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Review, consolidate and update data for Serbia #550

Closed momcilo78 closed 3 years ago

momcilo78 commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt ,

I have noticed that the data stopped being updated after Feb 14th for Serbia.

In order to help resolve the issue I have collected the list of data sources for pull requests that contain the news articles since the first mention number of the fully vaccinated persons.

If you need further help with translation/validation I will be happy to assist. Furthermore, I attempt to reach the government officials (official channels, social media, private contacts...) in order to ask them to provide automated feed, sadly no success yet.

Please study the entries and notes I have provided bellow.

PR Publication date Vaccinated 2nd 1st Note Link Original sentence English translation
#448 07.02.2021 544209 0 544209 The article mentiones that the second dose of the mass vaccination will start from 09.02.2021 https://www.danas.rs/drustvo/vakcinu-protiv-korona-virusa-u-srbiji-do-sada-primilo-544-209-osoba/ Vakcinu protiv korona virusa u Srbiji je do sada dobilo 544.209 osoba, a u utorak, 9. februara, kako je najavljeno, počinje i revakcinacija. So far 544209 persons have received vaccine. On Tuesday Feb 9th, as announced, the revaccination starts.
#468 10.02.2021 592634 47665 544969   https://www.alo.rs/vesti/drustvo/592-634-primilo-vakcinu-sve-veci-broj-revakcinisanih/383807/vest Prema najnovijim podacima, u Srbiji je do sada ukupno vakcinisano 592.634 ljudi, dok je 47.665 osoba primilo drugu dozu vakcine. According to the lates data, a total of 592.634 people have been  vaccinated, among them 47.665 persons have received second dose of vaccine.
#475 11.02.2021 636119 83262 552857   https://www.kurir.rs/amp/3622973/danas-tacno-2000-novozarazenih-najnoviji-korona-presek-u-srbiji-15-preminulih-raste-broj-pacijenata-na-respiratorima Dosad je ukupno vakcinisano 636.119 građana dok je drugu dozu primilo 83.262. Until now 636.119 citizens have been vaccinated, among them 83.262 have received second dose.
#486 13.02.2021 803319 NO DATA NO DATA I could not locate the information on number of fully vaccinated for this data point. IMHO: it should be omitted https://nova.rs/vesti/drustvo/u-srbiji-vakcinisano-803-319-ljudi/ U Srbiji je, prema najnovijim podacima Vlade, 803.319 ljudi vakcinisano protiv koronavirusa. According to the latest data provided by Government, 803.319 people habe been vaccinated against corona virus.
#497 16.02.2021 944222 304767 639455   https://www.redportal.rs/srbija/12168/korona-u-srbiji-skoro-1900-novozarazenih-16-preminulo U Srbiji je ukupno vakcinisano 944.222, dok je revakcinisano 304.767 osoba. U Srbiji je ukupno vakcinisano 944.222 (osoba), dok je revakcinisano 304.767 osoba. In Serbia total of 944.222 (persons) has been vaccinated, among them 304.767 persons have been revaccinated. Note: adjective in Serbien language has to be alligned with a noun both in term of multiplicity, gender and case.  Due to this fact a noun can be omitted if it is later mentioned in the same sentence with again compliant multiplicity, gender and case. In this case "osoba" (persons) was omitted from the first part of sentence.
