overextended / ox_target

Standalone "third-eye" targeting resource.
MIT License
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up from 0.20 to 0.90ms #100

Closed killy60 closed 1 year ago

killy60 commented 1 year ago

can you help me since i redid my base in esx 1.9.4 i have ox_target which goes up from 0.20 to 0.90ms and i have my menus which multiply . I'm on the latest version of ox_target



here is the export for ox_target

CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(0) local interval = true local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) for k,v in pairs (Config.Bosscybert) do local distance = #(playerCoords - v.Pos1) if distance < Config.DrawDistance then interval = false if distance < Config.Distance then exports.ox_target:addSphereZone({ coords = v.Pos1, radius = 1, options = { { name = 'sphere', label = "Accéder au menu boss", icon = "fa-sharp fa-solid fa-car", event = "esx_cybert:OpenBossMenucybert", groups = {cyber=4} } } }) end end end if interval then Wait(500) end end end)

killy60 commented 1 year ago

I forgot to say that once ox_target is active it remains at a minimum of 0.10ms permanently without another point being activated

thelindat commented 1 year ago

goes up from 0.20 to 0.90ms and i have my menus which multiply

while true do

Golly gosh I wonder why??????

killy60 commented 1 year ago

passe de 0.20 à 0.90ms et j'ai mes menus qui se multiplient

while true do

Mon Dieu je me demande pourquoi ??????

could my problem come from this?