overlookmotel / sequelize-hierarchy

Nested hierarchies for Sequelize
MIT License
299 stars 92 forks source link

Maintainer wanted! #234

Open overlookmotel opened 2 years ago

overlookmotel commented 2 years ago


I'm the maintainer of this repo. It's my most popular NPM package, and plenty of people seem to find it useful, but unfortunately I no longer use it myself, so it's hard to prioritise spending any time on it, and issues have been piling up.

I don't think there's anything terribly onerous to do - mainly updating it to work with latest version of Sequelize, and maybe modernising the code base a bit (async await now exists!)

There are now various forks fixing one thing or another, but not everything. Obviously this is not ideal for anyone, and a single repo which is maintained would be much better for the community as a whole.

Would anyone like to step up and take it over?

If you are interested, please before saying "yes", consider these questions:

  1. Do I use this package enough that I will be motivated to maintain it?
  2. Do I intend to continue using it, so my motivation to do so will continue?

These questions are just intended to ensure that the next maintainer doesn't end up in exact same situation as me!

woodjs commented 2 years ago

I really hope you can find the time and upgrade your package for sequelize v6 🙏

overlookmotel commented 2 years ago

@woodjs I am hoping you will find the time to update my package for Sequelize v6!

jimmywarting commented 2 years ago

@overlookmotel, I'd be willing to take up maintainership for this project. My company is looking to use this project, I'm a core team member of the popular node-fetch package since the very first begining and takes care of a number of other popular open source project.

That being said, I have had a fascination of getting things modernized. My motivations are not to prioritize the needs of my company over the needs of the community. Looking through the issues, I think that I could help with answering the questions people have or looking into (and potentially fixing) the problems that are presented.

If it's alright with you then I would like to get full maintainership of npm package and that the github is transfered to my account

Just let me know 👍

overlookmotel commented 2 years ago

Hi @jimmywarting.

Thanks very much for stepping forwards. You're on!

Would you object to me remaining as a maintainer on the project alongside you? I do have an intent to use this package again in the future (but who knows when?) so could be useful for me. If so, I would propose to:

  1. Keep repo as overlookmotel/sequelize-hierarchyon Github
  2. Give you write access to Github repo
  3. Add you as an additional owner of the package on NPM

Basically, we would both have same write access as each other on the Github repo and NPM package.

You would be the lead maintainer.

If I wanted to make changes to the code base, I would make a PR and await your approval. I would not expect the same from you - you'd be free to do as you will.

However, if you feel strongly that you want sole control of the project, I'm prepared to step back completely and transfer exclusive rights to you.

Please let me know what you think. And thanks again for offering to take this on. Perhaps open source does work after all!

jimmywarting commented 2 years ago

would it be ok to make it jimmywarting/sequelize-hierarchyon and I would add you as an admin?

overlookmotel commented 2 years ago

Yes OK, works for me. I'll look into how to do it.

jefersonlucio commented 2 years ago

Ok, and what became of it? did @jimmywarting take over?

R3gu1a commented 2 years ago

I am wondering the same thing...

overlookmotel commented 2 years ago

@jimmywarting Sorry I've dragged my heels on this.

I've just added you as a maintainer on the NPM package and as a collaborator on this repo with write access.

Before I fully transfer the repo to your ownership, can you confirm you still want to take it over? (only asking in case my delay put you off)

Also, was the additional on on end of jimmywarting/sequelize-hierarchyon a typo? I assume it should be jimmywarting/sequelize-hierarchy.

overlookmotel commented 2 years ago

@jimmywarting Hi. Are you still wishing to take over this project?

jimmywarting commented 2 years ago

Nah, got to much on my hand already

overlookmotel commented 2 years ago

OK. I've removed you as write-access contributor.

RaiMX commented 2 years ago

At the mean time, for those of you searching, take a look at https://js.cytoscape.org/ A great library to manipulate graphs (tree like hierarchy is a type of graph data)

OhadR commented 4 months ago


seems like there is a pull request with support for V6: #223 Can you approve this?

Do you want me as admin to approve it? I agree to be a maintainer for keeping this project alive.

Seems like there are users for this package, and it is pitty to lose these users as Sequelize moves forward...

overlookmotel commented 4 months ago

@OhadR I would be happy to add anyone as maintainer who can demonstrate their enthusiasm for the project and capacity to take over maintenance on a permanent basis.

If you would like to do that, great! But could you please think about it and consider the responsibility maintainership involves, and your ability to find time and energy for that.

If, after some consideration, you really do want to take over the project, please can you demonstrate that willingness in some way e.g.:

Sorry to make you jump through hoops. Honestly, I would be soooo grateful to anyone willing to take over maintenance. I would love to see this package in rude health again. But after the debacle with jimmywarting, I am loathe to hand over the reins to someone who may find themselves unable/unwilling to continue after a few initial commits.

I'd also make the same appeal to any of the others who are already maintaining forks. Would a group of you perhaps like to become joint maintainers, to share the burden?

OhadR commented 4 months ago

thanks for your reply.

i do have some open-source projects, none of them are highly used as yours. what i do want is to revive your project - first and foremost to overview the V6 pull requests, and add this support, as V5 becomes old and most of users would like to use it with V6.

telling the truth - we all have our day job, but the easiest way to do is to say "i am busy" and leave it. honestly, i cannot promise to keep developing this - but no one develops it anyway.

you will keep being the admin and the owner. me - and hopefully some more - can help bringing it back to life.

by the way, many MANY open-source projects, much bigger than this (consider spingsource and others) works this way. they have several responsible maintainer, and this way the projects keep being alive.

what do u think?