#497 17.02.2021 1002949 356010 646939 For 17.02.2021, initial pull request contains incorrect data for total number of vaccination. Most likely the article got updated in the meanwhile. https://www.rtv.rs/sr_lat/drustvo/u-srbiji-945.989-vakcinacija-druga-u-evropi-sedma-u-svetu_1209637.html Do sada je vakcinisano 1.002.949 građana. Up to now 1.002.949 citizens have been vaccinated
#523 18.02.2021 1111000 Impossible value: 694488 #VALUE! This data entry is invalid and should be removed. I tried my best to locate alternative data source. My assumption is that the health offical either switched 2nd and 1st dose or was misquoted by the journalist. All other articles seem to derive the text from the original, provided by the news agency FoNet/Beta. Note: I also tried switching the values, and it was consistant with prior and later numbers, but this data point can not be used. https://www.danas.rs/drustvo/krizni-stab-vakcinisano-1-111-000-gradjana-drugu-dozu-primilo-skoro-695-000/ Pokrajinski sekretar za zdravstvo Zoran Gojković izjavio je da je do danas protiv korona virusa u Srbiji vakcinisano 1.111.000 ljudi i naglasio da Krizni štab ne može „da ide i pojedično osuđuje za ponašanje koje nije u skladu sa epidemiloškim merama“. Provincial secretary Zoran Gojkobvić has  announced that until today 1.111.000 people have been vaccinated and empasised that the Crisis Headquarter can not be held responsible for penalizing the individual diviations from the epidemic measures.
#525 20.02.2021 1136131 418917 717214 This one was not provided within pull request but rather as issue. I can confirm the translated figures https://www.rts.rs/page/stories/sr/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81/story/3134/koronavirus-u-srbiji/4265914/korona-srbija-podaci-zarazeni.html Prema najnovijim podacima Vlade, u Srbiji je dato 1.136.131 doza vakcina protiv kovida. According to the latest data provided by government, 1.136.131 dosis of vaccines against covid have given.
#544 23.02.2021 1263111 451658 811453   https://www.b92.net/info/vesti/index.php?yyyy=2021&mm=02&dd=23&nav_category=12&nav_id=1816193 U Srbiji je, prema najnovijim podacima Vlade, izvršeno 1.263.111 vakcinacija protiv koronavirusa, a 451.658 građana dobilo je drugu vakcinu. In Serbia, according to the latest data form Government, 1.263.111 vaccination against corona virus has been executed and 451.658 citizens has received the second vaccine.
#550 23.02.2021 1.275.844 462578 813.266   https://nova.rs/vesti/drustvo/nova-rs-otkriva-koliko-je-ljudi-zaista-vakcinisano-u-srbiji/ "Prvu dozu vakcine je primilo 813.266 građana, dok je drugu dozu primilo njih 462.578”, navode iz Kancelarije za IT i eUpravu za Nova.rs. Dalje, preciziraju da je u Srbiji, sa današnjim presekom, ukupno bilo 1.275.844 vakcinacija, od čega revakcinacija 462.578. "First dose of vaccine has been received by 813.266 citizens, while the second dose of vaccine has been received by 462.578", quated from the "Office for IT and eGovernment" for the portal Nova.rs. Further, they precisely say that today with current state a total of 1.275.844 of vaccinations have been made, of which 462.578 2nd.
momcilo78 commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for 22.03.2021 total_vaccinations: 2.178.930 people_fully_vaccinated: 865.018 people_vaccinated: 865.018 + (2.178.930 - (2 865.018)) = 1.313.912 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.178.930/6.804.596 = 32.02144550536138

