owenthereal / codefaces

a web-based source control client
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[1.1.1/SVN] reduce dependencies from subclipse to svnkit only #105

Open owenthereal opened 14 years ago

owenthereal commented 14 years ago

We don't need to introduce subclipse as dependency while we are only using svnkit, and subclipse introduces extra overhead on even notifications (try to remove the svnkit dependencies in the subclipse project). The APIs of svnkit are not difficult to use at all (https://wiki.svnkit.com/Printing_Out_A_Subversion_Repository_Tree). Preferable to only use svnkit.

This task has the highest priority.

kklo commented 14 years ago

done. In dev_svnkit_adaptor.

But doubting if the implementation can be less expensive.

owenthereal commented 14 years ago

well, the point is to have one less jar dependencies. Great work!