ovh / public-cloud-databases-operator

This operator allow you to automaticaly authorize your Kubernetes cluster IP on your OVHcloud cloud databases service.
Apache License 2.0
6 stars 2 forks source link

[ENHANCEMENT] ✨ ServiceID and projectID are not coherent with the OVHcloud Terraform provider #8

Open philippart-s opened 1 year ago

philippart-s commented 1 year ago

For the operator the service id is the DB uuid and the project id is the OVHcloud public cloud project uuid.

In the OVHcloud Terraform provider to create a database the service id is the OVHcloud public cloud project id and the cluster_id is the DB uuid (

I think it's confusing when we use both of tools (operator and terraform).

apinter commented 11 months ago

This exactly. I'm personally pretty new to OVH - just like our org - and to be fully honest this type of issues is making life fairly miserable. The only way one can decode the meaning of these new terminologies is by checking the api endpoints or working with the TF provider prior. Another note I would make here is that the documentation in this repo is not in line with the documentation on the OVH help page. I understand that the work here is Apache licensed, but that doesn't make it any less confusing, and it still serves as added value to OVH paid services.