoreData[4] = highScoreData[3]; highScoreData[3] = highScoreData[2]; highScoreData[2] = { name, score }; } else if (score >= highScoreData[3].score) { highScoreData[5] = highScoreData[4]; highScoreData[4] = highScoreData[3]; highScoreData[3] = { name, score }; } else if (score >= highScoreData[4].score) { highScoreData[5] = highScoreData[4]; highScoreData[4] = { name, score }; } else if (score >= highScoreData[5].score) { highScoreData[5] = { name, score }; } await Bun.write('./highscore.json', JSON.stringify(highScoreData)); return; }
Bun always crashes after a certain amount of guesses
Bun v1.1.34 (5e5e7c6) on windows x86_64 [AutoCommand]
Segmentation fault at address 0x00000005
Features: Bun.stderr, Bun.stdin, Bun.stdout, fetch, jsc, spawn, transpiler_cache, tsconfig, tsconfig_paths, tsconfig_paths
Sentry Issue: BUN-85
duplicate of
How can we reproduce the crash?
Bun always crashes after a certain amount of guesses
Relevant log output
Stack Trace (
Bun v1.1.34 (
) on windows x86_64 [AutoCommand]Segmentation fault at address 0x00000005
Features: Bun.stderr, Bun.stdin, Bun.stdout, fetch, jsc, spawn, transpiler_cache, tsconfig, tsconfig_paths, tsconfig_paths
Sentry Issue: BUN-85