overtone / emacs-live

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live/clojure-pack initialization failure w. Emacs 24.2 #124

Closed ramoncreager closed 11 years ago

ramoncreager commented 11 years ago

After the latest git pull, emacs live no longer initializes without error.

The error:

Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading/users/.../.emacs.d/init.el':

error: cl-labels' with dynamic scoping is not implemented

I've disabled my .emacs-live.el file to verify that this was not my issue. The issue is sidestepped when I set up my .emacs-live.el to not load live/clojure-pack.

The traceback that results from using --debug-init follows:

signal(error ("cl-labels' with dynamic scoping is not implemented")) error("cl-labels' with dynamic scoping is not implemented") (if (and (boundp (quote lexical-binding)) lexical-binding) (\ (labels (\,@ args))) (error "cl-labels' with dynamic scoping is not implemented")) (lambda (&rest args) (if (and (boundp (quote lexical-binding)) lexical-binding) (\ (labels (\,@ args))) (error "cl-labels' with dynamic scoping is not implemented")))(((redefine-key (from to) (dolist (mapping (where-is-internal from nrepl-interaction-mode-map)) (define-key map mapping to)))) (redefine-key (quote nrepl-macroexpand-1) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-1-inplace)) (redefine-key (quote nrepl-macroexpand-all) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-all-inplace)) (redefine-key (quote advertised-undo) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-undo)) (redefine-key (quote undo) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-undo))) (cl-labels ((redefine-key (from to) (dolist (mapping (where-is-internal from nrepl-interaction-mode-map)) (define-key map mapping to)))) (redefine-key (quote nrepl-macroexpand-1) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-1-inplace)) (redefine-key (quote nrepl-macroexpand-all) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-all-inplace)) (redefine-key (quote advertised-undo) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-undo)) (redefine-key (quote undo) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-undo))) (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "g") (quote nrepl-macroexpand-again)) (define-key map (kbd "q") (quote nrepl-popup-buffer-quit-function)) (cl-labels ((redefine-key (from to) (dolist (mapping (where-is-internal from nrepl-interaction-mode-map)) (define-key map mapping to)))) (redefine-key (quote nrepl-macroexpand-1) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-1-inplace)) (redefine-key (quote nrepl-macroexpand-all) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-all-inplace)) (redefine-key (quote advertised-undo) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-undo)) (redefine-key (quote undo) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-undo))) map) (defvar nrepl-macroexpansion-minor-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map (kbd "g") (quote nrepl-macroexpand-again)) (define-key map (kbd "q") (quote nrepl-popup-buffer-quit-function)) (cl-labels ((redefine-key (from to) (dolist (mapping (where-is-internal from nrepl-interaction-mode-map)) (define-key map mapping to)))) (redefine-key (quote nrepl-macroexpand-1) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-1-inplace)) (redefine-key (quote nrepl-macroexpand-all) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-all-inplace)) (redefine-key (quote advertised-undo) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-undo)) (redefine-key (quote undo) (quote nrepl-macroexpand-undo))) map)) eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*<4>> nil "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/lib/nrepl/nrepl.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 63238 load-with-code-conversion("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/lib/nrepl/nrepl.el" "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/lib/nrepl/nrepl.el" nil t) ad-Orig-require(nrepl nil nil) require(nrepl) eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*<3>> nil "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/config/nrepl-conf.