ow2-proactive / scheduling

Multi-platform Scheduling and Workflows Engine
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
61 stars 53 forks source link

Project #2627

Open XshzX opened 7 years ago

XshzX commented 7 years ago

Hi. I am writing a Paper on Open Source Workflow Engines(WE). Can you tell me if your WE can support the Control-Flow Patterns described under http://www.workflowpatterns.com/patterns/control/ ? If you are not sure, can you provide a Getting Started Doc, so i can try to check it myself? thank you, Silviu

tobwiens commented 7 years ago

Hello Silviu,

I had a short look into the workflow patterns, I am not sure how control flow patterns translate into our software exactly. But reading about the patterns, it sounds that those are probably implementable with our software.

Our Workflows allow full access to data and support several programming languages like java, javascript, python to name a few. One can implement many behavioral patterns as well as perform any sort of data processing, due to the freedom of accessing data and using programming languages.

Our software is particularly designed to manage workloads in big distributed systems. There is a lot to discover and to understand, because the topic is huge. But you can do your first steps on our try platform and validate your assumptions on: http://try.activeeon.com

For sure you can check for yourself in our documentation: http://doc.activeeon.com/7.10.0/

Don't hesitate to ask, if you have more questions.

Cheers, Tobias