overdrivenpotato / rust-psp

Rust on PSP. Panic and allocation support. Access PSP system libraries.
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feat(vfpu): add missing instructions + prefix support (`C000[X,Y,Z]`) #160

Closed SK83RJOSH closed 2 months ago

SK83RJOSH commented 5 months ago

I generated most of the missing instructions using a tool I created and have confirmed the accuracy of the code gen via tests I'm writing for a vector math library. Though it would be wise to do a regression test of this commit against the rust-psp samples. 🙂

This table details the supported instructions, including their encoding/parameter formats for convenience. Anything not supported is likely best to be hand-rolled from this point on.

Instruction Support (99/113)

? Inst Ops Enc
:white_large_square: bvf vfpu-branch vfpu-branch
:white_large_square: bvfl vfpu-branch vfpu-branch
:white_large_square: bvt vfpu-branch vfpu-branch
:white_large_square: bvtl vfpu-branch vfpu-branch
:white_check_mark: lv.q vfpu-load16 vfpu-memory-quad
:white_check_mark: lv.s vfpu-load4 vfpu-memory
:white_large_square: lvl.q vfpu-load16 vfpu-memory-quad
:white_large_square: lvr.q vfpu-load16 vfpu-memory-quad
:white_check_mark: mfvc vfpu-control-gpr vfpu-gpr-control
:white_check_mark: mtvc vfpu-control-gpr vfpu-gpr-control
:white_check_mark: sv.q vfpu-store16 vfpu-memory-quad
:white_check_mark: sv.s vfpu-store4 vfpu-memory
:white_large_square: svl.q vfpu-store16 vfpu-memory-quad
:white_large_square: svr.q vfpu-store16 vfpu-memory-quad
:white_check_mark: vabs vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vadd vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vasin vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vavg vector-unary-reduce vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vbfy1 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vbfy2 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vc2i vector-unary-expand4 vfpu-alu
:white_large_square: vcmovf vfpu-condmove vfpu-condmove
:white_large_square: vcmovt vfpu-condmove vfpu-condmove
:white_large_square: vcmp vfpu-compare vfpu-alu-compare
:white_check_mark: vcos vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vcrs vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vcrsp vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vcst vector-nullary-cst vector-imm5
:white_check_mark: vdet vector-binary-reduce vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vdiv vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vdot vector-binary-reduce vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vexp2 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vf2h vector-unary-reduce2 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vf2id vector-unary-scale vector-imm5
:white_check_mark: vf2in vector-unary-scale vector-imm5
:white_check_mark: vf2iu vector-unary-scale vector-imm5
:white_check_mark: vf2iz vector-unary-scale vector-imm5
:white_check_mark: vfad vector-unary-reduce vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vfim vector-nullary-uimm16 vector-imm16
:white_check_mark: vflush vfpu-static vfpu-fixedop
:white_check_mark: vh2f vector-unary-expand2 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vhdp vector-binary-reduce vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vhtfm2 vector-matrix-transform vfpu-alu-m1
:white_check_mark: vhtfm3 vector-matrix-transform vfpu-alu-m1
:white_check_mark: vhtfm4 vector-matrix-transform vfpu-alu-m1
:white_check_mark: vi2c vector-unary-reduce vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vi2f vector-unary-scale vector-imm5
:white_check_mark: vi2s vector-unary-reduce2 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vi2uc vector-unary-reduce vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vi2us vector-unary-reduce2 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vidt vector-nullary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: viim vector-nullary-uimm16 vector-imm16
:white_check_mark: vlgb vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vlog2 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vmax vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_large_square: vmfvc vfpu-control-read vfpu-read-control
:white_check_mark: vmidt matrix-nullary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vmin vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vmmov matrix-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vmmul matrix-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vmone matrix-nullary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vmov vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vmscl matrix-binary-scale vfpu-alu
:white_large_square: vmtvc vfpu-control-write vfpu-write-control
:white_check_mark: vmul vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vmzero matrix-nullary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vneg vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vnop vfpu-static vfpu-fixedop
:white_check_mark: vnrcp vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vnsin vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vocp vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vone vector-nullary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vpfxd vfpu-prefix vfpu-prefix
:white_check_mark: vpfxs vfpu-prefix vfpu-prefix
:white_check_mark: vpfxt vfpu-prefix vfpu-prefix
:white_check_mark: vqmul vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vrcp vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vrexp2 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vrndf1 vector-nullary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vrndf2 vector-nullary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vrndi vector-nullary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vrnds vector-inullary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vrot vector-unary-rot vector-imm5
:white_check_mark: vrsq vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vs2i vector-unary-expand2 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsat0 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsat1 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsbn vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsbz vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vscl vector-binary-scale vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vscmp vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsge vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsgn vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsin vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vslt vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsocp vector-unary-expand2 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsqrt vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsrt1 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsrt2 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsrt3 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsrt4 vector-unary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsub vector-binary vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vsync vfpu-static vfpu-fixedop
:white_check_mark: vt4444 vector-unary-reduce2 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vt5551 vector-unary-reduce2 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vt5650 vector-unary-reduce2 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vtfm2 vector-matrix-transform vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vtfm3 vector-matrix-transform vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vtfm4 vector-matrix-transform vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vuc2ifs vector-unary-expand4 vfpu-alu
:white_check_mark: vus2i vector-unary-expand2 vfpu-alu
:white_large_square: vwbn vector-unary-mod vector-imm8
:white_check_mark: vzero vector-nullary vfpu-alu
SK83RJOSH commented 5 months ago

