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Support for bun audit (like npm/yarn audit) #5359

Open Calvein opened 9 months ago

Calvein commented 9 months ago

What is the problem this feature would solve?

I'm trying to replace node, yarn & jest with bun and the only missing feature to replace our workflow is an equivalent to yarn audit.

What is the feature you are proposing to solve the problem?

Add bun audit which would work like npm/yarn audit.

What alternatives have you considered?

I run bun install with the --yarn flag to be able to run yarn audit

melroy89 commented 9 months ago

I'm kinda surprised this command is really missing. Or do I miss something?

tomerh2001 commented 9 months ago

+1 Any updates?

melroy89 commented 9 months ago

+1 Any updates?

I don't think it's implemented in v1.0.3 either. So no. No update. Maybe it will be part of any future roadmap?

tomerh2001 commented 9 months ago

+1 Any updates?

I don't think it's implemented in v1.0.3 either. So no. No update. Maybe it will be part of any future roadmap?

Uh I see, do you know of any temporary alternatives we could use until then? Ones that doesn't require a specific pm (I. E. Could be used with bun)

melroy89 commented 9 months ago

Uh I see, do you know of any temporary alternatives we could use until then? Ones that doesn't require a specific pm (I. E. Could be used with bun)

Not really.. but maybe try upgradeps:

bun install upgradeps

And then run (for the audit feature):

bunx upgradeps

Example output:

upgradeps v2.0.6 ─ run with -h to output usage information
✘ typescript 5.0.0 → 5.2.2 minor last publish 1 month ago
  1 dependency 1 minor
alec-c4 commented 7 months ago


LucyEgan commented 7 months ago


MendyLanda commented 6 months ago


avan2s commented 4 months ago

Anything here planned in the next time? Especially bun audit fix would be great like npm audit fix. The package-lock json is touched sometimes and i think the bun.lockb should do as well.

HDVinnie commented 3 months ago

Would love to see this added as well.

jase88 commented 3 months ago

It would be great to have this feature in bun.

Ideally with features that are missing in other package managers, such as the ability to ignore certain security vulnerabilities for the time being by giving a reason (like implemented in npm-audit-resolver)

vhscom commented 2 months ago

Trivy is a useful security scanning tool for polyglot projects. Rather than just running an npm audit you can use Trivy to both audit your JavaScript modules, Dockerfiles, go modules, and more in a single-shot CLI fashion:

 trivy fs /path/to/project # don't make me do stuff
hussain-nz commented 1 month ago

I know it sucks but I found it easier to just stick with npm run audit, of course it doesn't work without package-lock.json but you can generate this effectively with a flag (16 seconds on our Azure CI server) : npm i --package-lock-only

lgarron commented 1 month ago

I know it sucks but I found it easier to just stick with npm run audit, of course it doesn't work without package-lock.json but you can generate this effectively with a flag (16 seconds on our Azure CI server) : npm i --package-lock-only

This sounds like a useful workaround in theory, but it has a huge issue: the package versions in a lockfile that npm would generate at a given moment will not generally match the versions frozen in bun.lockb. This can easily cause a false negative, which is bad for a security feature like this.

This workaround would get a lot more practical if bun had a way to output bun.lockb in package-lock.json format. (I know bun bun.lockb prints the contents, but certainly not in JSON format.) That might also make it more practical for GitHub to index bun.lockb files and support it for Dependabot in the future.

lgarron commented 4 weeks ago

I'm now in a situation where I maintain a repo that has "9 high severity vulnerabilities" but I can't properly audit or upgrade them using bun.

I am fine with this for personal projects, but I'm worried this is borderline-untenable for anyone considering bun for use at work. 😬

If bun documented and supported a canonical way to run an npm audit over a bun.lockb in the near future, this would be a significant stopgap. As mentioned above, it could allow GitHub to integrate with Dependabot in the long-term, which would be a much better experience than finding out about vulnerabilities months too late.

