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CIDER erroneously complaining about cider-nrepl version #187

Open nickzam opened 9 years ago

nickzam commented 9 years ago

Hi, this is a clone from https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider/issues/961 because I believe that it is more emacs-live related. I am having this problem since cider 0.6.0 (this is the only version that works for me).

I am trying to use latest emacs-live with cider 0.8.1

; CIDER 0.8.1 (Java 1.8.0_31, Clojure 1.6.0, nREPL 0.2.6) WARNING: The following required nREPL ops are not supported: apropos classpath complete eldoc info inspect-start inspect-refresh inspect-pop inspect-push inspect-reset macroexpand ns-list ns-vars resource stacktrace toggle-trace-var toggle-trace-ns undef Please, install (or update) cider-nrepl 0.8.1 and restart CIDER user>

my profiles.clj: {:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.8.1"]]}}

I don't have :plugins section in my project.clj. Also I am not using venantius/ultra and pretty. Cleaning ~/.m2 and reinstalling cider-nrepl doesn't help.

rothmichaels commented 9 years ago

The advice at clojure-emacs/cider#961 resolved this for me. Here is what I have in my project.clj:

 {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.9.0"]
            [refactor-nrepl "1.0.5"]]
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.10"]]}}

Using tools.nrepl 0.2.7 seems to start Cider without these errors.