overtake / TelegramSwift

Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 5.0
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Telegram video calls crash macOS WindowServer on my Mac #1009

Open gavvvr opened 1 year ago

gavvvr commented 1 year ago

I do not know for sure if it's a software or hardware problem, but it's hard to complain on my Mac, because Telegram is the only thing that causes the problem.

So, when I have 30+ minutes Telegram video call there are more than 50% chances that my laptop will restart macOS WindowServer process. Here is how it happens:

Why I know that it's was a WindowServer who crashed? Because there is a corresponding crash report: WindowServer-2023-08-22-155714.ips.zip image

I am not sure this crash report will be useful for Telegram developers, but it's the only thing I can provide. Telegram itself does not crash, so I have no crash reports from it. Also, not sure if this issue will get attention, but I still find it useful to post it if more people will come and confirm the problem in future.

I will also share my setup below:

I noticed the problem in 2022 when I had lengthy video calls in Telegram, but back then I did not even try to google if someone has already reported it, because I assumed it can be the fault of my OS (which suffered several macOS upgrades already). Since then I already had 3 factory resets of my laptop and still continue facing this issue. I decided to report it today, because last factory-reset of my Mac happened 3 days ago, so it's clean.

PS I do not suspect overheating