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 46 load-with-code-conversion("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/config/nrepl-conf.el" "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/config/nrepl-conf.el" nil nil) ad-Orig-load("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/config/nrepl-conf.el" nil nil t nil) load("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/config/nrepl-conf.el" nil nil t) load-file("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/config/nrepl-conf.el") (let* ((config-dir (live-pack-config-dir))) (load-file (concat config-dir f-name))) live-load-config-file("nrepl-conf.el") eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*<2>> nil "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/init.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 358 load-with-code-conversion("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/init.el" "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/init.el" nil nil) ad-Orig-load("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/init.el" nil nil t nil) load("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/init.el" nil nil t) load-file("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/init.el") (if (file-exists-p pack-init) (load-file pack-init)) (let* ((pack-info (concat pack-dir "info.el")) (pack-init (concat pack-dir "init.el"))) (setq live-current-pack-dir pack-dir) (message (concat "Live pack lib dir: " (live-pack-lib-dir))) (live-clear-pack-info) (if (file-exists-p pack-info) (load-file pack-info) (message (concat "Could not find info.el file for pack with location: " pack-dir))) (live-check-pack-info) (add-to-list (quote load-path) (live-pack-lib-dir)) (if (file-exists-p pack-init) (load-file pack-init)) (setq live-current-pack-dir nil)) live-load-pack("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/") (lambda (pack-dir) (live-load-pack pack-dir))("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/") mapcar((lambda (pack-dir) (live-load-pack pack-dir)) ("/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/foundation-pack/" "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/colour-pack/" "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/clojure-pack/" "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/lang-back/" "/users/.../.emacs.d/packs/live/power-pack/")) (progn (setq live-root-dir (if (boundp (quote live-root-dir)) (file-name-as-directory live-root-dir) (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "manifest.el" user-emacs-directory)) user-emacs-directory) (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))) (setq live-tmp-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "tmp")) live-etc-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "etc")) live-pscratch-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-tmp-dir "pscratch")) live-lib-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "lib")) live-packs-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "packs")) live-autosaves-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-tmp-dir "autosaves")) live-backups-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-tmp-dir "backups")) live-custom-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-etc-dir "custom")) live-load-pack-dir nil live-disable-zone nil) (make-directory live-etc-dir t) (make-directory live-tmp-dir t) (make-directory live-autosaves-dir t) (make-directory live-backups-dir t) (make-directory live-custom-dir t) (make-directory live-pscratch-dir t) (load-file (concat live-root-dir "manifest.el")) (load-file (concat live-lib-dir "live-core.el")) (let* ((pack-names (quote ("foundation-pack" "colour-pack" "clojure-pack" "lang-pack" "power-pack" "git-pack" "org-pack" "bindings-pack"))) (live-dir (file-name-as-directory "live")) (dev-dir (file-name-as-directory "dev"))) (setq live-packs (mapcar (lambda (p) (concat live-dir p)) pack-names)) (setq live-dev-pack-list (mapcar (lambda (p) (concat dev-dir p)) pack-names))) (defun live-version nil (interactive) (if (called-interactively-p (quote interactive)) (message "%s" (concat "This is Emacs Live " live-version)) live-version)) (let* ((pack-file (concat (file-name-as-directory "~") ".emacs-live.el"))) (if (and (file-exists-p pack-file) (not live-safe-modep)) (load-file pack-file))) (mapcar (lambda (pack-dir) (live-load-pack pack-dir)) (live-pack-dirs)) (setq live-welcome-messages (if (live-user-first-name-p) (list (concat "Hello " (live-user-first-name) ", somewhere in the world the sun is shining for you right now.") (concat "Hello " (live-user-first-name) ", it's lovely to see you again. I do hope that you're well.") (concat (live-user-first-name) ", turn your head towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.")) (list "Hello, somewhere in the world the sun is shining for you right now." "Hello, it's lovely to see you again. I do hope that you're well." "Turn your head towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you."))) (defun live-welcome-message nil (nth (random (length live-welcome-messages)) live-welcome-messages)) (when live-supported-emacsp (setq initial-scratch-message (concat ";;\n;; MM\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"M\n;; MM mmmmmmmM\n;; MMMMM 88d8b.d8b. .d8888b. .d8888b. .d8888b.