@sajattack this would close #63, and we should create a new issue tracking the missing instructions :)

SK83RJOSH commented 5 months ago

I would also like to add that there's a possibility of implementing swizzling to all supported instructions, but it would require an additional TT muncher, or an additional macro that supports all combinations of: X, |X|, -|X|

I wasn't clever enough to do the muncher, and the latter would be a combinatorial explosion. I figured Saj or Potato might be better at macros though, so if either of you can come up with a clever way to do it I can go ahead and do another round of codegen.

EDIT: You already had a muncher for this, added prefix support to all arguments that support it :)

SK83RJOSH commented 5 months ago

@overdrivenpotato I think this PR is ready for review, if you'd do me the honors ❤️

sajattack commented 5 months ago

@SK83RJOSH VFPU math tests (using vsin and vcos) are failing https://ci.mijalkovic.ca/teams/rust-psp/pipelines/rust-psp/jobs/run-tests-for-pr/builds/409.2 https://github.com/overdrivenpotato/rust-psp/blob/693423a93db19cf63a1eba24b253516cb90e191f/psp/src/math/mod.rs#L61-L99 https://github.com/overdrivenpotato/rust-psp/blob/master/ci/tests/src/math_test.rs

davidgfnet commented 5 months ago

BTW you could use the automated test generator at https://github.com/pspdev/vfpu-docs/ to generate your tests. It would need to be modified to output Rust code, but seems doable to me :) Just my 2c really, I really hate writing tests so I only wrote a small subset of them (the ones that take more time to automate than just manually write).

SK83RJOSH commented 5 months ago

My plan was to try to write tests for a few instructions of each encoding + each of their flavors; since I think that should be rigorous enough for all codegen but I'll most definitely take a look at that. 🙏

Ironically enough, this entire thing has lead me down another rabbit hole atm, which is getting assertions/stack traces working correctly so I can make the user story for testing a bit less cumbersome... though after a week of plugging away at that I may have to accept what we have 😄

SK83RJOSH commented 5 months ago

Alrighty, added tests that should hit most if not all of the code gen, with the exception of fixedop + imm16 since those are pretty straight forward/are near identical to other instructions. The only thing I have tested here, that I would like to, is matrix operations.

Hold off on merging this until I can validate those, since it would be very unfortunate if gum breaks.

Okey-dokey, I tested the samples + my own project for regressions in gum, only found one so this should be ready to merge. 🙂