overtrue / phplint

:bug: A tool that can speed up linting of php files by running several lint processes at once.
MIT License
984 stars 118 forks source link

The "-x" option does not exist. #192

Closed craigh closed 11 months ago

craigh commented 1 year ago

Sorry to litter your repo with a support request. I am aware of older issues with the same issues, but could not resolve.

I get the error The "-x" option does not exist. when running the linter.

I am using gitlab CI with a symfony-based project with a standard symfony file structure. (e.g. _projectdir/src/...)

My .gitlab-ci.yml job:

  stage: test
  needs: []
  image: overtrue/phplint:latest
      INPUT_PATH: "./"
      INPUT_OPTIONS: "-c .phplint.yml"
  script: echo '' #prevents ci yml parse error

my .phplint.yml:

path: ./src
jobs: 10
    - php
    - vendor
warning: true
memory-limit: -1
no-cache: true

my output in the pipeline

Running with gitlab-runner 16.3.0~beta.108.g2b6048b4 (2b6048b4)
  on green-2.saas-linux-small-amd64.runners-manager.gitlab.com/default ns46NMmJ, system ID: s_85d7af184313

Resolving secrets

Preparing the "docker+machine" executor
Using Docker executor with image overtrue/phplint:latest ...
Pulling docker image overtrue/phplint:latest ...
Using docker image sha256:5f8f6a623cc79c280baa62930eecabb2d6c0a2cda58688b0f945915952e9a64a for overtrue/phplint:latest with digest overtrue/phplint@sha256:191bdfb1d350c38a7d98014bdff83122103f5dcb4ae22552e4d1cb1df9de3d28 ...

Preparing environment
Running on runner-ns46nmmj-project-15927696-concurrent-0 via runner-ns46nmmj-s-l-s-amd64-1695128617-90cdfe2e...

Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/clerkbase/onboard-app/.git/
Created fresh repository.
Checking out e3d8436f as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/1085/head)...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"

Restoring cache
Checking cache for 0_yarn-f6addb288c725b780b517883bd059972ea139036-non_protected...
Downloading cache from https://storage.googleapis.com/gitlab-com-runners-cache/project/15927696/0_yarn-f6addb288c725b780b517883bd059972ea139036-non_protected 
Successfully extracted cache
Checking cache for 1_composer-3c910146abac5175794d5c45560871a531ac11b9-non_protected...
Downloading cache from https://storage.googleapis.com/gitlab-com-runners-cache/project/15927696/1_composer-3c910146abac5175794d5c45560871a531ac11b9-non_protected 
Successfully extracted cache

Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:5f8f6a623cc79c280baa62930eecabb2d6c0a2cda58688b0f945915952e9a64a for overtrue/phplint:latest with digest overtrue/phplint@sha256:191bdfb1d350c38a7d98014bdff83122103f5dcb4ae22552e4d1cb1df9de3d28 ...

  The "-x" option does not exist.  

lint [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--extensions EXTENSIONS] [-j|--jobs JOBS] [-c|--configuration CONFIGURATION] [--no-configuration] [--cache CACHE] [--no-cache] [-p|--progress PROGRESS] [--no-progress] [--log-json [LOG-JSON]] [--log-junit [LOG-JUNIT]] [-w|--warning] [--memory-limit MEMORY-LIMIT] [--ignore-exit-code] [--] [<path>...]

Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1

Please advise how to correct. thank you!

llaville commented 1 year ago

Could you try to run it locally with docker CLI (like https://github.com/overtrue/phplint/blob/main/docs/usage/docker.md) to check if it does not come from your GitLab CI platform ?

craigh commented 1 year ago

@llaville thank you for responding 😄

I would do that, but I don't know how - especially this step:

Please mount your source code to /workdir in the container.

also I see this warning on that page that makes me wonder:

IMPORTANT : Docker image with latest tag use the PHP 8.2 runtime !

