overtake / TelegramSwift

Source code of Telegram for macos on Swift 5.0
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[mac] animated sticker turned into noise (even after restart the app) #1032

Open codehz opened 1 year ago

codehz commented 1 year ago

version 10.2.254827 Stable telegram-cloud-photo-size-5-6199514829551679900-x telegram-cloud-photo-size-5-6199514829551679901-x A workaround is clear the cache ($HOME/Library/Group Containers/6N38VWS5BX.ru.keepcoder.Telegram/stable/trlottie-animations)


  1. put this cache into the trlottie-animations folder trlottie-animations.zip
  2. send the first sticker from the https://t.me/addstickers/HalloUtya
  3. you should able to see the same effect

I don't know how it is created, maybe some memory issue?

aseevlx commented 10 months ago

I have a similar problem, but with animated emoji - animation worked only for some stickers, the rest remain static. Clearing the cache dir helped. Thanks for sharing this!