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fix for "Library does not support http proxy #13" #14

Open behrica opened 10 years ago

behrica commented 10 years ago

Using http-clj-lite instead og http-kit. This allows to use http proxies via setting of system properties (http.xxxx)

I tried it by setting proxy host and port. I did not test proxy authentication

owainlewis commented 10 years ago

I'd be happy to look into this but it would be quite a big refactor so would need some time to take a look properly.

behrica commented 9 years ago

I just rebased this with your latest changes.

To work on my project I need both:

As I use this code on a daily base, I am rather convinced that my change to clj-http-light did not break anything

owainlewis commented 9 years ago

Hi. We can add proxy support. Would you be happy to consider https://github.com/dakrone/clj-http as that's a client I've worked with more often and it supports HTTP proxy.

(client/get "http://foo.com" {:proxy-host "" :proxy-port 8118})
behrica commented 9 years ago

I Just saw you previous comment while typing this ....

Do you have an idea when you have the time to look at it ?

I am asking, because my application at the end needs to run on heroku, so I need a version of this library on clojars containing both fixes.

If it still takes some time, I would do a clojars release of my branch as:


behrica commented 9 years ago

In principle this https://github.com/dakrone/clj-http is fine. I just took clj-http-lite, which is a fork from previous.

It has less features, but far less dependencies.

behrica commented 9 years ago

Maybe not a fork any more...

It has the same API, see here for differences:


It has for sure far less dependencies AND it supports taking the http- settings from system settings, which clj-http does NOT do by default. (as it is based on Apache HttpComponents client, which does not support teh system settings (by default )).

But at the end I don´t mind. As long there is a way of specify the proxy. (proxy host + proxy port)

owainlewis commented 9 years ago

I should be able to look at this today in theory as it's a pretty small change. You are welcome to push a different version to Clojars if it helps.

behrica commented 9 years ago

Just wanted to mention one more thing.

In reality I need to authenticate against the proxy (username + password).

The problem is, that I did not get it working neither with clj-http nor clj-http-lite ..

There are some discussions on both projects about it, but the released versions of both do not work for me....

I solved it finally by installing locally a proxy which authenticates and forwards to our company proxy. This is for me "in general" better anyway, as like this I have my username/password in a single place only.

But you might want to think, if you want to add a more complete proxy support including authentication.

I don´t need this, as I said. I could eventually help you in testing it, if you develop it.

owainlewis commented 9 years ago

I feel your pain of working with proxies. I have to deal with them as well day to day. Will do my best to fix this for you. : )

behrica commented 9 years ago

Java and proxies is a pain ... If you are interested, I installed locally cntlm-0.92.3 (does not need admin rights on windows to run ...)

So i just need to configure "everywhere" to use "localhost:3128" as proxy.

This helps A LOT as configure proxy authentication is not supported by all tools/libraries and changing my passoword means change in a single place only.