overcache / NeoSolarized

NeoSolarized: A fixed solarized colorscheme for better truecolor support.
MIT License
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Weird dark background in vim terminal buffers #25

Closed victorkristof closed 2 years ago

victorkristof commented 4 years ago

Hi there,

Thanks for the great colorscheme!

I think there is an issue with the dark background for vim terminal buffers: terminal-dark

On the right window, there is a terminal buffer opened with a :terminal command. It looks greyish, which seems incorrect :)

Any idea what's happening?


JonRoosevelt commented 2 years ago

Same for me

JonRoosevelt commented 2 years ago

Just found out that you need to set termguicolors in your terminal. In order to see if that works, just click esq and type set terminguicolors

If it works, then it's just a matter of adding it to your .vimrc or whatever it's your configurations. In my case, since I'm using nvim, it's on nvim/init.vim

victorkristof commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! In my case, :set temguicolors doesn't work (it creates a colorless terminal, see :h xterm-true-color).

But for some reasons the problem disappeared by itself, and the colors of the vim terminal buffer are set correctly now (unrelated to termguicolors). Maybe a commit fixed this since August 2020?

Closing this issue for now!