Would that also be true in the gitlab pipeline? Because we are using a php 8.1 image in our pipeline.

llaville commented 1 year ago

@craigh As explained by the doc, following syntax docker run --rm -t -v "${PWD}":/workdir overtrue/phplint:latest will mount the current local working directory (PWD) (suppose to be your source code project) in the container by the /workdir internal docker container dir.

If you want to detect new PHP 8.2 feature as error, because you're running PHP 8.1 in your pipeline, I recommand you to rebuild the docker image (latest tag, by whatever you want) with the https://github.com/overtrue/phplint/blob/main/Dockerfile#L2 docker image file and use PHP_VERSION=8.1

Otherwise PHP 8.2 is compatible with PHP 8.1, and new specific 8.2 feature won't be detected, of course, as errors.

Hope it will help !

craigh commented 1 year ago

Thank you again @llaville ❤️

From within my project dir, I did this:

craig@Craigs-MBP onboard-app % docker run --rm -t -v "":/workdir overtrue/phplint:latest ./ --exclude=vendor --no-configuration --no-cache
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
phplint 9.0.4 by overtrue and contributors.

Runtime       : PHP 8.2.6
Configuration : No config file loaded

................................................................................................ 97 / 110 ( 88%)

Time: 4 secs, Memory: 4.0 MiB, Cache: 0 hit, 110 misses

 [OK] 110 files

So, it looks like it runs properly on local. Now I just need to get the pipeline configured correctly. I don't care about erroring for php 8.2. I just want to get it to work 😄 Can you help with the gitlab pipeline config?

craigh commented 1 year ago

to check if it does not come from your GitLab CI platform ?

fyi - I am just using gitlab website. nothing custom/local

llaville commented 1 year ago

@craigh Could you run again with Docker CLI command by setting the APP_DEBUG env var like this : craig@Craigs-MBP onboard-app % docker run --rm -t -v "":/workdir -e APP_DEBUG=true overtrue/phplint:latest ./ --exclude=vendor --no-configuration --no-cache

And copy/paste as answer the output please ? It will probably help us to investigate more.

craigh commented 1 year ago

@llaville see below for what you requested. I'm not clear on how this helps though. My problem is not on my local but more simply - cannot get the job to run on my gitlab pipeline 😄