And at least in the short-term it would be possible to set up a GitHub action to run such a check on a schedule in each individual repo for now.

Jarred-Sumner commented 4 weeks ago

If bun documented and supported a canonical way to run an npm audit over a bun.lockb in the near future, this would be a significant stopgap. As mentioned above, it could allow GitHub to integrate with Dependabot in the long-term, which would be a much better experience than finding out about vulnerabilities months too late.

If you run bun bun.lockb, it will produce a yarn v1 yarn.lock file. I wonder if there's a way to get npm audit to run on that?

goamn commented 4 weeks ago

If bun documented and supported a canonical way to run an npm audit over a bun.lockb in the near future, this would be a significant stopgap. As mentioned above, it could allow GitHub to integrate with Dependabot in the long-term, which would be a much better experience than finding out about vulnerabilities months too late.

If you run bun bun.lockb, it will produce a yarn v1 yarn.lock file. I wonder if there's a way to get npm audit to run on that?

I believe yarn v1 does have an audit command: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/cli/audit/

tim-brand commented 4 weeks ago

If bun documented and supported a canonical way to run an npm audit over a bun.lockb in the near future, this would be a significant stopgap. As mentioned above, it could allow GitHub to integrate with Dependabot in the long-term, which would be a much better experience than finding out about vulnerabilities months too late.

If you run bun bun.lockb, it will produce a yarn v1 yarn.lock file. I wonder if there's a way to get npm audit to run on that?

Great suggestion! I tested it, and it works: bun bun.lockb > yarn.lock && yarn audit

lgarron commented 3 weeks ago

If bun documented and supported a canonical way to run an npm audit over a bun.lockb in the near future, this would be a significant stopgap. As mentioned above, it could allow GitHub to integrate with Dependabot in the long-term, which would be a much better experience than finding out about vulnerabilities months too late.

If you run bun bun.lockb, it will produce a yarn v1 yarn.lock file. I wonder if there's a way to get npm audit to run on that?

Great suggestion! I tested it, and it works: bun bun.lockb > yarn.lock && yarn audit

Ah, that's fantastic! 😄

I don't use yarn, so I didn't realize bun bun.lockb was outputting yarn-compatible data!

I'm not a huge fan of having to use yarn in addition to node, npm, and bun, but it's certainly a very good stopgap until bun audit exists!

EDIT: here's a little script I made to avoid writing yarn.lock into repos:

#!/usr/bin/env bun

import { $, spawn } from "bun";
import { cp, mkdtemp, rm } from "node:fs/promises";
import { join } from "node:path";
import { exit } from "node:process";

const tempDir = await mkdtemp("/tmp/bun-audit-temp-");
let exitCode = 0;
try {
  await cp("package.json", join(tempDir, "package.json"));
  await $`bun bun.lockb > ${join(tempDir, "yarn.lock")}`;
  exitCode = await spawn(["bun", "x", "yarn", "--cwd", tempDir, "audit"], {
    stdout: "inherit",
} finally {
  await rm(tempDir, { force: true, recursive: true });

EDIT 2: Published as a package, so you can run: bun x bun-audit Repo at: https://github.com/lgarron/bun-audit

lgarron commented 5 days ago

EDIT 2: Published as a package, so you can run: bun x bun-audit Repo at: https://github.com/lgarron/bun-audit

I've been relying on this for a while, but it's kind of inadequate for addressing vulns.

The ip package has a vulnerability and is unmaintained, which took a while for other projects to work around, e.g. https://github.com/modernweb-dev/web/issues/2747

npm audit fix works if I switch my project to use a package-lock.json file, but I can't figure out how to use bun update to bump enough packages to avoid the vulnerable dep, even if I try to combine it with npx npm-check-updates -u. 😕

A bun audit fix command is critical for real-world projects that wish (or are legally required to) address vulnerabilities in a timely manner.