Closed alyiev closed 1 week ago
I think i found the bug, usually people do
COPY package*.json ./
and dont copy the bun.lockb
i changed it to
COPY package.json bun.lockb ./
and now it works
yeah if you're not copying a lockfile, it's going to have to re-resolve everything and that takes time
Having this exact same issue here with only these packages
"devDependencies": { "@sveltejs/adapter-auto": "^2.0.0", "@sveltejs/kit": "^1.20.4", "@types/chrome": "^0.0.243", "@types/node": "^20.3.2", "@types/zxcvbn": "^4.4.1", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.45.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.45.0", "autoprefixer": "^10.4.14", "daisyui": "^3.1.6", "eslint": "^8.28.0", "eslint-plugin-svelte": "^2.30.0", "postcss": "^8.4.24", "svelte": "^4.0.0", "svelte-check": "^3.4.3", "sveltekit-adapter-chrome-extension": "^2.0.0", "tailwindcss": "^3.3.2", "tslib": "^2.4.1", "typescript": "^5.0.0", "vite": "^4.3.6" }, "type": "module", "dependencies": { "@macfja/svelte-persistent-store": "^2.3.1", "@sveu/browser": "^0.20.0", "@types/bytebuffer": "^5.0.44", "@types/dom-view-transitions": "^1.0.5", "browserify-zlib": "^0.2.0", "buffer": "^6.0.3", "bytebuffer": "^5.0.1", "events": "^3.3.0", "process": "^0.11.10", "stream-browserify": "^3.0.0", "util": "^0.12.5", "fast-sha256": "^1.1.0", "tweetnacl-util": "^0.15.0", "vite-plugin-require": "^1.1.10", "zxcvbn": "^4.4.2" }
Same here, I’m using bun install on Xcode Cloud: Stuck / Timout. Obviously I can’t change any DNS settings.
Tried with and without the bun.lockb
. Either way are overpassing 50min for me. Only inside the docker. On the m2 is working fine
For me, changing my DNS server actually resolved the problem!
It works for me too. I turn off cloudfare and it works like a champ.
I encountered a similar issue with bun getting stuck on the resolve phase. I tried the "disable ipv6" fix but it did not work. Then I noticed i didn’t get the problem when running the install from the webstorm notification…
It turns out bun install is fast (~500ms) when launched from bash, but slooooow (>30s, killed the process) when launched from the fish shell. No idea why. I’m on ubuntu 22, no docker.
PS: my fish shell is launched from my .bashrc, if that may help
Here it continues to bother me. Just 4 packages, it took 10min to install, while npm was 3s. macOS Sonoma, Zsh, bun 1.1.27.
same for me 😅 => 411s
Same here. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes might take a very long time then timeout.
@choopk if you do
rm -rf ~/.bun/install node_modules bun.lockb
in your project, does that help?
Welp... this works 😅
Tried everything in the thread. bun install on v1.1.29 still not working on arm64 macbook
After updating my system to macOS Sequoia and Bun to version 1.1.29, the situation has worsened. Since I rely on Bun as my primary JavaScript runtime, this issue is incredibly frustrating!
@Jarred-Sumner hi, maybe it's a good time to re-open issue and fix it? People still facing it
i got same problem when using bun, but trying to use npm that work
when I encounter this issue, I just turn the Wi-Fi off and on, and it works.
I first experienced this a long time ago, but with version 1.1.29, it happened again once.
By the way, I'm using macOS Sonoma.
Here is part of the debug info about running Bun 1.1.30-debug to install dependencies for a newly created SvelteKit project. I'm trying addressing the issue, but I don't have any guarantees 😬
🔍 typescript [9/19] [SYS] write(7[/home/chardon/.bun/install/cache/#75636696 (deleted)], 1159280) = 1159280 0.600ms
[SYS] unlinkat(15[/home/chardon/.bun/install/cache], 6265852b2c80259f.npm) = 0
[SYS] close(7[/home/chardon/.bun/install/cache/#75636696 (deleted)])
[alloc] destroy(SaveTask) = src.install.npm.PackageManifest.Serializer.saveAsync.SaveTask@2000e2a05c0
🔍 typescript [9/19] [fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@20002cd8800
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m11.569ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@2000231ac00
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329583360)
🔍 vite [10/20] [fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@20002cd0e80
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m22.224ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002318800
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329583072)
[fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026de500
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m30.699ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002317c00
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329582976)
[fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026dbc80
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m40.34ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002317000
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329582880)
[fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026d9400
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m52.229ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002316400
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329582784)
[fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026d4300
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m61.59ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002314c00
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329582592)
[fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026d1a80
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m71.275ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002314000
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329582496)
🔍 eslint [16/26] [fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216f100
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m80.264ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002313400
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329582400)
[fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216c880
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m89.888ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002310400
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329582304)
[fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216a000
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m99.474ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002311000
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329582208)
[fetch] Timeout
[alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@20002167780
[fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m113.508ms
[alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002312800
[uws] us_socket_close(133216329582112)
[alloc] new(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002312800
[uws] connect(, 7890)
[alloc] new(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002311000
[uws] connect(, 7890)
[alloc] new(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002310400
[uws] connect(, 7890)
[alloc] new(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002313400
[uws] connect(, 7890)
[fetch] Processed 4 tasks
[fetch] Connected
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@7, 103) = 103
[fetch] Connected
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@e, 103) = 103
[fetch] Connected
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@12, 103) = 103
[fetch] Connected
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@13, 103) = 103
[fetch] onData 39
[alloc] new(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@20002167780
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@7, 537) = 537
[fetch] onData 39
[alloc] new(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216a000
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@e, 517) = 517
[fetch] onData 39
[alloc] new(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216c880
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@12, 517) = 517
[fetch] onData 39