Source: Serbian National TV / 23.03.2021, 07:10


"Prema najnovijim podacima Vlade, u Srbiji je do sada obavljeno ukupno 2.178.930 vakcinacija. Drugu dozu primilo je 865.018 građana." "According to the latest Government data, a total of 2,178,930 vaccinations. Second dose received 865,018 citizens so far."

edomt commented 3 years ago

This one got generated from script (not pushed yet), including the translation to English from google. However, I have several issues:

1. operators of the web site keep creating several live feeds during the day, which means that the one that actually contains the information gets hidden in the afternoon (e.g. already several of them in this thread can not be reached without direct link). This may mean we may never achieve reliable posting without a person finding the link and providing it to the script.

2. operators of web site use at least 2 different templates: one with only time at each entry, other with both date/time. (currently working on this).

3. due to the human errors, some sort of numeric validations needs to occur prior to generating output. Simplest would be some sort of percentage increase not higher than certain level per day.

4. operators keep diversifying their sentences. I guess they think same sentence form is a sign or poor writing style... Every 2-3 day I have to add additional regex to match the new sentence(s) they come up with. Amazing in how many different ways you can express a report on 2 numbers.

@momcilo78 Yes, unfortunately these are all problems that we face in general when trying to automate our data collection! Especially points 2 and 4. If it really gets too difficult, then usually we decide an automation is impossible for the time being, and we collect the data by hand, with the hope that at a later stage the format will become more stable, or some kind of new website/dashboard/file will be published.

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for 23.03.2021 total_vaccinations: 2.206.821 people_fully_vaccinated: 876.436 people_vaccinated: 876.436 + (2.206.821 - (2 876.436)) = 1.330.385 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.206.821/6.804.596 = 32.4313

Source: B92 TV / 24.03.2021, 07:20


"U Srbiji je dosad data 2.206.821 doza vakcina, a revakcinisano je 876.436 osoba" "There was 2.206.821 vaccinations in Serbia so far. 876.436 citizens received a second dose."

momcilo78 commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for 24.03.2021 total_vaccinations: 2.241.510 people_fully_vaccinated: 903.500 people_vaccinated: 903.500 + (2.241.510 - (2 903.500)) = 1.338.010 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.241.510/6.804.596 = 32.9411180325768

Source: Serbian National TV / 25.03.2021, 08:16


"Od 24. decembra prošle godine ukupno je dato 2.241.510 doza vakcina, dok je 903.500 građana primilo obe doze vakcine." "Since December 24th last year, a total of 2,241,510 dose of vaccines was given, while 903,500 citizens received both doses of vaccines."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for 26.03.2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 2.282.876 people_fully_vaccinated: 916.434 people_vaccinated: 916.434 + (2.282.876 - (2 916.434)) = 1.366.442 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.282.876/6.804.596 = 33.5490

Source: Serbian National TV / 26.03.2021, 15:19


"U Srbiji je do danas u 15 sati dato 2.282.876 doza vakcina protiv koronavirusa, a 916.434 osobe primile su i drugu dozu, pokazuju najnoviji podaci Vlade Srbije." "According to latest Serbian Gov data, there was 2.282.876 vaccinations in Serbia till today 3PM and 916.434 citizens received a second dose."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for 28.03.2021 / 4PM total_vaccinations: 2.323.689 people_fully_vaccinated: 919.499 people_vaccinated: 919.499 + (2.323.689 - (2 919.499)) = 1.404.190 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.323.689/6.804.596 = 34.1488

Source: Serbian National TV / 28.03.2021, 16:02


"U Srbiji je do sada dato 2.323.689 doza vakcina protiv koronavirusa, a 919.499 osoba primilo je i drugu dozu, pokazuju najnoviji podaci Vlade Srbije." "According to latest Serbian Gov data, there was 2.323.689 vaccinations against Coronavirus in Serbia and 919.499 citizens received a second dose."

It is interesting to note that 22.000 foreign citizens have been vaccinated during the weekend as a result of an initiative of Serbian Chamber of commerce calling business partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro. Also, non-business related foreign citizens were allowed to receive Astra Zeneca vaccine without even applying in advance through Gov portal.

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for 30.03.2021 / 6PM total_vaccinations: 2.420.995 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.006.012 people_vaccinated: 1.006.012 + (2.420.995 - (2 1.006.012)) = 1.414.983 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.420.995/6.804.596 = 35.5788

Source: Alo Newspaper / 30.03.2021, 18:21


"Ukupno vakcinacija: 2.420.995 Ukupno revakcinacija: 1.006.012" "Total vaccinations: 2.420.995 total revaccinations: 1.006.012"

Today, all newspapers and tv stations report that we've crossed 1mil fully vaccinated people but rarely report the exact number like this one so it took a lot of time to find and check the number.

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for 31.03.2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 2.444.395 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.015.507 people_vaccinated: 1.015.507 + (2.444.395 - (2 1.015.507)) = 1.428.888 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.444.395/6.804.596 = 35.9227

Source: Serbian National TV / 31.03.2021, 15:34


"U Srbiji je do danas u 15 sati dato 2.444.395 doza vakcina protiv koronavirusa, a 1.015.507 osoba primilo je i drugu dozu, pokazuju najnoviji podaci Vlade Srbije." "According to latest Serbian Gov data, there was 2.444.395 vaccinations in Serbia till today 3PM and 1.015.507 citizens received a second dose."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 1st 2021 / 7PM total_vaccinations: 2.488.631 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.037.709 people_vaccinated: 1.037.709 + (2.488.631 - (2 1.037.709)) = 1.450.922 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.488.631/6.804.596 = 36.5728

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 1st 2021, 19:02


"U Srbiji je ukupno data 2.488.631 doza vakcine, od tog broja potpuno vaksinisanih građana s obe doze je 1.037.709." "There was 2.488.631 vaccinations in Serbia and 1.037.709 citizens received both vaccine doses."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 2nd 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 2.521.863 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.063.559 people_vaccinated: 1.063.559 + (2.521.863 - (2 1.063.559)) = 1.458.304 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.521.863/6.804.596 = 37.0612

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 2nd 2021, 15:11


"U Srbiji su do sada date 2.521.863 doze vakcina protiv koronavirusa, a 1.063.559 osoba primilo je i drugu dozu, pokazuju najnoviji podaci Vlade Srbije. " "There was 2.521.863 vaccinations against Coronavirus in Serbia and 1.063.559 citizens received second vaccine dose according to latest Gov data."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 4th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 2.567.692 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.090.763 people_vaccinated: 1.090.763 + (2.567.692 - 2 1.090.763) = 1.476.929 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.567.692/6.804.596 = 37.7347

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 4th 2021, 15:11


"Poslednji podaci pokazuju da je u Srbiji obavljeno ukupno 2.567.692 vakcinacija. Drugu dozu vakcine primilo je 1.090.763 građanina. " "There was 2.567.692 vaccinations in Serbia and 1.090.763 citizens received second vaccine dose according to latest data."

Unfortunately, there was no report for Apr. 3rd. I've checked all the media outlets and there was no precise report for that day.

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 5th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 2.593.838 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.112.823 people_vaccinated: 1.112.823 + (2.593.838 - 2 1.112.823) = 1.481.015 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.593.838/6.804.596 = 38.1189

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 5th 2021, 15:11


"U Srbiji je, prema poslednjim podacima, obavljeno ukupno 2.593.838 vakcinacija protiv koronavirusa. Drugu dozu su primila 1.112.823 građanina. " "There was 2.593.838 vaccinations in Serbia and 1.112.823 citizens received second vaccine dose according to latest data."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 6th 2021 / 3PM <----- date fixed from 5th to 6th total_vaccinations: 2.625.670 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.120.915 people_vaccinated: 1.120.915 + (2.625.670 - 2 1.120.915) = 1.504.755 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.625.670/6.804.596 = 38.5867

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 6th 2021, 15:26 <----- date fixed from 5th to 6th


"U Srbiji je do sada izvršeno ukupno 2.625.670 vakcinacija, a drugu dozu vakcine primilo je 1.120.915 ljudi." "There was 2.625.670 vaccinations in Serbia and 1.120.915 people received second vaccine dose."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 7th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 2.687.311 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.134.776 people_vaccinated: 1.134.776 + (2.687.311 - 2 1.134.776) = 1.552.535 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.687.311/6.804.596 = 39.4926

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 7th 2021, 15:15


"U Srbiji je, prema poslednjim podacima, obavljeno ukupno 2.687.311 vakcinacija protiv koronavirusa. Drugu dozu je primilo 1.134.776 građana." "According to latest data, there was 2.687.311 vaccinations in Serbia and 1.134.776 people received second vaccine dose."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 9th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 2.836.012 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.158.744 people_vaccinated: 1.158.744 + (2.836.012 - 2 1.158.744) = 1.677.268 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.836.012/6.804.596 = 41.6779

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 9th 2021, 15:45


"U Srbiji je, prema najnovijim informacijama, obavljeno ukupno 2.836.012 vakcinacija. Drugom dozom vakcinisano je ukupno 1.158.744 građana." "According to latest data, there was 2.836.012 vaccinations in Serbia and 1.158.744 people received second vaccine dose."

Unfortunately, there is no number for Apr 8th. Apr 9th only. Gov media reported that there was a record of 80,000 vaccinations on Apr 8th.

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 10th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 2.882.854 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.166.011 people_vaccinated: 1.166.011 + (2.882.854 - 2 1.166.011) = 1.716.843 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.882.854/6.804.596 = 42.3663

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 9th 2021, 15:07


"U Srbiji je, prema poslednjim podacima, obavljeno ukupno 2.882.854 vakcinacija protiv koronavirusa. Drugu dozu je primilo 1.166.011 građana." "According to latest data, there was 2.882.854 vaccinations against Coronavirus in Serbia and 1.166.011 people received second vaccine dose."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt, unfortunately, Gov didn't release any vaccination numbers since Apr 10th. I've send several emails asking for numbers and received no answers so far.

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 14th 2021 / 4PM total_vaccinations: 2.982.427 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.201.509 people_vaccinated: 1.201.509 + (2.982.427 - 2 1.201.509) = 1.780.918 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 2.982.427/6.804.596 = 43.8296

Source: Nova TV / Apr 14th 2021, 16:03 <--date fixed it was Apr 9th in original post


"U Srbiji je obavljeno ukupno 2.982.427 vakcinacija protiv koronavirusa, rečeno je za Nova.rs u Vladi Srbije. Drugu dozu vakcine primilo je 1.201.509 građana Srbije." "There was 2.982.427 vaccinations against Coronavirus in Serbia and 1.201.509 people received second vaccine dose as reported by Serbian Gov to Tv Nob"

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 15th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 3.020.401 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.212.997 people_vaccinated: 1.212.997 + (3.020.401 - 2 1.212.997) = 1.807.404 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.020.401/6.804.596 = 44.3877

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 15th 2021, 15:15


"U Srbiji je, prema poslednjim podacima, obavljeno ukupno 3.020.401 doza vakcina protiv koronavirusa. Drugu dozu je primilo 1.212.997 građana." "According to latest data, there was 3.020.401 vaccinations against Coronavirus in Serbia and 1.212.997 people received second vaccine dose."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 16th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 3.041.740 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.220.993 people_vaccinated: 1.220.993 + (3.041.740 - 2 1.220.993) = 1.820.747 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.041.740/6.804.596 = 44.7013

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 16th 2021, 15:09


"U Srbiji je, prema novim podacima Ministarstva zdravlja, do sada dato 3.041.740 doza vakcina protiv kovida. Drugu dozu primile su 1.220.993 osobe." "According to the latest Ministry of Health data, there was 3.041.740 vaccinations against Coronavirus in Serbia and 1.220.993 people received second vaccine dose."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 17th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 3.055.007 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.227.444 people_vaccinated: 1.227.444 + (3.055.007 - 2 1.227.444) = 1.827.563 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.055.007/6.804.596 = 44.8962

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 17th 2021, 15:25


"Ukupan broj vakcinisanih građana u Srbiji je 3.055.007, od čega je 1.227.444 i revakcinisano." "Total number of vaccinated citizens in Serbia is 3.055.007 and 1.227.444 revaccinated."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 18th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 3.068.643 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.238.871 people_vaccinated: 1.238.871 + (3.068.643 - 2 1.238.871) = 1.829.772 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.068.643/6.804.596 = 45.0966

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 18th 2021, 15:39


"U Srbiji su, prema novim podacima Ministarstva zdravlja, do sada date 3.068.643 doze vakcina protiv koronavirusa, a drugu dozu primilo je 1.238.871 osoba." "According to the latest Ministry of Health data, there was 3.068.643 vaccinations against Coronavirus in Serbia and 1.238.871 people received second vaccine dose."

vanjapt commented 3 years ago

Hello @edomt and others.

Serbian government published a website tracking vaccination numbers on a daily basis: https://vakcinacija.gov.rs/

It shows total number of vaccinations and number of people fully vaccinated (2 doses).

Latest data is for April 21. total_vaccinations: 3.136.478 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.267.617 people_vaccinated: 1.267.617 + ( 3.136.478 - 2 1.267.617 ) = 1.868.861 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.136.478/6.804.596 = 46.0935

I hope that from now on we don't have to search the news to get latest numbers.

lucasrodes commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your invaluable help with this, @goranopacic, @momcilo78, @vanjapt.

I'll be automating this.

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 22th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 3.163.499 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.282.971 people_vaccinated: 1.282.971 + (3.163.499 - 2 1.282.971) = 1.880.528 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.163.499/6.804.596 = 46.4906

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 22th 2021, 15:29


"U Srbiji je ukupno dato 3.163.499 doza vakcine, a 1.282.971 građanin primio je obe doze cepiva." "There was 3.163.499 vaccinations in Serbia and 1.282.971 people received both vaccine doses."

lucasrodes commented 3 years ago

Reopening to track automation performance for a couple of days. Once automation is deemed reliable, this should be re-closed

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 23th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 3.192.950 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.292.800 people_vaccinated: 1.292.800 + (3.192.950 - 2 1.292.800) = 1.900.150 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.192.950/6.804.596 = 46.9234

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 23th 2021, 15:22


"U Srbiji je prema poslednjim podacima dato 3.192.950 doza vakcina, a obe doze primilo je 1.292.800 građana." "There was 3.192.950 vaccinations in Serbia according to latest data and 1.292.800 people received both vaccine doses."

@lucasrodes website vakcinacija.gov.rs has not been updated yesterday

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 24th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 3.233.951 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.303.093 people_vaccinated: 1.303.093 + (3.233.951 - 2 1.303.093) = 1.930.858 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.233.951/6.804.596 = 47.5260

Source: Serbian National TV / Apr 24th 2021, 15:09


"U Srbiji je do sada dato 3.233.951 doza vakcina, a broj pacijenata koji su primili obe doze vakcine je 1.303.093." "There was 3.233.951 vaccinations in Serbia and 1.303.093 patients received both vaccine doses."

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 26th 2021 total_vaccinations: 3.274.776 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.320.067 people_vaccinated: 1.320.067 + (3.274.776 - 2 1.320.067) = 1.954.709 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.274.776/6.804.596 = 48.1259

Source: https://vakcinacija.gov.rs/ Apr 26th 2021

"Укупно вакцинација: 3.274.776, од тога ревакцинација: 1.320.067" "Total number of vaccinations 3.274.776 and 1.320.067 revaccinations out of that number"

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for Apr 28th 2021 total_vaccinations: 3.410.440 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.404.811 people_vaccinated: 1.404.811 + (3.410.440 - 2 1.404.811) = 2.005.629 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.410.440/6.804.596 = 50.1197

Source: https://vakcinacija.gov.rs/ Apr 28th 2021

"Укупно вакцинација: 3.410.440, од тога ревакцинација: 1.404.811" "Total number of vaccinations 3.410.440 and 1.404.811 re-vaccinations out of that number"

goranopacic commented 3 years ago

Hi @edomt

Here is the latest report for May 5th 2021 / 3PM total_vaccinations: 3.661.516 people_fully_vaccinated: 1.604.760 people_vaccinated: 1.604.760 + (3.661.516 - 2 1.604.760) = 2.056.756 total_vaccinations_per_hundred: 100 3.661.516/6.804.596 = 53.8095

Source: Serbian National TV / May 5th 2021, 15:31


"Do sada je u Srbiji dato 3.661.516 doza vakcina protiv koronavirusa. Obe doze vakcine primilo je 1.604.760 građana Srbije." "There was 3.661.516 vaccinations in Serbia so far and 1.604.760 citizens of Serbia received both vaccine doses."

lucasrodes commented 3 years ago

Seems stable for now. Thanks for your constant contributions.

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