thanks for your continued help! 🙇

craig@Craigs-MBP onboard-app % docker run --rm -t -v "":/workdir -e APP_DEBUG=true overtrue/phplint:latest ./ --exclude=vendor --no-configuration --no-cache
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
+ set -e
+ '[' true '==' true ]
+ id -u -n
+ echo '> You will act as user: appuser'
> You will act as user: appuser
+ composer config --global --list
+ echo '[repositories.packagist.org.type] composer
[repositories.packagist.org.url] https://repo.packagist.org
[process-timeout] 300
[use-include-path] false
[use-parent-dir] prompt
[preferred-install] dist
[notify-on-install] true
[github-protocols] [https, ssh]
[vendor-dir] vendor (//vendor)
[bin-dir] {$vendor-dir}/bin (//vendor/bin)
[cache-dir] /home/appuser/.composer/cache
[data-dir] /home/appuser/.composer
[cache-files-dir] {$cache-dir}/files (/home/appuser/.composer/cache/files)
[cache-repo-dir] {$cache-dir}/repo (/home/appuser/.composer/cache/repo)
[cache-vcs-dir] {$cache-dir}/vcs (/home/appuser/.composer/cache/vcs)
[cache-ttl] 15552000
[cache-files-ttl] 15552000
[cache-files-maxsize] 300MiB (314572800)
[cache-read-only] false
[bin-compat] auto
[discard-changes] false
[sort-packages] false
[optimize-autoloader] false
[classmap-authoritative] false
[apcu-autoloader] false
[prepend-autoloader] true
[github-domains] [github.com]
[bitbucket-expose-hostname] true
[disable-tls] false
[secure-http] true
[github-expose-hostname] true
[gitlab-domains] [gitlab.com]
[store-auths] prompt
[archive-format] tar
[archive-dir] .
[htaccess-protect] true
[use-github-api] true
[lock] true
[platform-check] php-only
[home] /home/appuser/.composer'
[repositories.packagist.org.type] composer
[repositories.packagist.org.url] https://repo.packagist.org
[process-timeout] 300
[use-include-path] false
[use-parent-dir] prompt
[preferred-install] dist
[notify-on-install] true
[github-protocols] [https, ssh]
[vendor-dir] vendor (//vendor)
[bin-dir] {$vendor-dir}/bin (//vendor/bin)
[cache-dir] /home/appuser/.composer/cache
[data-dir] /home/appuser/.composer
[cache-files-dir] {$cache-dir}/files (/home/appuser/.composer/cache/files)
[cache-repo-dir] {$cache-dir}/repo (/home/appuser/.composer/cache/repo)
[cache-vcs-dir] {$cache-dir}/vcs (/home/appuser/.composer/cache/vcs)
[cache-ttl] 15552000
[cache-files-ttl] 15552000
[cache-files-maxsize] 300MiB (314572800)
[cache-read-only] false
[bin-compat] auto
[discard-changes] false
[sort-packages] false
[optimize-autoloader] false
[classmap-authoritative] false
[apcu-autoloader] false
[prepend-autoloader] true
[github-domains] [github.com]
[bitbucket-expose-hostname] true
[disable-tls] false
[secure-http] true
[github-expose-hostname] true
[gitlab-domains] [gitlab.com]
[store-auths] prompt
[archive-format] tar
[archive-dir] .
[htaccess-protect] true
[use-github-api] true
[lock] true
[platform-check] php-only
[home] /home/appuser/.composer
+ composer config --global home
+ /bin/sh -c 'ls -l /home/appuser/.composer'
total 76
-rw-------    1 appuser  appgroup       142 Sep 22 12:14 auth.json
drwxr-sr-x    4 appuser  appgroup      4096 May 31 04:29 cache
-rw-r--r--    1 appuser  appgroup        62 May 31 04:29 composer.json
-rw-r--r--    1 appuser  appgroup     56938 May 31 04:29 composer.lock
-rw-------    1 appuser  appgroup        21 Sep 22 12:14 config.json
drwxr-sr-x    7 appuser  appgroup      4096 May 31 04:29 vendor
+ composer config --global home
+ /home/appuser/.composer/vendor/bin/phplint ./ '--exclude=vendor' --no-configuration --no-cache
phplint 9.0.4 by overtrue and contributors.

Runtime       : PHP 8.2.6
Configuration : No config file loaded

................................................................................................ 97 / 110 ( 88%)

Time: 4 secs, Memory: 4.0 MiB, Cache: 0 hit, 110 misses

 [OK] 110 files
llaville commented 1 year ago

@llaville see below for what you requested. I'm not clear on how this helps though. My problem is not on my local but more simply - cannot get the job to run on my gitlab pipeline 😄

I know that this attempt seems useless for you, but as your issue is almost the same as #116 , I wanted to check if we will try to raise error into the entrypoint.sh file that syntax was fixed in past by @overtrue !

Now, this way was check we can investigate on other direction. BTW, I'm not an expert of GitLab. I'll try to prepare an environment to test it on my platform later ...

craigh commented 1 year ago

I'm not an expert of GitLab.

that makes two of us 😉

llaville commented 1 year ago

@craigh I've a BAD and GOOD news !

Here is an example of .gitlab-ci.yml that works !

  stage: test
  needs: []
    name: php:8.2-cli-alpine
      INPUT_PATH: "./"
      INPUT_OPTIONS: "-vvv"
    - apk add --no-cache curl
    - curl -Ls https://github.com/overtrue/phplint/releases/latest/download/phplint.phar -o /usr/local/bin/phplint
    - chmod +x /usr/local/bin/phplint
    - /usr/local/bin/phplint $INPUT_PATH $INPUT_OPTIONS

Don't forget to change variables (INPUT_PATH and INPUT_OPTIONS)

Awaiting your feedback to close this issue

craigh commented 1 year ago

Greetings @llaville and thank you again for your continued work!