[alloc] new(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216f100
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@13, 517) = 517
[fetch] onData 3034
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@e, 93) = 93
[fetch] onData 3036
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@7, 93) = 93
[fetch] onData 3034
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@12, 93) = 93
[fetch] onData 3035
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@13, 93) = 93
🔍 @sveltejs/adapter-auto [20/30] [fetch] onData 258
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@e, 310) = 310
[fetch] onData 258
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@7, 302) = 302
[fetch] onData 258
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@13, 320) = 320
[fetch] onData 258
[uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@12, 304) = 304
[fetch] onData 380
[fetch] onData decoded 351
[fetch] handleResponseMetadata: content_length is null and transfer_encoding src.http.Encoding.identity
[fetch] onData 379
[fetch] onData decoded 350
[fetch] handleResponseMetadata: content_length is null and transfer_encoding src.http.Encoding.identity
[fetch] onData 380
[fetch] onData decoded 351
[fetch] handleResponseMetadata: content_length is null and transfer_encoding src.http.Encoding.identity
[fetch] onData 379
[fetch] onData decoded 350
[fetch] handleResponseMetadata: content_length is null and transfer_encoding src.http.Encoding.identity
cc @cirospaciari , looks like it's related to proxy tunnel
Here is part of the debug info about running Bun 1.1.30-debug to install dependencies for a newly created SvelteKit project. I'm trying addressing the issue, but I don't have any guarantees 😬
🔍 typescript [9/19] [SYS] write(7[/home/chardon/.bun/install/cache/#75636696 (deleted)], 1159280) = 1159280 0.600ms [SYS] unlinkat(15[/home/chardon/.bun/install/cache], 6265852b2c80259f.npm) = 0 [SYS] close(7[/home/chardon/.bun/install/cache/#75636696 (deleted)]) [alloc] destroy(SaveTask) = src.install.npm.PackageManifest.Serializer.saveAsync.SaveTask@2000e2a05c0 🔍 typescript [9/19] [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@20002cd8800 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m11.569ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@2000231ac00 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329583360) 🔍 vite [10/20] [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@20002cd0e80 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m22.224ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002318800 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329583072) [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026de500 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m30.699ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002317c00 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329582976) [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026dbc80 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m40.34ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002317000 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329582880) [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026d9400 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m52.229ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002316400 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329582784) [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026d4300 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m61.59ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002314c00 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329582592) [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@200026d1a80 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m71.275ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002314000 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329582496) 🔍 eslint [16/26] [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216f100 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m80.264ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002313400 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329582400) [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216c880 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m89.888ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002310400 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329582304) [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216a000 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m99.474ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002311000 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329582208) [fetch] Timeout [alloc] destroy(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@20002167780 [fetch] onAsyncHTTPCallback: 5m113.508ms [alloc] destroy(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002312800 [uws] us_socket_close(133216329582112) [alloc] new(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002312800 [uws] connect(, 7890) [alloc] new(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002311000 [uws] connect(, 7890) [alloc] new(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002310400 [uws] connect(, 7890) [alloc] new(ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP) = src.http.ThreadlocalAsyncHTTP@20002313400 [uws] connect(, 7890) [fetch] Processed 4 tasks [fetch] Connected [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@7, 103) = 103 [fetch] Connected [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@e, 103) = 103 [fetch] Connected [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@12, 103) = 103 [fetch] Connected [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@13, 103) = 103 [fetch] onData 39 [alloc] new(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@20002167780 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@7, 537) = 537 [fetch] onData 39 [alloc] new(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216a000 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@e, 517) = 517 [fetch] onData 39 [alloc] new(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216c880 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@12, 517) = 517 [fetch] onData 39 [alloc] new(ProxyTunnel) = src.http.ProxyTunnel@2000216f100 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@13, 517) = 517 [fetch] onData 3034 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@e, 93) = 93 [fetch] onData 3036 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@7, 93) = 93 [fetch] onData 3034 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@12, 93) = 93 [fetch] onData 3035 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@13, 93) = 93 🔍 @sveltejs/adapter-auto [20/30] [fetch] onData 258 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@e, 310) = 310 [fetch] onData 258 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@7, 302) = 302 [fetch] onData 258 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@13, 320) = 320 [fetch] onData 258 [uws] us_socket_write(*anyopaque@12, 304) = 304 [fetch] onData 380 [fetch] onData decoded 351 [fetch] handleResponseMetadata: content_length is null and transfer_encoding src.http.Encoding.identity [fetch] onData 379 [fetch] onData decoded 350 [fetch] handleResponseMetadata: content_length is null and transfer_encoding src.http.Encoding.identity [fetch] onData 380 [fetch] onData decoded 351 [fetch] handleResponseMetadata: content_length is null and transfer_encoding src.http.Encoding.identity [fetch] onData 379 [fetch] onData decoded 350 [fetch] handleResponseMetadata: content_length is null and transfer_encoding src.http.Encoding.identity
Issue is still up
Encountering the same issue. Since upgrading to Sonoma, bun install
, bun add
, or other similar operations are taking many orders of magnitude longer than they should. Would be great to have a fix for this in next release.
