ovn-org / ovn-kubernetes

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docs, multi-homing, virt: persistent IPs for virt workloads #4437

Closed maiqueb closed 4 days ago

maiqueb commented 2 weeks ago

What this PR does and why is it needed

This PR addresses a gap in the OVN-Kubernetes user documentation, by explaining the persistent IPs for virtualization workloads feature.

This feature is described in detail in the following KubeVirt enhancement.

Which issue(s) this PR fixes

Fixes #

Special notes for reviewers

How to verify it

Details to documentation updates

Description for the changelog

Does this PR introduce a user-facing change?

coveralls commented 2 weeks ago

Coverage Status

coverage: 52.716% (-0.01%) from 52.729% when pulling 91d13d1c48c0f810a19d5cba31bd577154ae9997 on maiqueb:add-persistent-ips-docs into 17dce5cc7a56cf9cb082b6ba44e8f69809b8763a on ovn-org:master.