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Indonesian COVID-19 booster vaccination data #2273

Closed ghost closed 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago

Boosters (recorded in Indonesian as "vaksinasi ke-3") were recorded beginning from 2 September, according to this Reddit comment (link: https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/nmy1es/comment/hbaqvhp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), and it continues from there until the present day. According to that Reddit comment, there were 661,941 boosters given. Now, there are at least 1,340,060 boosters given according to this tweet (link: https://twitter.com/nuicemedia/status/1482663623717978118) - these numbers are certainly coming from the Indonesian Ministry of Health, especially from Komite Penanganan COVID-19 dan Pemulihan Ekonomi Nasional (KPCPEN) - it's from here: https://covid19.go.id/artikel/2022/01/16/data-vaksinasi-covid-19-update-16-januari-2022.

Further data of Indonesian COVID booster vaccinations can be taken from here: https://covid19.go.id/vaksin-covid19

The official source for 2 September 2021 booster dose data (and a record for 1 September simultaneously, which is 648,704 boosters given): https://covid19.go.id/p/berita/data-vaksinasi-covid-19-update-2-september-2021

Note that the third doses doesn't include J&J (Pfizer, AZ, Sinovac, Zifivax are the vaccines used for third dose as of now), and before 12 January third doses are mostly Moderna doses.

lucasrodes commented 2 years ago

Hi @SMB99thx, Thanks for your message.

We currently source the data for Indonesia from https://data.covid19.go.id/public/index.html, which provides a friendly API link: https://data.covid19.go.id/public/api/pemeriksaan-vaksinasi.json. This source provides the data in a complete time-series and JSON format. These characteristics allow us to seamlessly read the data and get the latest backwards data corrections.

As you can note, however, this data only provides numbers on first doses and second doses.

While the links you share are good sources, they fail to provide the data in an acceptable format to automate our process for Indonesia. We hope that the data from https://data.covid19.go.id incorporates boosters and single shoots soon. If not, we will consider switching to manual imports from the links you shared.

In addition, currently, the link https://covid19.go.id/vaksin-covid19 is leading to a 502 error on my end. I will re-try later.

I will try to reach out to them. Thanks for your time and insights!

ghost commented 2 years ago

Thanks. As an Indonesian I hope that my country's government takes statistics (especially OWID which is an open source database) even more seriously. The website's UI from what I have seen, if I remember correctly, hasn't been largely updated since late 2020 when I first visited the website.

As I said above, I'm hoping that eventually someone from government of Indonesia takes notice as OWID's data was used by Google to give out statistics for vaccinations. This is very important as most Indonesians belong to the Google ecosystem, like India. (good thing that India's data is not really affected)