overviewer / Minecraft-Overviewer

Render high-resolution maps of a Minecraft world with a Leaflet powered interface
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature : Nether? #315

Closed FabianN closed 12 years ago

FabianN commented 13 years ago

Don't know how many here use bukkit, but since it introduced multiple-world support (with nether supported) I've been looking for a way to map the nether. Along with that the maker of the map markers plugin is working on a manner for mutli-world map marker support, being able to render the nether would be great.

I realize that something is going to have to be done about the roof of the nether for that to happen. Thinking that there will have to be a height where it won't render certain blocks(nether region blocks) above it.

How feasible would something like this be?

pironic commented 13 years ago

the problem with incorporating nether as a tileset or overlay is that its not additional information for the map you're rendering, or alternate views of that same map, but an entirely different map. That being said we'd need to code in the ability to render JUST the nether, but then the questions you've highlighted also chime up in my head: nether is essentially a giant cave, would you render the nether in cave mode?

I'm hesitant...

FabianN commented 13 years ago

Tectonics seems to do good Nether maps: http://triangularpixels.com/Tectonicus/Examples/NetherRender/map.html

Just gotta figure how how they are doing it. From what I can see it removes most of the bedrock at the top and shaves a little bit more than that as well from the top but that's all I can figure from viewing it.

I'm not even too sure if I'd want the Nether as a whole separate map or as another layer, depending on how the coordinates of the nether are done.

I did just start working with the new dtt-c-render branch and I was thinking that multiple worlds could be managed using the settings.py file. Declare the location of the map, what rendered layers(s) you want to put it through, and what you want to have each layer named as. Not sure if adding another world would increase the render time more-so than simply rendering another layer.

This would have the added benefit of making it easy to render multiple worlds, something that is on a rise with bukkit users (creative and survival on the same server, both rendered as a single command).

Fenixin commented 13 years ago

I think Nether can be rendered using the cave-mode (introduced yesterday) and skipping tinting the blocks, and, maybe, adding lighting to it (cave has no lighting, with lighting almost all that you see are pitch black caves). I think this part is easy, the problem is how to handle it all in overviewer program.

Nether is just another world (as the normal world) but in other folder, coordinates and all that stuff are identical. The render time will increase depending of the size of the nether, if the nether is as big as the normal world it will spend almost as another layer.

This needs some discussion (over IRC? :D ).

PIBM commented 13 years ago

I'd skip any block that are connected to the top for which there are at least one bloc under which is air/lava. So, if there's a full column, it`s rendererd. If the column has at least one air/lava, then all the top is skipped.

pironic commented 13 years ago

I''d like to entertain the discussion about blocks above cave rendered semi transparent...

Sent from my Android Smartphone On 2011-05-26 11:31 AM, "PIBM" < reply@reply.github.com> wrote:

Id skip any block that are connected to the top for which there are at least one bloc under which is air/lava. So, if theres a full column, it`s rendererd. If the column has at least one air/lava, then all the top is skipped.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/brownan/Minecraft-Overviewer/issues/315#comment_1243916

PIBM commented 13 years ago

You`d put a semi transparent top ? It would be possible to use a transparency model for blocks further down though, so that multiple caves can be seen at the same time, but if we were to use that kind of solution, I would still skip the top so as not to waste a part of the transparency available =)

Fenixin commented 13 years ago

The semitransparent blocks is, maybe, not a good idea. We are rendering everything in isometric, so blocks are perfectly aligned, that can make the map a little bit confusing (but never tried! I'm not really sure).

@PIBM, that sounds good. But it can give some ugly results. If there is a full column with a small cave in the middle, this method will give a big hole in the column.

I like the way tectonicus does the render for nether... but must be a better way.

contre commented 13 years ago

Just as a note, the cave rendermode works pretty good for doing nether. You just need to point it to the DIM-1 folder as where your regions are and then copy the level.dat into that folder as well. I was having problems with this and was able to get some help. I thought this could help someone else.

edit: Per Fenixin's comment below. It is indeed a copy and not a move.

Fenixin commented 13 years ago

@contre, thanks for the note! But, please, is not move, it's copy! If you move the level.dat you can have problems.

Hikyuuri commented 13 years ago

What about having the renderer just skip the top 5 layers, since that is where the lava is/roof of the map.

cnidarian commented 12 years ago

I'm not sure if any progress has been made on this issue, but nether rendering seems like a good idea. I have made some really minor mods to render caves in nether by scanning above a block and removing the ceiling (so you can see into caves). It only displays the top level caves, but it generally looks ok.

Example: http://cnidarian.dyndns-server.com:8180/nether/#/-33/64/1353/-2/mcmapNormal

I'll mess with it more, the lighting doesn't work quite right since normally the "pillars" are internal, so they do not have lightmaps. I'm looking to make them transparent somehow. In the example you can see the poral, etc.

agrif commented 12 years ago

When I started working on my rendermode-options branch, I ran into some issues with the lighting mode that look a little like what you're seeing. Areas exposed because parts of the map were hidden were rendered at full brightness. It's been fixed, now -- maybe you could try merging your code with that branch and seeing if that fixes it.

Unfortunately no real progress has been made on nether rendering. :( Personally I've been fixated on rendermode-options for the last month or so, but once it's merged (soon! hopefully) I'll be free to tackle different problems.

sirvulcan commented 12 years ago

Ive noticed that the demo map now shows the nether side by side the real world map ( http://overviewer.org/example/ ). Any ideas how this has been done?

pironic commented 12 years ago

Manually injecting the nether files into normal chunks... This is not developed yet

PIBM commented 12 years ago

It could also be a render renaming of the nether

pironic commented 12 years ago

@PIBM, i actually opened teh nether files, cut them from the nether and pasted them into the uberworld. its a direct move of the nether rendered area into the uberworld.

we wanted to see what nether-fortress and other rendered areas in the nether looked like with current rendering abilities so i did this temporary altercation to the exmaple.

PIBM commented 12 years ago

ok, thank you =)

eminence commented 12 years ago

Nether mode is now available in the latest code! Check the docs at http://overviewer.org for more info