Closed f1xxd closed 10 months ago
Linux 5.15.0-60-generic x86_64 x86_64
from example of module:
const mc = require('minecraft-protocol') const options = { motd: 'Vox Industries', 'max-players': 127, host: '', port: 25565, 'online-mode': false } const server = mc.createServer(options) const mcData = require('minecraft-data')(server.version) const loginPacket = mcData.loginPacket server.on('playerJoin', function (client) { broadcast(client.username + ' joined the game.') const addr = client.socket.remoteAddress + ':' + client.socket.remotePort console.log(client.username + ' connected', '(' + addr + ')') client.on('end', function () { broadcast(client.username + ' left the game.', client) console.log(client.username + ' disconnected', '(' + addr + ')') }) // send init data so client will start rendering world client.write('login', { ...loginPacket, entityId:, isHardcore: false, gameMode: 0, previousGameMode: 1, hashedSeed: [0, 0], maxPlayers: server.maxPlayers, viewDistance: 10, reducedDebugInfo: false, enableRespawnScreen: true, isDebug: false, isFlat: false }) client.write('position', { x: 0, y: 256, z: 0, yaw: 0, pitch: 0, flags: 0x00 }) function handleChat (data) { const message = '<' + client.username + '>' + ' ' + data.message broadcast(message, null, client.username) console.log(message) } client.on('chat', handleChat) // pre-1.19 client.on('chat_message', handleChat) // post 1.19 }) server.on('error', function (error) { console.log('Error:', error) }) server.on('listening', function () { console.log('Server listening on port', server.socketServer.address().port) }) function sendBroadcastMessage (server, clients, message, sender) { if (mcData.supportFeature('signedChat')) { server.writeToClients(clients, 'player_chat', { plainMessage: message, signedChatContent: '', unsignedChatContent: JSON.stringify({ text: message }), type: 0, senderUuid: 'd3527a0b-bc03-45d5-a878-2aafdd8c8a43', // random senderName: JSON.stringify({ text: sender }), senderTeam: undefined, timestamp:, salt: 0n, signature: mcData.supportFeature('useChatSessions') ? undefined : Buffer.alloc(0), previousMessages: [], filterType: 0, networkName: JSON.stringify({ text: sender }) }) } else { server.writeToClients(clients, 'chat', { message: JSON.stringify({ text: message }), position: 0, sender: sender || '0' }) } } function broadcast (message, exclude, username) { sendBroadcastMessage(server, Object.values(server.clients).filter(client => client !== exclude), message) }
No response
in node, server is pinged, but not on the bun no error provided. the module uses node:net, maybe the problem is with it
@f1xxd Was this a non-issue?
What version of Bun is running?
What platform is your computer?
Linux 5.15.0-60-generic x86_64 x86_64
What steps can reproduce the bug?
from example of module:
What is the expected behavior?
No response
What do you see instead?
Additional information
in node, server is pinged, but not on the bun no error provided. the module uses node:net, maybe the problem is with it