ovh / the-bastion

Authentication, authorization, traceability and auditability for SSH accesses.
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Server to Server SCP through the bastion #193

Open RomainL972 opened 3 years ago

RomainL972 commented 3 years ago


We've been using The Bastion at our organization for some time and I noticed that it's not possible to use SCP to copy a file from one host on the bastion to another one also on the bastion. Is that a limitation of the software or is there some configuration needed ?


speed47 commented 3 years ago


This is not supported (yet). I checked and it seems that when you type the following command from machine A:

user@A$ scp B:file C:file

This is what happens:

With a bastion between A and the rest of the infrastructure, this would mean:

In both cases, this implies that B needs to have direct access to C.

I'll check if this can work with some minor adjustments to the code.

speed47 commented 3 years ago

This should be doable, however in the meantime, you should be able to do, if your bastion alias is bssh, instead of:

scp -S ~/scp_bastion server1:file1 server2:file2

Try this:

bssh server1 -- scp file1 server2:file2

It's functionally equivalent, and what happens under the hood if you use scp directly with 2 remote servers. If you have the chance to test this with your setup, can you confirm it works?

RomainL972 commented 2 years ago

Hi, what I want to do is to download a file from a server behind the bastion, and to upload it to another server also behind the bastion, like what is shown here :