I'm using Cloudflare Warp on Ubuntu, need to disable it to make it work.
❯ npx @mancuoj/prettier-config
Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y)
Installing required packages: prettier, @mancuoj/prettier-config
bun add v1.1.30 (7996d06b)
installed prettier@3.3.3 with binaries:
- prettier
installed @mancuoj/prettier-config@0.2.0 with binaries:
- prettier-config
14 packages installed [60.66s]
✔ Prettier setup successfully!
still exist on macOS15, can someone check it?
My first time doing a bun expo app installation. Was very slow on a Macbook arm64 Ventura 13.6. What can be the issue?
Update: Issue solved by upgrading to canary.
I just tried Bun compiled from the main branch, it still exists.
Btw update
seems not affected, only install
and add
. Is there any difference between the fetching of update
and install
Running into this using Mac Sequoia 15.0 and bun latest. The project only has 12 dependencies and the installation step took 423.8s to complete but using yarn it took 19.9s.
There are enough reports of this that I think we should re-open the issue and investigate what's going on.
That being said, we're going to need a way to consistently reproduce this
If you're running into this issue, can you provide a reproduction?
I tried to debug days back, but it just ended up ticking endlessly on uWebSocket.
If you're running into this issue, can you provide a reproduction?
This issue appears when there are many cached packages in ~/.bun/install/cache
And it just gets stuck on bun install
or bun add <packages>
, but bun update
is fine.
Turns out, bun install
's default simultaneous network connection limit is 256. This limit was meant for the runtime where the idea of fetch
limiting the number of simultaneous requests is somewhat confusing (it is unfortunately necessary for overall system stability), but for install - it's way too high. Especially when you're potentially downloading megabytes of tarballs simultaneously. It will make each individual network request very slow and potentially use more memory than it should since it will be storing more in-flight requests.
In #14755, I made the default limit 48. | npm client | default limit |
npm v10 | 20 | |
pnpm | 16 | |
yarn berry | 50 | |
bun install < v1.1.33 | 256 | |
bun install > v1.1.33 | 48 |
When a proxy is detected, we reduce the limit to 16.
To configure the limit, I've also added a --network-concurrency=<num>
flag (to go with the BUN_CONFIG_MAX_HTTP_REQUESTS
env var) to override this
From testing in the test
folder in bun's repo on 800mbps internet, 40-50 seems to be the sweet spot. 16 makes it statistically slower. More than 50 doesn't make it faster. It looks like about 400ms of time is spent in the HTTP thread decompressing brotli responses, which implies we should move that to the other thread.
Thank you for taking time on solving the issue! Much appreciate it!
Actually I'm using a proxy all the time, so such issue could be obvious for me. 🤔
Chinese users use proxy every time, the limit on proxy seems unacceptable
The assumption I’m making for proxies is that a proxy has a much lower limit than what would normally work well. You can manually verify this with BUN_CONFIG_MAX_HTTP_REQUESTS=16
in any recent version of Bun. What number for that environment variable installs fastest for you?
Make sure to rm -rf node_modules bun.lockb ~/.bun/install/cache
between runs and pass --ignore-scripts
to reduce noise
You can manually verify this with BUN_CONFIG_MAX_HTTP_REQUESTS=16 in any recent version of Bun. What number for that environment variable installs fastest for you?
Have been testing on a newly created Astro project.
The network condition fluctuates here, but I got some brief results that 16
is slow (~2 min), 48
takes ~30 sec, and 60
seems the best (~23 sec).
@Jarred-Sumner Hmm, curious. Bun used to work fine for me. I only started seeing the issues after upgrading to Mac Sequoia. Does Sequoia handle connections differently that would have caused 256 connections to saturate the network?
@Jarred-Sumner Something still not quite right here. Yarn takes 20s to resolve and download, so far bun has taken 2+ minutes and counting. So looks like the max http requests was not the whole solution.
I started doubting that it's an issue from proxies. This issue did not happen when I was using Bun on a virtual server in SF over ssh.
Also, I set the max request limit to 60 and it feels better (16 is kinda slow).
What platform is your computer?
Darwin 22.6.0 arm64 arm
How did you attempt to install or upgrade?
bun install
What do you see instead?
bun install bun install v0.7.3 (a9b3d583)
1373 packages installed [2419.37s] Internet connection is fine. yarn 3 took 30 sec(clean install)
Additional information
Trying to install those packages: