owasp-modsecurity / ModSecurity-nginx

ModSecurity v3 Nginx Connector
Apache License 2.0
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Match rule transform POST in GET #258

Closed cello86 closed 2 years ago

cello86 commented 2 years ago

Hi All, we noticed on modsecurity for Nginx connector a strange behavior. If a rule is matched before the normal CRS rules engine the HTTP method is noticed like GET instead the original POST.

We already had some issues with the internal redirects but the matching on different phases can generate this type of error?

Thanks, Marcello

martinhsv commented 2 years ago

Hello @cello86 ,

I'm not sure I understand the use case that you are describing.

Note that ModSecurity (including the nginx connector) is the "engine". CRS is a generic rule set that is often used with ModSecurity.

From what have included, however, what you are seeing sounds like it might be expected behaviour related to error redirects. You may wish to have a look at the following for more detail: https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity-nginx/issues/152#issuecomment-583037424

If you think what you are experiencing is unrelated to that, please provide additional detail.

cello86 commented 2 years ago

Hi @cello86, we configured the nginx instance with the error page without mod_security enabled to avoid the internal redirect.

    server {
    server_name test.local;

        modsecurity on;
        modsecurity_rules_file /usr/local/nginx/conf/modsecurity.conf;

        error_page 403 /error/403.json;

        location ^~ /error {
            modsecurity_rules 'SecRule REQUEST_URI "@beginsWith /" "id:1,pass,phase:2,log,ctl:ruleEngine=DetectionOnly"';
            alias "/usr/local/nginx/error";

        location / {
            root   html;


martinhsv commented 2 years ago

Hello @cello86 ,

Perhaps I've misunderstood something but how does that configuration result in 'without mod_security enabled'?

You explicitly have 'modsecurity on' within the outside server block. So it will still be 'on' inside the 'location ^~ /error' -- which it seems you understand because you include an extra modsecurity_rules entry there.

That extra rule includes an action 'ctl:ruleEngine=DetectionOnly', so rules that are impacted by that will, of course, use Detection Only.

However even for rule detections after that point, you will still see the effect of the GET requests that were originally POSTs (e.g. in logging). Note also that your "id:1" rule will run later than at least some other rules (you have it as a phase:2 rule), you could have a look at the DebugLog output to confirm which rules are being run in which order.

If none of the above clarifies things for you, I think you're going to have to describe in more detail, what effects exactly you are seeing and how you expect them to be different.

martinhsv commented 2 years ago

Was there anything further on this?