overbound / SonicTimeTwisted2.0

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Add Chrono Sonic #2

Open overbound opened 7 months ago

overbound commented 7 months ago

Add a Silver re-shade of Super Sonic to be called Chrono Sonic.

Chrono Sonic will be able to use the Peel out to instantly travel between time periods, ending up at the time post spawn points in the new time zone.

BlueSpeedsterYT commented 7 months ago

While this could be cool, it could also be a development nightmare in regards to which time pole would Chrono Sonic come from, would it be the nearest Time Post or a self-created one? Plus there is also the fact that is how the transformation should be handled if the player has both Super and Chrono forms. My suggestion for that last one would be if the player doesn't have the other form, then it would auto default to the transformation button, if both are available however, then it should pop up with a wheel giving players the choice of either Super or Chrono, with quicker shortcut actions like Up+Transform button for Super and Down+Transform for Chrono. Again, these are all my own suggestions and are all not final, altho this could be a helpful thing for the development of 2.0

AlexKhayrullin commented 7 months ago

There should be an in-game explanation why Chrono Sonic can't travel through time in SSZ or PPZ.

Also, man, DDZ Act 2 is going to be a headache for implementing this.