overmindbots / core

Core monorepo with our apps and packages
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Reevaluate deployments #165

Open RafaelVidaurre opened 6 years ago

RafaelVidaurre commented 6 years ago

There are certain things that we should reevaluate of our deployment process.

The number one priority is the huge painpoint of having to wait so long for deployments. This can be solved by simulating deployments locally in a more efficient way, and avoding having to fake-commit to trigger new builds

Answer these questions:


Layer caching with Yarn & Docker

COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn --pure-lockfile
RafaelVidaurre commented 6 years ago

How can we improve caching for our docker container?

The most expensive thing to cache is probably packages. Since the system uses yarn workspaces, some dependencies are hoisted in the root, while many others are spread in the packages themselves. The hoisted dependencies should be cached in their own layer.