I haven't tried this yet, because I have concerns about this solution in principle. Because gitlab pipeline minutes cost money, I am looking for ways to decrease the time spent building and executing our pipelines. As I said above, I am not a gitlab expert, but I am guessing that utilizing a pre-built image like overtrue/phplint:latest is faster than building a php image and then curling in a phar. Additionally, if I am just going to curl in a phar, I can do that in my original php image I am using in the pipeline. And even more, why not then simply add the lib to our dev req's and run it like the old way...

My original intention was to utilize the prebuilt-image as a time and money saver and to reduce clutter in our repo. I don't see this workaround as meeting that intention.

So, imo, this ticket shouldn't be closed because this solution doesn't actually solve the problem of running the script via a pre-built image, but rather provides a workaround.

I very much appreciate the time you have already spent on this!

Since you were able to reproduce the error in your gitlab image, but it seems to work with the image locally, the problem seems to be with the way gitlab is running the entry script vs. how it would be done locally. That is the bug that needs to be addressed here.

cc: @OGProgrammer

llaville commented 1 year ago

As I said above, I am not a gitlab expert, but I am guessing that utilizing a pre-built image like overtrue/phplint:latest is faster than building a php image and then curling in a phar.

As you already know, I'm not a gitlab expert too. I've spent few hours to discover it (CE version with runner under Docker locally) and try to find origin of issue, using the overtrue/phplint:latest docker image. I was not able to do it, but as I never let down, so I've found a workaround.

I'm using the official PHP 8.2 CLI Alpine image (see https://hub.docker.com/_/php/tags?page=1&name=8.2-cli-alpine), and just add the curl tool to be able to download the PHAR version of PHPLint 9.

You are free to use whatever PHP image you want, because we need at least one to run the PHAR.

If you build your own PHP image, I suggest to include the PHPLint tool, that will avoid cost to download the PHAR via curl.

So, imo, this ticket shouldn't be closed because this solution doesn't actually solve the problem of running the script via a pre-built image, but rather provides a workaround.

I very much appreciate the time you have already spent on this!

Thanks for your feedback. On my side I cannot do more things !

llaville commented 1 year ago

@craigh By reading the official GitLab doc (https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/docker/using_docker_images.html#override-the-entrypoint-of-an-image) I've an idea and tried it with a good result, but I don't know :

  1. if it's a GitLab bug
  2. an issue coming from my fix to use docker image in rootless mode (#182)

If you found an expert that may explain this situation, I'll be really happy !

Here is my try with .gitlab-ci.yml using docker image of phplint

  stage: test
  needs: []
    name: overtrue/phplint:latest
    entrypoint: [""]
      INPUT_PATH: "./"
      INPUT_OPTIONS: "-vvv"
    - echo '' #prevents ci yml parse error
    - '/home/appuser/.composer/vendor/bin/phplint $INPUT_PATH $INPUT_OPTIONS'

And the results in picture


craigh commented 1 year ago

Well, I get a new error with those changes:

Running with gitlab-runner 16.3.0~beta.108.g2b6048b4 (2b6048b4)
  on green-4.saas-linux-small-amd64.runners-manager.gitlab.com/default ntHFEtyX, system ID: s_8990de21c550

Resolving secrets

Preparing the "docker+machine" executor
Using Docker executor with image overtrue/phplint:latest ...
Pulling docker image overtrue/phplint:latest ...
Using docker image sha256:5f8f6a623cc79c280baa62930eecabb2d6c0a2cda58688b0f945915952e9a64a for overtrue/phplint:latest with digest overtrue/phplint@sha256:191bdfb1d350c38a7d98014bdff83122103f5dcb4ae22552e4d1cb1df9de3d28 ...

