overtrue / phplint

:bug: A tool that can speed up linting of php files by running several lint processes at once.
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Bug: Unable to create file /github/home/.composer/config.json in Github Action #200

Closed chris-bateman closed 5 months ago

chris-bateman commented 5 months ago

New Issue

Unable to create file /github/home/.composer/config.json


If you use a Composer installation, please specify:

Output of `composer show` command ``` ...REPLACE ME... ```

If you use Docker image of PHP Lint, please specify:

Output of `docker inspect overtrue/phplint:latest` command ``` ...REPLACE ME... ```

If you use PHAR version of PHP Lint, please specify:

Output of `phplint.phar --manifest` command ``` ...REPLACE ME... ```


Version 9.0.3 works correctly. Moving to version 9.0.4 or greater results in the below error.

In ConfigCommand.php line 207:
touch(): Unable to create file /github/home/.composer/config.json because No such file or directory                                                     

config [-g|--global] [-e|--editor] [-a|--auth] [--unset] [-l|--list] [-f|--file FILE] [--absolute] [-j|--json] [-m|--merge] [--append] [--source] [--] [<setting-key> [<setting-value>...]]

/entrypoint.sh: line 13: ::error ::touch(): Unable to create file /github/home/.composer/config.json because No such file or directory/vendor/bin/phplint: not found

Github workflow file in use -

        name: PHP Lint
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - uses: actions/checkout@v4
            - uses: overtrue/phplint@9.0.3

Expected behaviour

It runs successfully

Actual behaviour


llaville commented 5 months ago

Found origin of issue. As I've no more free time today, I'll give explains and fixes later (probably tomorrow)

llaville commented 5 months ago

It's time to explains and understand why there are issues since v9.0.4, while v9.0.3 works as expected :

Look and compare Dockerfile both versions :

I've introduced a non-root user to avoid issue #182

I've also, introduced a new issue with line https://github.com/overtrue/phplint/blob/9.0.4/Dockerfile#L19.

Look and also compare entrypoint.sh both versions :

Until v9.0.3, PHPLint used Docker root (account), and hardcoded the path with /root/.composer/vendor/bin/phplint

I've tried to removed the hardcoded syntax by using this $(composer config --global home)/vendor/bin/phplint new syntax.

It will be ok, if GitHub Action Runner did not hardcode itself the HOME user directory (with /github/home value). TL;DR: read https://github.com/actions/runner/issues/863 for more information.

As it's not yet possible, unless GitHub Action team decide to revert their behaviour, we should come back to a hardcoded path version of PHPLint into entrypoint.sh (but now with the non-root user).

Hope these explains are enough to understand current status of PHPLint !

llaville commented 5 months ago

Bugfix releases 9.0.7 and 9.1.1 are on way !

/cc @overtrue

llaville commented 5 months ago

Fix already available with version 9.0.8

I'll release then 9.1.1 accordingly

llaville commented 5 months ago

@chris-bateman I recommend to use the latest version 9.1.1 (quite similar to 9.0.8) unless you're still running with PHP 8.0 on your platform

chris-bateman commented 5 months ago

@llaville Thank you for the quick turn around. Working perfectly now :) image