oven-sh / bun

Incredibly fast JavaScript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager – all in one
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bunx create-next-app fails to create next app - Multiple packages are failing #4813

Open iam-hussain opened 1 year ago

iam-hussain commented 1 year ago

What version of Bun is running?


What platform is your computer?

Darwin 22.5.0 x86_64 i386

What steps can reproduce the bug?

Run bunx create-next-app ✔ What is your project named? my-app ✔ Would you like to use TypeScript? Yes ✔ Would you like to use ESLint? Yes ✔ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? Yes ✔ Would you like to use src/ directory? Yes ✔ Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) Yes ✔ Would you like to customize the default import alias? No

Creating a new Next.js app in ....


What is the expected behavior?

Create the NEXT JS application successfully and I will be able to run bun run dev

What do you see instead?

On bun run dev

bun run dev
$ next dev
/bin/bash: next: command not found
error: script "dev" exited with code 127

Additional information


bunx create-next-app
✔ What is your project named? … my-app
✔ Would you like to use TypeScript? … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to use ESLint? … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to use `src/` directory? … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) … No / Yes
✔ Would you like to customize the default import alias? … No / Yes
Creating a new Next.js app in /Volumes/Code/my-app.

Using bun.

Initializing project with template: app-tw

Installing dependencies:
- react
- react-dom
- next
- typescript
- @types/react
- @types/node
- @types/react-dom
- tailwindcss
- postcss
- autoprefixer
- eslint
- eslint-config-next

