oweitman / ioBroker.squeezeboxrpc

This is an alternative Adapter that uses the JSON/RPC-Protokoll to get data and send commands to the Logitech Media Server.
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Artist missing after 1.3.10 update using Spotty Plugin #72

Open MAR-L3Y opened 1 year ago

MAR-L3Y commented 1 year ago

Hello ,

i just discovered that the DP for Artist is empty when i use version 1.3.10 I tried to put on the right settings in LMS but i can't find the right option to get this working again. on version 1.3.9 there is no problem at all. I'm using The LMS and Squeezeboxes only with the Spotty plugin but can't find a option for changing the TPE there. The other DPs are filled like they should be just the Artist is missing. Is it possible to make the TPE2/TPE3 feature that got in with version 1.3.10 selectable in a future version?

oweitman commented 1 year ago

this is difficult. 2 weeks ago i created a mp3 file with all relevant tags ALBUMARTIST COMPOSER CONDUCTOR DIRECTOR ORIGARTIST

and look into the LMS-source code, that is not so easy. but now i have a little clue that lms is doing with the mp3 tags and how the tpe2/3 option changes the output of the fields

next i want to introduce some more datapoints ALBUMARTIST TRACKARTIST COMPOSER CONDUCTOR BAND

These are the fields that LMS ist sending for a track (but not allways all of them) LMS dont send the DIRECTOR-field The Artist-Datapoint changes it behavior to a calculated datapoint based on the tpe-option

with this changes we try and i need response from the community for more differences.

oweitman commented 1 month ago

can you please check this post https://forum.iobroker.net/topic/21809/test-support-adapter-squeezeboxrpc/286?_=1723119130833