ovh / svfs

The Swift Virtual File System
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Error while mouting svfs with Hubic #136

Open mianor64 opened 7 years ago

mianor64 commented 7 years ago


Steps to reproduce this issue :

I used hubic-application to get hubic_auth and hubic_token $ hubic-application Did you registered an application under your hubic account ? (y/N) y ~> Application redirect URL: ~> Application client_id: api_hubic_xxxxxxx ~> Application client_secret: xxxxxxx 1) Setting scope ... OK ~> Email: ~> Password: xxxxxxxx 2) Granting access ... OK 3) Getting refresh token ... OK

== Your mount options == ~> hubic_auth=xxxxxxxxxx ~> hubic_token=xxxxxxxxxx

With those informations, I should be able to mount Hubic account with svfs: mount -t svfs -o hubic_auth=xxxxxxxxxx,hubic_token=xxxxxxxxxx,container=default hubic /test

I also tried to put credentials information in /etc/svfs.yaml and run command mount -t svfs -o container=default hubic /test

Results you expected :

I expected the /test directory to be mounted on my VPS and access files in my Hubic account

Results you observed :

After about 30 seconds, I get this message on the command line: FATA[2017-06-17T11:29:39-04:00] cannot obtain root node: Timeout when reading or writing data

Lillecarl commented 7 years ago

Try removing container=default from the config, it'll create a subdir called default in the mount point, but if that's ok it should work :)

I had the same issue.