\n;; MM MMMMMMMM 88''88'88 88' 88 88'\"\" Y8ooooo.\n;; MM MMMMMMMM 88 88 88 88. .88 88. ... 88\n;; MM .M dP dP dP 88888P8 '88888P' '88888P'\n;; MMMMMMMMMMMM\n;;\n;; M\"\"MMMMMMMM M\"\"M M\"\"MMMMM\"\"M MM\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"M\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMMM M MM mmmmmmmM\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMMP M MMMMM\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMM' .M MM MMMMMMMM\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMP' .MM MM MMMMMMMM\n;; M M M M M .dMMM MM .M\n;; MMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM Version " live-version (if live-safe-modep "\n;; --*SAFE MODE*--" "\n;;") "\n;; http://github.com/overtone/emacs-live\n;;\n;; " (live-welcome-message) "\n\n")))) (if live-supported-emacsp (progn (setq live-root-dir (if (boundp (quote live-root-dir)) (file-name-as-directory live-root-dir) (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "manifest.el" user-emacs-directory)) user-emacs-directory) (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))) (setq live-tmp-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "tmp")) live-etc-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "etc")) live-pscratch-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-tmp-dir "pscratch")) live-lib-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "lib")) live-packs-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "packs")) live-autosaves-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-tmp-dir "autosaves")) live-backups-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-tmp-dir "backups")) live-custom-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-etc-dir "custom")) live-load-pack-dir nil live-disable-zone nil) (make-directory live-etc-dir t) (make-directory live-tmp-dir t) (make-directory live-autosaves-dir t) (make-directory live-backups-dir t) (make-directory live-custom-dir t) (make-directory live-pscratch-dir t) (load-file (concat live-root-dir "manifest.el")) (load-file (concat live-lib-dir "live-core.el")) (let* ((pack-names (quote ("foundation-pack" "colour-pack" "clojure-pack" "lang-pack" "power-pack" "git-pack" "org-pack" "bindings-pack"))) (live-dir (file-name-as-directory "live")) (dev-dir (file-name-as-directory "dev"))) (setq live-packs (mapcar (lambda (p) (concat live-dir p)) pack-names)) (setq live-dev-pack-list (mapcar (lambda (p) (concat dev-dir p)) pack-names))) (defun live-version nil (interactive) (if (called-interactively-p (quote interactive)) (message "%s" (concat "This is Emacs Live " live-version)) live-version)) (let* ((pack-file (concat (file-name-as-directory "~") ".emacs-live.el"))) (if (and (file-exists-p pack-file) (not live-safe-modep)) (load-file pack-file))) (mapcar (lambda (pack-dir) (live-load-pack pack-dir)) (live-pack-dirs)) (setq live-welcome-messages (if (live-user-first-name-p) (list (concat "Hello " (live-user-first-name) ", somewhere in the world the sun is shining for you right now.") (concat "Hello " (live-user-first-name) ", it's lovely to see you again. I do hope that you're well.") (concat (live-user-first-name) ", turn your head towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.")) (list "Hello, somewhere in the world the sun is shining for you right now." "Hello, it's lovely to see you again. I do hope that you're well." "Turn your head towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you."))) (defun live-welcome-message nil (nth (random (length live-welcome-messages)) live-welcome-messages)) (when live-supported-emacsp (setq initial-scratch-message (concat ";;\n;; MM\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"M\n;; MM mmmmmmmM\n;; MMMMM 88d8b.d8b. .d8888b. .d8888b. .d8888b.\n;; MM MMMMMMMM 88''88'88 88' 88 88'\"\" Y8ooooo.\n;; MM MMMMMMMM 88 88 88 88. .88 88. ... 