oven-sh / bun

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`error: IsDir` when running `bun install` #168

Closed jamiehaywood closed 2 years ago

jamiehaywood commented 2 years ago

Platform: MacOS 11.6.5

Crash log:

error: IsDir

–––– bun meta ––––
Bun v0.0.82 macOS x64 20.6.0
Elapsed: 1ms | User: 1ms | Sys: 4ms
RSS: 3.06MB | Peak: 3.06MB | Commit: 0.27GB | Faults: 195
–––– bun meta ––––

Ask for #help in https://bun.sh/discord or go to https://bun.sh/issues
Jarred-Sumner commented 2 years ago

Strange - could you paste the package.json as well?

Most likely, this means somewhere a system call that expects a file is being called on a directory, but the question is where/what

jamiehaywood commented 2 years ago

I've removed identifying information in the package.json & also remove a couple of internal packages:

  "name": "xxx",
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  "description": "xxx",
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  "author": "xxx",
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    "start": "concurrently --kill-others --raw \"npm run build:app:watch\" \"npm run serve:app -- --env=$env\"",
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    "debug": "concurrently --kill-others --raw \"npm run build:app:watch\" \"npm run serve:app:debug -- --env=$env\"",
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    "############ Miscellaneous ############": "#########################################",
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jamiehaywood commented 2 years ago

I also apologise for the obscene amount of deps and devDeps - I've just inherited this project 🤦🏻‍♂️

Jarred-Sumner commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I'll take a look

maheshjag commented 2 years ago

This is the first error that I hit when I ran bun install as well 😢

error: IsDir

–––– bun meta ––––
Bun v0.1.4 macOS Silicon 21.5.0
Elapsed: 11ms | User: 5ms | Sys: 3ms
RSS: 5.05MB | Peak: 5.05MB | Commit: 69.22MB | Faults: 2
–––– bun meta ––––
jamiehaywood commented 2 years ago

@Jarred-Sumner - I appreciate you're v. busy with the public release and all. Could you point me in the direction of how I could debug this? I've tried using --verbose but it errors before printing anything.

Jarred-Sumner commented 2 years ago

Can you narrow it down to which package is the cause?

jamiehaywood commented 2 years ago

so here's a couple of steps I went through:

  1. Remove node_modules
  2. Remove yarn.lock
  3. Remove all nesting in src/ (i.e. no src/client src/server etc.)
  4. Remove all packages in package.json
  5. Remove build folder

Still got the same error, except I had a different number of faults. This is odd because when I use bun in a completely fresh node project on the same machine, it works perfectly.

jamiehaywood commented 2 years ago

ok, I've isolated it to the .env folder that we have in our repo.

jamiehaywood commented 2 years ago

so on install, bun looks for a plaintext .env file - https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/blob/c3bf97002d6f0b117060dabf2aa281eedd85b7fd/src/env_loader.zig and then tries to parse it. If .env is a folder, it will fall over.

As a quick fix to this, perhaps there should be a check in here to make sure it's a file not a folder, and then throw an error if it's a folder.

A more robust solution would be to do a folder check and then parse the .env files inside the folder

Jarred-Sumner commented 2 years ago

Are .env folders a thing? Can you link me to read about it somewhere? I have not seen this before

At the very least, it will no longer panic https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/commit/d8f40e080da54ce2cd91eb40898cb86ef22a58a5

jamiehaywood commented 2 years ago

hi @Jarred-Sumner - I don't think commit https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/commit/d8f40e080da54ce2cd91eb40898cb86ef22a58a5 fixed this. Am still getting this:

error: IsDir

----- bun meta -----
Bun v0.1.11 (c7874ed3) macOS x64 21.6.0
Elapsed: 3ms | User: 5ms | Sys: 7ms
RSS: 4.09MB | Peak: 4.09MB | Commit: 69.21MB | Faults: 0
----- bun meta -----
bluet commented 1 year ago

I'm still getting this. The issue still exists in bun 0.5.9

$ bun install

error: IsDir

----- bun meta -----
Bun v0.5.9 (f3ab445c) Linux x64 #77-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 21 14:02:37 UTC 2023
Elapsed: 1ms | User: 0ms | Sys: 4ms
RSS: 34.61MB | Peak: 10.31MB | Commit: 34.61MB | Faults: 0
----- bun meta -----

0   0x555b15fa6a2b

Crash report saved to:

Search GitHub issues https://bun.sh/issues or ask for #help in https://bun.sh/discord

$ bun -v

Thanks to this thread, I've located the problem is due to the existence of a .env/ folder in the project root.

Renaming .env/ to something else solved the problem.

jamiehaywood commented 1 year ago

request to reopen?