bun add v1.0.0 (822a00c4)
error: Unexpected installing @types/node
error: Unexpected installing @types/react
error: Unexpected installing @types/react-dom
error: Unexpected installing autoprefixer
error: Unexpected installing eslint
error: Unexpected installing eslint-config-next
error: Unexpected installing next
error: Unexpected installing postcss
error: Unexpected installing react
error: Unexpected installing react-dom
error: Unexpected installing tailwindcss
error: Unexpected installing typescript
error: Unexpected installing @types/prop-types
error: Unexpected installing @types/scheduler
error: Unexpected installing csstype
error: Unexpected installing browserslist
error: Unexpected installing caniuse-lite
error: Unexpected installing fraction.js
error: Unexpected installing normalize-range
error: Unexpected installing picocolors
error: Unexpected installing postcss-value-parser
error: Unexpected installing @eslint-community/eslint-utils
error: Unexpected installing @eslint-community/regexpp
error: Unexpected installing @eslint/eslintrc
error: Unexpected installing @eslint/js
error: Unexpected installing @humanwhocodes/config-array
error: Unexpected installing @humanwhocodes/module-importer
error: Unexpected installing @nodelib/fs.walk
error: Unexpected installing ajv
error: Unexpected installing chalk
error: Unexpected installing cross-spawn
error: Unexpected installing debug
error: Unexpected installing doctrine
error: Unexpected installing escape-string-regexp
error: Unexpected installing eslint-scope
error: Unexpected installing eslint-visitor-keys
error: Unexpected installing espree
error: Unexpected installing esquery
error: Unexpected installing esutils
error: Unexpected installing fast-deep-equal
error: Unexpected installing file-entry-cache
error: Unexpected installing find-up
error: Unexpected installing glob-parent
error: Unexpected installing globals
error: Unexpected installing graphemer
error: Unexpected installing ignore
error: Unexpected installing imurmurhash
error: Unexpected installing is-glob
error: Unexpected installing is-path-inside
error: Unexpected installing js-yaml
error: Unexpected installing json-stable-stringify-without-jsonify
error: Unexpected installing levn
error: Unexpected installing lodash.merge
error: Unexpected installing minimatch
error: Unexpected installing natural-compare
error: Unexpected installing optionator
error: Unexpected installing strip-ansi
error: Unexpected installing text-table
error: Unexpected installing @next/eslint-plugin-next
error: Unexpected installing @rushstack/eslint-patch
error: Unexpected installing @typescript-eslint/parser
error: Unexpected installing eslint-import-resolver-node
error: Unexpected installing eslint-import-resolver-typescript
error: Unexpected installing eslint-plugin-import
error: Unexpected installing eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y
error: Unexpected installing eslint-plugin-react
error: Unexpected installing eslint-plugin-react-hooks
error: Unexpected installing @next/env
error: Unexpected installing @swc/helpers
error: Unexpected installing busboy
error: Unexpected installing styled-jsx
error: Unexpected installing watchpack
error: Unexpected installing zod
error: Unexpected installing @next/swc-darwin-x64
error: Unexpected installing nanoid
error: Unexpected installing source-map-js
error: Unexpected installing loose-envify
error: Unexpected installing scheduler
error: Unexpected installing @alloc/quick-lru
error: Unexpected installing arg
error: Unexpected installing chokidar
error: Unexpected installing didyoumean
error: Unexpected installing dlv
error: Unexpected installing fast-glob
error: Unexpected installing jiti
error: Unexpected installing lilconfig
error: Unexpected installing micromatch
error: Unexpected installing normalize-path
error: Unexpected installing object-hash
error: Unexpected installing postcss-import
error: Unexpected installing postcss-js
error: Unexpected installing postcss-load-config
error: Unexpected installing postcss-nested
error: Unexpected installing postcss-selector-parser
error: Unexpected installing resolve
error: Unexpected installing sucrase
error: Unexpected installing electron-to-chromium
error: Unexpected installing node-releases
error: Unexpected installing update-browserslist-db
error: Unexpected installing import-fresh
error: Unexpected installing strip-json-comments
error: Unexpected installing @humanwhocodes/object-schema
error: Unexpected installing @nodelib/fs.scandir
error: Unexpected installing fastq
error: Unexpected installing fast-json-stable-stringify
error: Unexpected installing json-schema-traverse
error: Unexpected installing uri-js
error: Unexpected installing ansi-styles
error: Unexpected installing supports-color
error: Unexpected installing path-key
error: Unexpected installing shebang-command
error: Unexpected installing which
error: Unexpected installing ms
error: Unexpected installing esrecurse
error: Unexpected installing estraverse
error: Unexpected installing acorn
error: Unexpected installing acorn-jsx
error: Unexpected installing flat-cache
error: Unexpected installing locate-path
error: Unexpected installing path-exists
error: Unexpected installing type-fest
error: Unexpected installing is-extglob
error: Unexpected installing argparse
error: Unexpected installing prelude-ls
error: Unexpected installing type-check
error: Unexpected installing brace-expansion
error: Unexpected installing deep-is
error: Unexpected installing @aashutoshrathi/word-wrap
error: Unexpected installing fast-levenshtein
error: Unexpected installing ansi-regex
error: Unexpected installing glob
error: Unexpected installing @typescript-eslint/scope-manager
error: Unexpected installing @typescript-eslint/types
error: Unexpected installing @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree
error: Unexpected installing @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys
error: Unexpected installing is-core-module
error: Unexpected installing enhanced-resolve
error: Unexpected installing eslint-module-utils
error: Unexpected installing get-tsconfig
error: Unexpected installing array-includes
error: Unexpected installing array.prototype.findlastindex
error: Unexpected installing array.prototype.flat
error: Unexpected installing array.prototype.flatmap
error: Unexpected installing has
error: Unexpected installing object.fromentries
error: Unexpected installing object.groupby
error: Unexpected installing object.values
error: Unexpected installing semver
error: Unexpected installing tsconfig-paths
error: Unexpected installing @babel/runtime
error: Unexpected installing aria-query
error: Unexpected installing ast-types-flow
error: Unexpected installing axe-core
error: Unexpected installing axobject-query
error: Unexpected installing damerau-levenshtein
error: Unexpected installing emoji-regex
error: Unexpected installing jsx-ast-utils
error: Unexpected installing language-tags
error: Unexpected installing object.entries
error: Unexpected installing array.prototype.tosorted
error: Unexpected installing es-iterator-helpers
error: Unexpected installing object.hasown
error: Unexpected installing prop-types