88\n;; MM .M dP dP dP 88888P8 '88888P' '88888P'\n;; MMMMMMMMMMMM\n;;\n;; M\"\"MMMMMMMM M\"\"M M\"\"MMMMM\"\"M MM\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"M\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMMM M MM mmmmmmmM\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMMP M MMMMM\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMM' .M MM MMMMMMMM\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMP' .MM MM MMMMMMMM\n;; M M M M M .dMMM MM .M\n;; MMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM Version " live-version (if live-safe-modep "\n;; --*SAFE MODE*--" "\n;;") "\n;; http://github.com/overtone/emacs-live\n;;\n;; " (live-welcome-message) "\n\n"))))) (when live-supported-emacsp (setq live-root-dir (if (boundp (quote live-root-dir)) (file-name-as-directory live-root-dir) (if (file-exists-p (expand-file-name "manifest.el" user-emacs-directory)) user-emacs-directory) (file-name-directory (or load-file-name buffer-file-name)))) (setq live-tmp-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "tmp")) live-etc-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "etc")) live-pscratch-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-tmp-dir "pscratch")) live-lib-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "lib")) live-packs-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-root-dir "packs")) live-autosaves-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-tmp-dir "autosaves")) live-backups-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-tmp-dir "backups")) live-custom-dir (file-name-as-directory (concat live-etc-dir "custom")) live-load-pack-dir nil live-disable-zone nil) (make-directory live-etc-dir t) (make-directory live-tmp-dir t) (make-directory live-autosaves-dir t) (make-directory live-backups-dir t) (make-directory live-custom-dir t) (make-directory live-pscratch-dir t) (load-file (concat live-root-dir "manifest.el")) (load-file (concat live-lib-dir "live-core.el")) (let* ((pack-names (quote ("foundation-pack" "colour-pack" "clojure-pack" "lang-pack" "power-pack" "git-pack" "org-pack" "bindings-pack"))) (live-dir (file-name-as-directory "live")) (dev-dir (file-name-as-directory "dev"))) (setq live-packs (mapcar (lambda (p) (concat live-dir p)) pack-names)) (setq live-dev-pack-list (mapcar (lambda (p) (concat dev-dir p)) pack-names))) (defun live-version nil (interactive) (if (called-interactively-p (quote interactive)) (message "%s" (concat "This is Emacs Live " live-version)) live-version)) (let* ((pack-file (concat (file-name-as-directory "~") ".emacs-live.el"))) (if (and (file-exists-p pack-file) (not live-safe-modep)) (load-file pack-file))) (mapcar (lambda (pack-dir) (live-load-pack pack-dir)) (live-pack-dirs)) (setq live-welcome-messages (if (live-user-first-name-p) (list (concat "Hello " (live-user-first-name) ", somewhere in the world the sun is shining for you right now.") (concat "Hello " (live-user-first-name) ", it's lovely to see you again. I do hope that you're well.") (concat (live-user-first-name) ", turn your head towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.")) (list "Hello, somewhere in the world the sun is shining for you right now." "Hello, it's lovely to see you again. I do hope that you're well." "Turn your head towards the sun and the shadows will fall behind you."))) (defun live-welcome-message nil (nth (random (length live-welcome-messages)) live-welcome-messages)) (when live-supported-emacsp (setq initial-scratch-message (concat ";;\n;; MM\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"M\n;; MM mmmmmmmM\n;; MMMMM 88d8b.d8b. .d8888b. .d8888b. .d8888b.\n;; MM MMMMMMMM 88''88'88 88' 88 88'\"\" Y8ooooo.\n;; MM MMMMMMMM 88 88 88 88. .88 88. ... 88\n;; MM .M dP dP dP 88888P8 '88888P' '88888P'\n;; MMMMMMMMMMMM\n;;\n;; M\"\"MMMMMMMM M\"\"M M\"\"MMMMM\"\"M MM\"\"\"\"\"\"\"\"M\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMMM M MM mmmmmmmM\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMMP M M`MMMM\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMMM' .M MM MMMMMMMM\n;; M MMMMMMMM M M M MMP' .MM MM MMMMMMMM\n;; M M M M M .dMMM MM .M\n;; MMMMMMMMMMM MMMM MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMM Version " live-version (if live-safe-modep "\n;; --SAFE MODE--" "\n;;") "\n;; http://github.com/overtone/emacs-live\n;;\n;; " (live-welcome-message) "\n\n")))) eval-buffer(#<buffer load> nil "/users/.../.emacs.d/init.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 8204 load-with-code-conversion("/users/.../.emacs.d/init.el" "/users/.../.emacs.d/init.el" t t) load("/users/.../.emacs.d/init" t t)

[0 "\205\262`

samaaron commented 11 years ago

Could you try it with Emacs 24.3?

buerkle commented 11 years ago

No error with Emacs 24.3

samaaron commented 11 years ago

Perfect - I'll update the docs to say we require 24.3 :-)