overthesun / simoc-web

This is the web interface to SIMOC
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Add ACE features #672

Open GregRRoss opened 4 months ago

GregRRoss commented 4 months ago

Fixed from newAce branch, still has linter issues to fix, and UI issues.

GregRRoss commented 2 months ago

With my latest commits, I improved the UI for the ACE editor by using the <details><summary> nesting.

**Nest Example**Example Nested Text

Also the UI is improved by doing some value checking for blank entries for name changes to prevent intended name changes from performing an unexpected delete operation when no name is specified.

A critical change that still needs to be done is adding a place in the simulation configuration wizard to specify quantities for non plant custom agents. Non-critical recommended changes that have not been implemented include adding tables potentially to align fields in the ACE.

GregRRoss commented 2 months ago

To fix the glitchy looking shared memory for vue fields I will probably in a proximate commit use an array for each field type in the vue data() section. Units, Connections, and Weighted should also probably be drop downs rather than free response, but if so there needs to be a way to add new units.

GregRRoss commented 1 month ago

In the Simulation Configuration I am presently adding a component that allows specifying the number of non plant custom agents. This component only appears if non-plant custom agents are in local storage. Right now it still doesn't send the number to the back (default of 1 agent still sent), and the formatting doesn't match the Plant Species way yet. I also need to make sure when this is implemented that specification of adding a custom non-plant agent results in sending to the custom configuration rather than the pre-set. In the ACE editor itself, there also needs to be a way to see what is in local storage and remove custom agents from local storage. The main menu appearance to start the agent editor is also still wonky.

GregRRoss commented 2 weeks ago

Previously I was working on the configuration interface which I have not finished, but it was also important to add a list of exported agents and the ability to delete them, so I took a break from the configuration interface to do this. This latest commit adds that capability so in the ACE page there is now 3 modes. For custom agent editing, custom currency editing, and a new mode to just basically view the exports of both types and delete them.