overcache / NeoSolarized

NeoSolarized: A fixed solarized colorscheme for better truecolor support.
MIT License
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Bold font in terminal (that use ANSI escape codes 30–37) don't show up as "correct color" #20

Closed malob closed 4 years ago

malob commented 5 years ago

Running the following script in my terminal emulator, and the Neovim terminal, produce different output:

for i in {30..37}
  printf "Color $i: \033[${i}m NOT BOLD \033[0m - \033[${i};1m BOLD \033[0m\n"

Terminal Emulator:

Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at 16 24 49

Neovim Terminal:

Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at 16 27 04

(I use Kitty, and I've defined the 16 terminal colors to be the same as those used by NeoSolarized.)

I first noticed this issue when the output of ls didn't look right in Neovim's terminal. This issue only shows up when terminal commands output colored text using ANSI escape codes 30–37 (foreground colors) along with the bold code 1.

The discrepancy is due to Kitty having made the decision render bold text as the same color but bold (which makes a heck of a lot of sense to me), as opposed to the traditional behavior (bold as bright) which is to bold the text but also shift the color to the corresponding background color (40–47).

To fix this, I added the following in my init.vim:

" Automatically update some setting related to colors
augroup update_colors_autocommands
  au ColorScheme,VimEnter * call UpdateColors()
augroup END

function! UpdateColors()
  " Style ChooseWin to fit in with NeoSolarized colors
  let g:choosewin_color_label         = {'gui': [g:terminal_color_2 , g:terminal_color_15, 'bold'], 'cterm': [2 , 15, 'bold']}
  let g:choosewin_color_label_current = {'gui': [g:terminal_color_11, g:terminal_color_0 ]        , 'cterm': [11, 0 ]}
  let g:choosewin_color_other         = {'gui': [g:terminal_color_11, g:terminal_color_11]        , 'cterm': [11, 11]}
  let g:choosewin_color_land          = {'gui': [g:terminal_color_3 , g:terminal_color_0 ]        , 'cterm': [3 , 0 ]}
  " Make term colors 8-15 the same as 0-7 to get around bold as bright issue.
  let g:terminal_color_8  = g:terminal_color_0
  let g:terminal_color_9  = g:terminal_color_1
  let g:terminal_color_10 = g:terminal_color_2
  let g:terminal_color_11 = g:terminal_color_3
  let g:terminal_color_12 = g:terminal_color_4
  let g:terminal_color_13 = g:terminal_color_5
  let g:terminal_color_14 = g:terminal_color_6
  let g:terminal_color_15 = g:terminal_color_7

It took a lot of time/frustration to figure out what was going on here, and while NeoSolarized isn't doing anything wrong by setting g:terminal_color[0-15] the way it does, https://github.com/icymind/NeoSolarized/blob/1af4bf6835f0fbf156c6391dc228cae6ea967053/colors/NeoSolarized.vim#L864-L879 I think it would be great if some changes could be made to make this easier for others in the future.

The easiest thing to do (which I've seen in other colorschemes) would be to change the definitions of g:terminal_colors[0-15] to:

 let g:terminal_color_0 = s:gui_base03 
 let g:terminal_color_1 = s:gui_red 
 let g:terminal_color_2 = s:gui_green 
 let g:terminal_color_3 = s:gui_yellow 
 let g:terminal_color_4 = s:gui_blue 
 let g:terminal_color_5 = s:gui_magenta 
 let g:terminal_color_6 = s:gui_cyan 
 let g:terminal_color_7 = s:gui_base2 
 let g:terminal_color_8  = g:terminal_color_0
 let g:terminal_color_9  = g:terminal_color_1
 let g:terminal_color_10 = g:terminal_color_2
 let g:terminal_color_11 = g:terminal_color_3
 let g:terminal_color_12 = g:terminal_color_4
 let g:terminal_color_13 = g:terminal_color_5
 let g:terminal_color_14 = g:terminal_color_6
 let g:terminal_color_15 = g:terminal_color_7

However, that might be surprising/annoying to a bunch of users of the colorscheme who for whatever reason like the default behavior.

So maybe the right solution would be to add a new option like g:neosolazired_boldasbright which by default is equal to 1, so nothing changes for existing users, but when set to 0 it sets the term colors as above. (Setting the default to 0 would be a more aggressive change, but is maybe worth considering. Probably comes down to the behavior most people will expect by default for how bold shows up in the terminal.)

(As an aside, either solution above would break some other parts of my config, like the lines above starting with let g:choosewin_color. I'd separately love it if this color scheme defined some global variables that correspond to the hex code for each of the colors so I could use them elsewhere in my config (e.g., let g:neosolarize_base03 = '#002b36').

I'd be happy to file a pull request implementing whatever version of the above seems most sensible to you.

Also thanks for making NeoSolarized, I was so happy when I found it 😄.