error: Unexpected installing string.prototype.matchall
error: Unexpected installing tslib
error: Unexpected installing streamsearch
error: Unexpected installing client-only
error: Unexpected installing glob-to-regexp
error: Unexpected installing graceful-fs
error: Unexpected installing js-tokens
error: Unexpected installing anymatch
error: Unexpected installing braces
error: Unexpected installing is-binary-path
error: Unexpected installing readdirp
error: Unexpected installing fsevents
error: Unexpected installing @nodelib/fs.stat
error: Unexpected installing merge2
error: Unexpected installing picomatch
error: Unexpected installing read-cache
error: Unexpected installing camelcase-css
error: Unexpected installing yaml
error: Unexpected installing cssesc
error: Unexpected installing util-deprecate
error: Unexpected installing path-parse
error: Unexpected installing supports-preserve-symlinks-flag
error: Unexpected installing @jridgewell/gen-mapping
error: Unexpected installing commander
error: Unexpected installing lines-and-columns
error: Unexpected installing mz
error: Unexpected installing pirates
error: Unexpected installing ts-interface-checker
error: Unexpected installing escalade
error: Unexpected installing parent-module
error: Unexpected installing resolve-from
error: Unexpected installing run-parallel
error: Unexpected installing reusify
error: Unexpected installing punycode
error: Unexpected installing color-convert
error: Unexpected installing has-flag
error: Unexpected installing shebang-regex
error: Unexpected installing isexe
error: Unexpected installing flatted
error: Unexpected installing keyv
error: Unexpected installing rimraf
error: Unexpected installing p-locate
error: Unexpected installing balanced-match
error: Unexpected installing concat-map
error: Unexpected installing fs.realpath
error: Unexpected installing inflight
error: Unexpected installing inherits
error: Unexpected installing once
error: Unexpected installing path-is-absolute
error: Unexpected installing globby
error: Unexpected installing ts-api-utils
error: Unexpected installing tapable
error: Unexpected installing resolve-pkg-maps
error: Unexpected installing call-bind
error: Unexpected installing define-properties
error: Unexpected installing es-abstract
error: Unexpected installing get-intrinsic
error: Unexpected installing is-string
error: Unexpected installing es-shim-unscopables
error: Unexpected installing function-bind
error: Unexpected installing @types/json5
error: Unexpected installing json5
error: Unexpected installing minimist
error: Unexpected installing strip-bom
error: Unexpected installing regenerator-runtime
error: Unexpected installing dequal
error: Unexpected installing object.assign
error: Unexpected installing language-subtag-registry
error: Unexpected installing asynciterator.prototype
error: Unexpected installing es-set-tostringtag
error: Unexpected installing globalthis
error: Unexpected installing has-property-descriptors
error: Unexpected installing has-proto
error: Unexpected installing has-symbols
error: Unexpected installing internal-slot
error: Unexpected installing iterator.prototype
error: Unexpected installing safe-array-concat
error: Unexpected installing object-assign
error: Unexpected installing react-is
error: Unexpected installing regexp.prototype.flags
error: Unexpected installing side-channel
error: Unexpected installing fill-range
error: Unexpected installing binary-extensions
error: Unexpected installing pify
error: Unexpected installing @jridgewell/set-array
error: Unexpected installing @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec
error: Unexpected installing @jridgewell/trace-mapping
error: Unexpected installing any-promise
error: Unexpected installing thenify-all
error: Unexpected installing callsites
error: Unexpected installing queue-microtask
error: Unexpected installing color-name
error: Unexpected installing json-buffer
error: Unexpected installing p-limit
error: Unexpected installing wrappy
error: Unexpected installing array-union
error: Unexpected installing dir-glob
error: Unexpected installing slash
error: Unexpected installing lru-cache
error: Unexpected installing object-keys
error: Unexpected installing array-buffer-byte-length
error: Unexpected installing arraybuffer.prototype.slice
error: Unexpected installing available-typed-arrays
error: Unexpected installing es-to-primitive
error: Unexpected installing function.prototype.name
error: Unexpected installing get-symbol-description
error: Unexpected installing gopd
error: Unexpected installing is-array-buffer
error: Unexpected installing is-callable
error: Unexpected installing is-negative-zero
error: Unexpected installing is-regex
error: Unexpected installing is-shared-array-buffer
error: Unexpected installing is-typed-array
error: Unexpected installing is-weakref
error: Unexpected installing object-inspect
error: Unexpected installing safe-regex-test
error: Unexpected installing string.prototype.trim
error: Unexpected installing string.prototype.trimend
error: Unexpected installing string.prototype.trimstart
error: Unexpected installing typed-array-buffer
error: Unexpected installing typed-array-byte-length
error: Unexpected installing typed-array-byte-offset
error: Unexpected installing typed-array-length
error: Unexpected installing unbox-primitive
error: Unexpected installing which-typed-array
error: Unexpected installing has-tostringtag
error: Unexpected installing reflect.getprototypeof
error: Unexpected installing isarray
error: Unexpected installing functions-have-names
error: Unexpected installing to-regex-range
error: Unexpected installing @jridgewell/resolve-uri
error: Unexpected installing thenify
error: Unexpected installing yocto-queue
error: Unexpected installing path-type
error: Unexpected installing yallist
error: Unexpected installing is-date-object
error: Unexpected installing is-symbol
error: Unexpected installing for-each
error: Unexpected installing has-bigints
error: Unexpected installing which-boxed-primitive
error: Unexpected installing which-builtin-type
error: Unexpected installing is-number
error: Unexpected installing is-bigint
error: Unexpected installing is-boolean-object
error: Unexpected installing is-number-object
error: Unexpected installing is-async-function
error: Unexpected installing is-finalizationregistry
error: Unexpected installing is-generator-function
error: Unexpected installing which-collection
error: Unexpected installing is-map
error: Unexpected installing is-set
error: Unexpected installing is-weakmap
error: Unexpected installing is-weakset
error: Unexpected installing postcss
error: Unexpected
 installed react@18.2.0
 installed react-dom@18.2.0
 installed next@13.4.19 with binaries:
  - next
 installed typescript@5.2.2 with binaries:
  - tsc
  - tsserver
 installed @types/react@18.2.21
 installed @types/node@20.6.0
 installed @types/react-dom@18.2.7
 installed tailwindcss@3.3.3 with binaries:
  - tailwind
  - tailwindcss
 installed postcss@8.4.29
 installed autoprefixer@10.4.15 with binaries:
  - autoprefixer
 installed eslint@8.49.0 with binaries:
  - eslint
 installed eslint-config-next@13.4.19