Preparing environment
Running on runner-nthfetyx-project-15927696-concurrent-0 via runner-nthfetyx-s-l-s-amd64-1695901722-73d60ede...

Getting source from Git repository
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/clerkbase/onboard-app/.git/
Created fresh repository.
Checking out 5e717ecc as detached HEAD (ref is refs/merge-requests/1085/head)...
Skipping Git submodules setup
$ git remote set-url origin "${CI_REPOSITORY_URL}"

Restoring cache
Checking cache for 0_yarn-f6addb288c725b780b517883bd059972ea139036-non_protected...
Downloading cache from https://storage.googleapis.com/gitlab-com-runners-cache/project/15927696/0_yarn-f6addb288c725b780b517883bd059972ea139036-non_protected 
Successfully extracted cache
Checking cache for 1_composer-a8ad529844dfa83b63394e555c2df3a0969a2ad3-non_protected...
Downloading cache from https://storage.googleapis.com/gitlab-com-runners-cache/project/15927696/1_composer-a8ad529844dfa83b63394e555c2df3a0969a2ad3-non_protected 
Successfully extracted cache

Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:5f8f6a623cc79c280baa62930eecabb2d6c0a2cda58688b0f945915952e9a64a for overtrue/phplint:latest with digest overtrue/phplint@sha256:191bdfb1d350c38a7d98014bdff83122103f5dcb4ae22552e4d1cb1df9de3d28 ...
$ composer install --no-scripts --no-progress --no-interaction --prefer-dist
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update.
  Problem 1
    - Root composer.json requires PHP extension ext-xsl * but it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's xsl extension.
  Problem 2
    - lorenzo/pinky is locked to version 1.1.0 and an update of this package was not requested.
    - lorenzo/pinky 1.1.0 requires ext-xsl * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's xsl extension.
  Problem 3
    - lorenzo/pinky 1.1.0 requires ext-xsl * -> it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's xsl extension.
    - twig/inky-extra v3.7.1 requires lorenzo/pinky ^1.0.5 -> satisfiable by lorenzo/pinky[1.1.0].
    - twig/inky-extra is locked to version v3.7.1 and an update of this package was not requested.
To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files:
    - /usr/local/etc/php/php.ini
    - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-sodium.ini
You can also run `php --ini` in a terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.
Alternatively, you can run Composer with `--ignore-platform-req=ext-xsl` to temporarily ignore these required extensions.

Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 2
llaville commented 1 year ago

This problem is not related to our use case, but rather to your project.

Have a look on your console output

Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:5f8f6a623cc79c280baa62930eecabb2d6c0a2cda58688b0f945915952e9a64a for overtrue/phplint:latest with digest overtrue/phplint@sha256:191bdfb1d350c38a7d98014bdff83122103f5dcb4ae22552e4d1cb1df9de3d28 ...
$ composer install --no-scripts --no-progress --no-interaction --prefer-dist
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Verifying lock file contents can be installed on current platform.
Your lock file does not contain a compatible set of packages. Please run composer update.
  Problem 1
    - Root composer.json requires PHP extension ext-xsl * but it is missing from your system. Install or enable PHP's xsl extension.

You can check it with php -m on your script -> .gitlab-ci.yml entry, like that :


Extension xsl is not loaded, but PHPLint v9 works !

craigh commented 1 year ago

I don't think I understand. Is the phplint image running composer install in my repo? Why would it do that? Isn't phplint just statically linting my code? Why would it need my vendors? If so, shouldn't your php image include all possible modules just in case? Seems like mine wouldn't be the first repo to require xsl...

llaville commented 1 year ago

phplint did not run composer install or update. so I suppose this instruction come from another step in your CI.

llaville commented 1 year ago

Hello @overtrue What do you think about this issue ? I'd like to have your feedback.

overtrue commented 1 year ago

Hi @llaville @craigh

I see a problem from your communication:

Using docker image sha256:5f8f6a623cc79c280baa62930eecabb2d6c0a2cda58688b0f945915952e9a64a for overtrue/phplint:latest

Here it seems to be installed to an older version, I compared https://hub.docker.com/r/overtrue/phplint/tags and found that the latest sha256 is not the same, so does the following exist:

  1. gitlab runner is caching the docker image.
  2. a custom docker hub mirror is being used.

