owasp-modsecurity / ModSecurity

ModSecurity is an open source, cross platform web application firewall (WAF) engine for Apache, IIS and Nginx. It has a robust event-based programming language which provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring, logging and real-time analysis.
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Discussion of the new XML processing feature #3178

Open airween opened 2 weeks ago

airween commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

It's not a bug but a discussion about a new feature, how can we extend the XML processing.

There is a feature request from a customer that we should extend the engines' XML parsing capability. Of course, we should add this request to both engine with same behavior.

Current behavior

Consider this payload:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This payload will appear in current state in the engines:


[/post][9] Target value: "  foo1  bar1  foo2  bar2"


[/post] [9] Target value: "  foo1  bar1  foo2  bar2" (Variable: XML:/*)

(lines from debug.logs)


The problem is that exclusions for sub-parts and specific nodes does not work. See the example:

SecRule XML:/* "@rx ^foo.*" \

because the XML variable holds the concatenated node values, not a key:value pairs like JSON. Therefore it's impossible to create any exclusion against any rules.

Possible solution

Consider this converted strcture (XML to JSON):

  "root": {
    "level1": {
      "level2": [
          "node": [
          "node": [

This payload will expanded like this:


[/post][9] Adding JSON argument 'root.level1.level2.level2.node.node' with value 'foo1'
[/post][9] Adding JSON argument 'root.level1.level2.level2.node.node' with value 'bar1'
[/post][9] Adding JSON argument 'root.level1.level2.level2.node.node' with value 'foo2'
[/post][9] Adding JSON argument 'root.level1.level2.level2.node.node' with value 'bar2'


[/post] [4] Adding request argument (JSON): name "json.root.level1.level2.array_0.node.array_0", value "foo1"
[/post] [4] Adding request argument (JSON): name "json.root.level1.level2.array_0.node.array_1", value "bar1"
[/post] [4] Adding request argument (JSON): name "json.root.level1.level2.array_1.node.array_0", value "foo2"
[/post] [4] Adding request argument (JSON): name "json.root.level1.level2.array_1.node.array_1", value "bar2"

The idea is to transform the XML structure in a similar way.



[/post] [4] Adding request argument (XML): name "xml.root.level1.level2.array_0.node.array_0", value "foo1"
[/post] [4] Adding request argument (XML): name "xml.root.level1.level2.array_0.node.array_1", value "bar1"
[/post] [4] Adding request argument (XML): name "xml.root.level1.level2.array_1.node.array_0", value "foo2"
[/post] [4] Adding request argument (XML): name "xml.root.level1.level2.array_1.node.array_1", value "bar2"

Possible risks

How can we avoid/handle the risks?

We can put the decision in the hands of the user, whether he wants to see the new collection under the ARGS or not - so introduce a new configuration keyword, eg. SecParseXMLintoArgs (consider the optional runtime config, eg. ctl:parseXMLintoArgs)

As in case of JSON, introduce a new configuration keyword which controls the maximum number of XML levels that can be analyzed, eg. SecRequestBodyXMLDepthLimit (see SecRequestBodyJSONDepthLimit)

More todo's

We have to:

For the last item: the behavior of JSON parsing in two versions are different. Consider the payload {"a":1,"b":[{"a1":"a1val"},{"a1":"a2val"}]} (see that there is a list!) which is equivalent with this XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

which produces these results:


[/post][9] Adding JSON argument 'a' with value '1'
[/post][9] Adding JSON argument 'b.b.a1' with value 'a1val'
[/post][9] Adding JSON argument 'b.b.a1' with value 'a2val'


[/post] [4] Adding request argument (JSON): name "json.a", value "1"
[/post] [4] Adding request argument (JSON): name "json.b.array_0.a1", value "a1val"
[/post] [4] Adding request argument (JSON): name "json.b.array_1.a1", value "a2val"

Note, that please check the list items with the same keys! I think we should follow the libmodsecurity3's behavior - but the the XML and JSON won't be compatible. (Which implies the next question: do we want to align the mod_security2's behavior?)

Any feedback are welcome!

theseion commented 2 weeks ago

XML parser

does ModSecurity use the libxml2 SAX parser? When I read SecRequestBodyXMLLimit it sounds to me like it's not. Presuming that ModSecurity could collect all elements that rules might want to inspect (which would rule out the use of sub-tree wild cards), ModSecurity could simply keep track of those elements and discard everything else, only a single pass would be needed and no extra memory than what is needed to store the elements that might be inspected.

Wild cards

One very frustrating thing at the moment is that JSON targets can't be matched using wild cards. For example, if I wanted to match / exclude attribute from all nodes, I couldn't write json.level1.*.attribute but would have to to list every combination. Listing every possible combination may actually not be possible at all. This is not only a convenience issue but can also make it easy to bypass rules.


while the argument names in libmodsecurity3 are much better than in v2, the numbering of list elements is a potential problem for when you want to match any element in a potentially large list. A rule would need exclude the complete array or enumerate every entry in the list, which isn't possible. This will always give attackers a way to bypass such a rule by simply placing the payload at the first index that isn't being inspected.


