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Openstack - Enable Internal DNS Resolution #340

Open fawben opened 1 year ago

fawben commented 1 year ago

If two vms are created on the same private network, they should be able to be mutually reachable through a logical name, rather than their IP address only. This is to avoid the modification of /etc/hosts file on the vm instances, or manage entries on an external DNS. The name is in the form of 'host-%(octet0)s-%(octet1)s-%(octet2)s-%(octet3)s.openstacklocal', ie 'host-192-168-0-4.openstacklocal'

yomovh commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the issue and sorry to answer you so late. I will add it the the backlog for analysis.

matmicro commented 4 months ago

On my side i would like something similar to what Route53 is offering :

the ability from DNS to answer a different IP adress based on the client location : if user is in Americas, i would like my domain name to point to my MKS located in BHS if user is in Australia, i would like my domain name to point to my MKS located in SYD if user is in Germany, ..... point to DE1 etc... So i would like to be able to build DNS rules, based on criterias, without having to build my own Bind service. Would be great !

yomovh commented 3 months ago

@matmicro this DNS geo routing could be part of our DNS server product roadmap. However, we do not intent to work on that in the next 12 months.

I will keep the issue open for the initial request : be able to resolve internally instance hostnames.