If so, try clearing the cache and running again.

I'm probably less familiar with gitlab than you two, and I don't use it at all.

In general, -x does not exist, which must be the result of installing an older version without this option.

BTW, if your project is PHP 8.2, it might help to set overtrue/phplint:8.2 to overtrue/phplint:8.1 instead of latest for the 8.1 mirror.

Looking forward to your feedback.

llaville commented 1 year ago

Hi @llaville @craigh

Hi @overtrue

I see a problem from your communication:

Using docker image sha256:5f8f6a623cc79c280baa62930eecabb2d6c0a2cda58688b0f945915952e9a64a for overtrue/phplint:latest

Here it seems to be installed to an older version, I compared https://hub.docker.com/r/overtrue/phplint/tags and found that the latest sha256 is not the same, so does the following exist:

I disagree with you here because you don't check the right SHA256 ! You must read the second part, not the first one.


If you compare digest, fingerprints are correct !

BTW, if your project is PHP 8.2, it might help to set overtrue/phplint:8.2 to overtrue/phplint:8.1 instead of latest for the 8.1 mirror.

It was a good idea. Thanks :)

Trying with this .gitlab-ci.yml contents :

  stage: test
  needs: []
    name: overtrue/phplint:8.1
    #entrypoint: [""]
      INPUT_PATH: "./"
      INPUT_OPTIONS: "-vvv"
    - echo '' #prevents ci yml parse error

Gave such results :


First approach to search on a better way. Thanks again @overtrue for your share.

BTW, as docker images overtrue/phplint:8.1 (v5) and overtrue/phplint:8.2 (v6) are not supposed to be maintained in future (at least by me) I don't recommand to use it.

I'll try to see what was wrong with v9, but I'm pretty sure not this is due to the Docker rootless solution.

llaville commented 1 year ago

Good news, I've found origin that raise "-x" option does not exist.

Need more time to make more tests (especially non regression on other platforms), but a 9.0.5 should be publish sooner

llaville commented 1 year ago


This issue affect only PHPLint v9 (overtrue/phplint:latest docker image). Other versions (v6 => overtrue/phplint:8.2, v5 => overtrue/phplint:8.1) are not impacted

llaville commented 1 year ago

@craigh If you want to test RC version (of upcoming 9.0.5), please try with docker image https://hub.docker.com/layers/overtrue/phplint/rc/images/sha256-32d94022491641aa9f7d0f526aec3bd3fdbd3f1c889c02cd7d80e899d93a14d5?context=explore

Help and Feedback will be greatly appreciated. On my side (locally with GitLab CE and gitlab-runner 16.4.0 (4e724e03) -- docker executor) I've found any new issues !

@overtrue I'm still working on regression with GitHub runs (on my private repo), but any help will be greatly appreciated (if you've some free time).

In summary

llaville commented 1 year ago

Final docker image to use is https://hub.docker.com/layers/overtrue/phplint/rc/images/sha256-d3d7434c1d7489f912c7f06827969721dfaf028f7142b689e62e5d4f22c9d87d?context=explore

This version solve conflict with GitHub Actions environment

@craigh, @overtrue Awaiting your feeback now ! Won't do anything more until receive.

overtrue commented 1 year ago

@craigh please take a try, Thanks

llaville commented 11 months ago

No feedbacks received in a reasonable period. I'll close this issue and consider that GitLab is not supported.

If you really want to have such feature, you're free to re-open this report with a helpfull feedback.

thakilla commented 2 days ago

Hi there,

Getting the same "-x" error when adding it to our gitlab pipeline, using the latest image. I tested your "rc" docker image, which seems to work fine 👍


Any chance to get this fix merged into upcoming/latest versions?