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Overte open source virtual worlds platform.
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walking through hallways to travel through "worlds" crashes on linux #1020

Open charlie-sans opened 1 week ago

charlie-sans commented 1 week ago

built from source the latest clone as of 13/6/24 the overte-builder and github repo.

when trying to visit any world which does a fancy travel to another world type thing, the game will play the travel sound and then hang for a few secconds before force closing the game.

on fedora 40 so heres my neofetch if needed image

JulianGro commented 1 week ago

I cannot reproduce this on version 2024.06.1 or on current master (https://github.com/overte-org/overte/commit/5507ac363234a9ee2bc5827290948ef156794c70). Could you post a backtrace by running Overte with gdb your/path/interface and then typing bt after it crashed? You could also try if you can reproduce it on the latest release AppImage. (Here is one with debug information for GDB: https://public.overte.org/build/overte/release/2024.06.1/Overte-2024.06.1-debug-x86_64.AppImage) Also, could you tell us an exact portal that causes the issue for you? If you stand at the portal, you can go to Navigate (in the top menu bar) and press Copy address to clipboard, that way you can paste the location in here.

charlie-sans commented 1 week ago

so i have the portal that caused the issue hifi://virz-junction/-9024.46,-8952.65,-9023.22/0,0.707299,0,0.706914

i can't seem to replicate the issue at all, ill try with the app image

charlie-sans commented 1 week ago

so attempting to use the app image with gdb might be doing things wrong lol i get

GNU gdb (Fedora Linux) 14.2-2.fc40
Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:

For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from /home/csan/Downloads/Overte-2024.06.1-debug-x86_64.AppImage...

This GDB supports auto-downloading debuginfo from the following URLs:
Enable debuginfod for this session? (y or [n]) y
Debuginfod has been enabled.
To make this setting permanent, add 'set debuginfod enabled on' to .gdbinit.
Downloading separate debug info for /home/csan/Downloads/Overte-2024.06.1-debug-x86_64.AppImage
(No debugging symbols found in /home/csan/Downloads/Overte-2024.06.1-debug-x86_64.AppImage)     
JulianGro commented 1 week ago

@charlie-sans after that (No debugging symbols found message, it should show a (gdb) prompt. You just type run in there (I forgot to mention that).

JulianGro commented 1 week ago

If this issue only rarely happens, it might be a deadlock related to changing worlds, not specifically teleporting.

AleziaKurdis commented 1 week ago

It happens very often. It also happen from the Places app too. This is really annoying... up to 4 - 5 time each night. and sometime when it work, some script just don't load at destination, which is also problematic. we often reappears at coordinates 0,0,0 when we restart interface after such kind of crash.

ksuprynowicz commented 1 week ago

Is happening this on the newest release?

JulianGro commented 1 week ago

I assume we are all talking about the same deadlock(s?), so yes. The latest release also sometimes has issues. Seems like there are still more issues when changing worlds. In my case it feels like it is more likely with worlds that have a lot of stuff in them, like the Hub.

AleziaKurdis commented 1 week ago

For navigation to an other domain, I would say it started with RC1 For script loading issue it started with V8, it get better with RC1 but there is still some random script that are sometime not loading.

ksuprynowicz commented 1 week ago

I found the reason why this happens :)

vtable for QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<QQuickItem> 0x00007ffff3b666a8
TabletButtonListModel::removeButton TabletScriptingInterface.cpp:112
TabletProxy::removeButton TabletScriptingInterface.cpp:926
Application::notify Application.cpp:4292
main main.cpp:776

We are looking into possible solutions now.

ksuprynowicz commented 1 week ago

This could be another possible cause, but might be a bit more difficult to fix: https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/1034

ksuprynowicz commented 1 week ago

Also this one: https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/1035

ksuprynowicz commented 1 week ago

And this one: https://github.com/overte-org/overte/issues/1036