I suggest focusing on one feature at a time. For me, that would currently be giving the user the full ability to inspect XML contents and nodes. Other features can be added later on. IMO, one really good feature is often much more valuable than many of mediocre quality.

marcstern commented 2 weeks ago

mod_security2 uses https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2/

marcstern commented 2 weeks ago

On the long term, it looks logical to have the same behaviour in v2 & v3, and also with XML & JSON. We have to manage that path (compatibility), and also to choose the best features. One question that need to be raised: do we consider XML as a priority? Some people still need it, obviously, but how many? Does it worth the effort on the long term? Ther's no judgement here, just an open question.

marcstern commented 2 weeks ago

Remark about v2 JSON parsing: you also have arrays appearing in the ARGS names, but without index, like "json.b.array.a1". My 2 cents: from a security point of view, it's better than having an index as the order of the arrays makes no sense for a parser (and I don't think you can guarantee the order).

marcstern commented 2 weeks ago

About limiting the parsing: This could be a gain in case of huge payload. We may want to parse only some items or exclude some.

marcstern commented 2 weeks ago

About Wildcards in JSON: regex in targets is definitely a must

marcstern commented 2 weeks ago

Another feature asked by many people is the possibility to parse a JSON from a custom variable (like the value of a cookie, maybe after base64-decode - yes, everybody thinks about JWT). This feature should probably be discussed from scratch when designing a new parsing (but, as @theseion said, features should be implemented one at a time).

marcstern commented 2 weeks ago

About Wildcards in JSON: regex in targets is definitely a must Btw, it's possible to create a rule to match the targets and add them one by one. It's far from optimal, but it works.

airween commented 2 weeks ago

XML parser

does ModSecurity use the libxml2 SAX parser?

yes. Both version uses libxml2.

When I read SecRequestBodyXMLLimit it sounds to me like it's not.

Sorry, but I don't understand this. Where is the SecRequestBodyXMLLimit keyword? I can't find it either in the documentation or in my initial comment.

Presuming that ModSecurity could collect all elements that rules might want to inspect

yes - the question is here that what ModSecurity might want to inspect? Eg. is it necessary the tags' arguments?

Wild cards

One very frustrating thing at the moment is that JSON targets can't be matched using wild cards. For example, if I wanted to match / exclude attribute from all nodes, I couldn't write json.level1.*.attribute

Why? This works for me:

SecRule ARGS:/level1\.*/ "@rx foobar" \
    msg:'Phase 1: Parameters: %{MATCHED_VAR_NAME} %{MATCHED_VAR}'"

the request:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"level1":{"key1":{"arg":"foobar"},"key2":{"arg":"foobar"}},"level2":{"key1":{"arg":"foobar"},"key2":{"arg":"foobar"}}}' http://localhost/post

then I see in the log:

ModSecurity: Warning. Pattern match "foobar" at ARGS:level1.key1.arg. [file "/home/airween/src/coreruleset/rules/REQUEST-900-EXCLUSION-RULES-BEFORE-CRS.conf"] [line "236"] [id "1007"] [msg "Phase 1: Parameters: ARGS:level1.key1.arg foobar"] [hostname "localhost"] [uri "/post"] [unique_id "ZoLG_jDbBliqNtRf162A5QAAAAA"]
ModSecurity: Warning. Pattern match "foobar" at ARGS:level1.key2.arg. [file "/home/airween/src/coreruleset/rules/REQUEST-900-EXCLUSION-RULES-BEFORE-CRS.conf"] [line "236"] [id "1007"] [msg "Phase 1: Parameters: ARGS:level1.key2.arg foobar"] [hostname "localhost"] [uri "/post"] [unique_id "ZoLG_jDbBliqNtRf162A5QAAAAA"]

but don't see the args with name level2.....

May be this is something you need.


while the argument names in libmodsecurity3 are much better than in v2, the numbering of list elements is a potential problem for when you want to match any element in a potentially large list. A rule would need exclude the complete array or enumerate every entry in the list, which isn't possible. This will always give attackers a way to bypass such a rule by simply placing the payload at the first index that isn't being inspected.

Ahm, I think I see what you mean. Needs to figure out the correct handling.


I suggest focusing on one feature at a time. For me, that would currently be giving the user the full ability to inspect XML contents and nodes.

In case of content do you think about the whole XML raw content?

Now the demand is that we need the XML's key:value pairs, especially generate exclusions. (Regarding to nodes.)

Other features can be added later on. IMO, one really good feature is often much more valuable than many of mediocre quality.

Sorry, what "other features" do you think about?

airween commented 2 weeks ago

One question that need to be raised: do we consider XML as a priority? Some people still need it, obviously, but how many? Does it worth the effort on the long term? Ther's no judgement here, just an open question.

I don't know how many users expects it - a feature request received in private, which is quite urgent, but they use the mainline mod_security2, so we can't provide it as a "custom feature", because later that would lead collisions.