Failed to install 334 packages
 installing minimatch
error: Unexpected installing debug
error: Unexpected installing debug
error: Unexpected installing doctrine
error: Unexpected installing doctrine
error: Unexpected installing resolve
error: Unexpected installing glob-parent
error: Unexpected installing glob-parent
error: Unexpected installing glob
error: Unexpected installing minimatch
error: Unexpected installing semver
error: Unexpected installing ms
error: Unexpected installing debug
error: Unexpected installing ms
error: Unexpected installing minimatch
error: Unexpected installing glob
error: Unexpected installing ms
[32.02s] done
Initialized a git repository.

Success! Created my-app at /Volumes/Code/my-app
kopparam commented 1 year ago

For me it freezes at choosing Typescript. I have to kill the terminal.

➜  bunx create-next-app@latest
✔ What is your project named? … test-bun-1
? Would you like to use TypeScript? › No / Yes
➜  bun --version

OS: Ubuntu 22.04.3

sonyarianto commented 1 year ago

@kopparam refer to this #4664

smsohan commented 1 year ago

Using the oven/bun docker image.

root@0b616bee0a8a:/home/bun/app# bun --version

root@0b616bee0a8a:/home/bun/app# bunx create-next-app@latest

error: SystemResources

----- bun meta -----
Bun v1.0.1 (31aec4eb) Linux x64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.3.11-1rodete2 (2023-08-24)
Elapsed: 19ms | User: 4ms | Sys: 14ms
RSS: 33.55MB | Peak: 19.05MB | Commit: 33.55MB | Faults: 0
----- bun meta -----

0   0x5600a249ae2b
1   ???
2   ???
3   ???
4   ???
5   ???

Crash report saved to:

Search GitHub issues https://bun.sh/issues or ask for #help in https://bun.sh/discord

I was excited to give bun a try and wanted to see how it works for a simple next-js app. Please suggest if there are known workarounds.

rohan3155 commented 7 months ago

everytime after running command to make nextjs app and for react native it start making with yarn

$ bunx create-next-app@latest
error: Script not found "create-next-app@latest"
Jarred-Sumner commented 7 months ago

This is confusing but each of the errors shown here have different causes

The OP's error: Unexpected is very likely fixed by now, as we've made lots of changes in the time since. If it continues to happen, we should have a different error message at least that is more clear.

@rohan3155 it looks like it somehow got into a state where bunx is no longer an alias of bun, or bun is unaware of the existence of bunx. Can you file a separate issue for that and include whether you're running on Linux, macOS, or WIndows?

abdulApp commented 6 months ago

I wrote it like this bunx create next-app@latest instead of bunx create-next-app@latest and it worked with me

rohan3155 commented 6 months ago

create next-app@latest with bunx

When I tried "bunx create-next-app@latest," it said "script not found." However, when I tried "bunx create next-app@latest," it worked. The thing that continues to amaze me is that, even after taking all the requirements, "npm install" rather than "bun install" is used to install the program.

programmersEmperor commented 5 months ago

I wrote it like this bunx create next-app@latest instead of bunx create-next-app@latest and it worked with me

Thanks, your solution is right guys!! run bunx create next-app instead of bunx create-next-app

DavidSerranoFranco commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your help @abdulApp, I was very stressed about the bunx create-next-app command. It is better to use the bunx create next-app command.

Bdisha123 commented 4 months ago

everytime after running command to make nextjs app and for react native it start making with yarn

$ bunx create-next-app@latest
error: Script not found "create-next-app@latest"

have you found any solution?

subhasishdasfreelance commented 4 months ago

Stuck in the same problem

Raiza-Hub commented 3 months ago

everytime after running command to make nextjs app and for react native it start making with yarn

$ bunx create-next-app@latest
error: Script not found "create-next-app@latest"

have you found any solution?

it worked

bunx create next-app@latest

Divyajyoti1820 commented 3 months ago

I wrote it like this bunx create next-app@latest instead of bunx create-next-app@latest and it worked with me

This solution works

fzkhan19 commented 3 months ago

guys that's not a solution as shadcn scripts also rely on bun and it's showing not found there as well, still stuck on this. Previously it was all working fine

Ajeet990 commented 3 months ago

After using "bunx create next-app", it says resolving [1/1] and got stuck. Waiting for any helping hand.