Open noraj opened 1 year ago
Docker container for testing
FROM oven/bun:1.0.8
COPY data ./
COPY img ./
COPY js ./
COPY make-scripts ./
COPY pug ./
COPY sass ./
COPY bun.lockb ./
COPY gulpfile.mjs ./
COPY package.json ./
RUN bun install
RUN bun run build
CMD ["bun", "run", "server"]
# docker build -t bun-gulp .
# docker run bun-gulp:latest
# docker exec -it fdbc0eb5eeca bash
# root@fdbc0eb5eeca:/home/bun/app# bun run build
git clone && cd awsec-cybersecurity-list
git checkout dev
docker build -t bun-gulp .
docker run bun-gulp:latest
docker exec -it fdbc0eb5eeca bash
root@fdbc0eb5eeca:/home/bun/app# bun run build
root@fdbc0eb5eeca:/home/bun/app# bun run build
$ gulp
[15:08:39] Using gulpfile /home/bun/app/gulpfile.mjs
[15:08:39] Starting 'default'...
[15:08:39] Starting 'clean'...
[15:08:39] The following tasks did not complete: default, clean
[15:08:39] Did you forget to signal async completion?
the same with bun 1.0.35
the same with bun
last worked version 1.0.30
Bun seems to have file permission errors with Gulp. Been dealing with this all morning. Slightly different, but same deal.
I encountered same issue, I got it somehow resolved by doing this
gulp.task("optimize", (done) => {
return gulp.src("./assets/img/**/*")
// some things
.on("finish", () => done())
What version of Bun is running?
What platform is your computer?
ArchLinux Linux 6.5.3-arch1-1 x86_64 unknown
What steps can reproduce the bug?
What is the expected behavior?
With nodejs 20.2.0
What do you see instead?
With bun 1.0.3, bun 1.0.8
Additional information
issue has been fixed #4737 but gulp is still not running.