But yes, your question is legal - this is not the most priority, but regarding the circumstances, we can't avoid that.

theseion commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, but I don't understand this. Where is the SecRequestBodyXMLLimit keyword? I can't find it either in the documentation or in my initial comment.

I meant to write SecRequestBodyXMLDepthLimit

theseion commented 2 weeks ago

Wild cards One very frustrating thing at the moment is that JSON targets can't be matched using wild cards. For example, if I wanted to match / exclude attribute from all nodes, I couldn't write json.level1.*.attribute

Why? This works for me:

It works with @rx but not with ctl:removeTargetById, AFAIK.

airween commented 2 weeks ago

Remark about v2 JSON parsing: you also have arrays appearing in the ARGS names, but without index, like "json.b.array.a1". My 2 cents: from a security point of view, it's better than having an index as the order of the arrays makes no sense for a parser (and I don't think you can guarantee the order).

Okay, pro: security reason, con: can't reference to an exact item.

This is why I started this discussion to collect pros and cons for functionalities.

airween commented 2 weeks ago

Wild cards One very frustrating thing at the moment is that JSON targets can't be matched using wild cards. For example, if I wanted to match / exclude attribute from all nodes, I couldn't write json.level1.*.attribute Why? This works for me:

It works with @rx but not with ctl:removeTargetById, AFAIK.

Ah, I see - thanks.

theseion commented 2 weeks ago

In case of content do you think about the whole XML raw content?

Not raw necessarily. I just think that being able to inspect values and nodes properly has to be the most important thing. Raw sounds expensive, maybe that's not necessary.

theseion commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, what "other features" do you think about?

You wrote additional validation, for example.

airween commented 2 weeks ago

I meant to write SecRequestBodyXMLDepthLimit

Thanks. But why do you think that reading this keyword it sounds to you like ModSecurity does not use libXML?

theseion commented 2 weeks ago

SAX, not libxml.

theseion commented 2 weeks ago

libxml2 has a SAX parser, so XML can be streamed. For streams, a depth limit doesn't make much sense (I think).

airween commented 2 weeks ago

In case of content do you think about the whole XML raw content?

Not raw necessarily. I just think that being able to inspect values and nodes properly has to be the most important thing. Raw sounds expensive, maybe that's not necessary.

Raw appears in REQUEST_BODY (by a bug in libmodsecurity3, and perhaps you can force it with ctl:forceRequestBodyVariable in v2).

But for your idea: could you write an example?

airween commented 2 weeks ago

Another feature asked by many people is the possibility to parse a JSON from a custom variable (like the value of a cookie, maybe after base64-decode - yes, everybody thinks about JWT). This feature should probably be discussed from scratch when designing a new parsing (but, as @theseion said, features should be implemented one at a time).

This seems to me like a new transformation - may be we should open a new discussion for that.

theseion commented 2 weeks ago

Tree based XML parser:

tree := parse(xmlString)
for (node in nodeWalk(tree)) {
  // eval rule

Stream based XML parser (SAX):

stream := parseStreaming(xmlString)
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
  node := stream.next()
  if (anyRuleNeedsNode(node) {
// eval rules using cachedNodes

Examples of what access could look like

Access any node below a given level with a certain name:


Access any attribute below a given level with a certain name:


Access to prelude:


Access to trailer:


In short, raw access is probably a good idea, but there should be other options, as applying a regular expression to a huge string is never a good idea. Usually, the scope can be reduced significantly, provided that it's possible to access everything.

marcstern commented 2 weeks ago

Remark about v2 JSON parsing: you also have arrays appearing in the ARGS names, but without index, like "json.b.array.a1". My 2 cents: from a security point of view, it's better than having an index as the order of the arrays makes no sense for a parser (and I don't think you can guarantee the order).

Okay, pro: security reason, con: can't reference to an exact item.

This is why I started this discussion to collect pros and cons for functionalities.

Why would you want check the second item only, knowing that I could evade your check by switching both items?

airween commented 2 weeks ago

Why would you want check the second item only, knowing that I could evade your check by switching both items?

I don't want to check only the second item - I would expect that the engine check all items in the list.

airween commented 2 weeks ago

Tree based XML parser:

... Stream based XML parser (SAX):

These are called in libxml2 DOM parser and SAX parser.

May be we should inspect the efficiency and performance of both parsers.

Examples of what access could look like

Access any node below a given level with a certain name:


Access any attribute below a given level with a certain name:


Ah, I see, so with these prefixing we can divide the the nodes' key:pair list but also we can access to attributes. Thanks for the idea, we should take a look.

Access to prelude:


Access to trailer:


In short, raw access is probably a good idea, but there should be other options, as applying a regular expression to a huge string is never a good idea. Usually, the scope can be reduced significantly, provided that it's possible to access everything.

Right. But first, as you wrote, we should start with one function, then we can continue with the others.

airween commented 1 week ago

I made a small example which could be the base of future XML parser. The parser uses libxml2's SAX parser, the newest version (v2 - the old methods and structures are deprecated).

Please take a look at that: https://github.com/airween/saxparser_example

You should try that with other XML's, and make investigations with Valgrind or another memory testers.

Any feedback is welcome.