In 2.1.2 overture tool, there are many reference error in language manual (VDM10_lang_man.pdf).
For example, in page 1.
The Vienna Development Method (VDM) [?, ?, ?] was originally developed at the IBM laboratories
in Vienna in the 1970’s and as such it is one of the longest established formal method. This
document is a common language manual for the three dialects for VDM-SL, VDM++ and VDMRT
in the VDM-10 commonly agreed language revision. These dialects are supported by both
VDMTools ? as well as in the Overture open source tool [?] built on
top of the Eclipse platform. Whenever a construct is common to the three different dialects the
term “VDM languages” will be used. Whenever a construct is specific to a subset of the VDM
languages the specific dialect term mentioned above will be mentioned explictly.
Originally reported by @shinsahara at