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chart-diff: ✅ No charts for review.
data-diff: ```diff = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2023-08-01/global_hen_inventory = Table global_hen_inventory = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2023-08-01/uk_egg_statistics = Table uk_egg_statistics = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2023-08-03/share_of_cage_free_eggs = Table share_of_cage_free_eggs = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2023-08-03/us_egg_production = Table us_egg_production = Table us_egg_production_share_cage_free = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2023-08-08/farmed_finfishes_used_for_food = Table farmed_finfishes_used_for_food = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2023-08-14/number_of_farmed_fish = Table number_of_farmed_fish = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2023-08-15/number_of_farmed_decapod_crustaceans = Table number_of_farmed_decapod_crustaceans = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2023-08-16/number_of_wild_fish_killed_for_food = Table number_of_wild_fish_killed_for_food = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2024-06-04/bullfighting_laws = Table bullfighting_laws = Dataset garden/artificial_intelligence/2023-07-07/semiconductors_cset = Table semiconductors_cset = Dataset garden/artificial_intelligence/2023-07-25/cset = Table cset = Dataset garden/artificial_intelligence/2024-06-19/epoch_compute_intensive_domain = Table epoch_compute_intensive_domain = Dataset garden/biodiversity/2023-08-14/iucn_animal = Table iucn_animal = Dataset garden/biodiversity/2024-01-25/cherry_blossom = Table cherry_blossom = Dataset garden/bls/2024-05-16/us_consumer_prices ~ Table us_consumer_prices (changed metadata) + + title: US consumer prices + + description: |- + + The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) of individual goods and services for urban consumers at the national, city, and state levels. CPI is presented on an annual basis, which we have derived as the average of the monthly CPIs in a given year. = Dataset garden/cardiovascular_diseases/2023-11-01/deaths_from_cardiovascular_diseases_vs_other = Table deaths_from_cardiovascular_diseases_vs_other = Dataset garden/climate/2023-12-20/surface_temperature = Table surface_temperature = Dataset garden/climate/2024-05-20/climate_change_impacts = Table climate_change_impacts_annual = Table climate_change_impacts_monthly = Dataset garden/climate/2024-05-20/ghg_concentration = Table ghg_concentration = Dataset garden/climate/2024-05-20/long_run_ghg_concentration = Table long_run_ghg_concentration = Dataset garden/climate/2024-05-20/ocean_heat_content = Table ocean_heat_content_monthly = Table ocean_heat_content_annual = Dataset garden/climate/2024-05-20/ocean_ph_levels = Table ocean_ph_levels = Dataset garden/climate/2024-05-20/sea_ice_index = Table sea_ice_index = Dataset garden/climate/2024-05-20/sea_surface_temperature = Table sea_surface_temperature = Dataset garden/climate/2024-05-20/snow_cover_extent = Table snow_cover_extent = Dataset garden/climate/2024-05-20/surface_temperature_analysis = Table surface_temperature_analysis = Dataset garden/education/2023-08-09/clio_infra_education = Table clio_infra_education = Dataset garden/education/2023-08-14/oecd_education = Table oecd_education = Dataset garden/education/2023-12-15/wittgenstein_center = Table wittgenstein_center_data = Dataset garden/gapminder/2023-09-22/total_fertility_rate = Table fertility_rate = Dataset garden/growth/2024-05-16/gdp_historical = Table gdp_historical ~ Dataset garden/happiness/2024-06-09/happiness (new version) + + The World Happiness Report is a partnership of Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the WHR’s Editorial Board. + + It reviews the state of happiness in the world today and shows how the science of happiness explains personal and national variations in happiness. - - Life evaluations from the Gallup World Poll provide the basis for the annual happiness rankings. They are based on answers to the main life evaluation question asked in the poll. - - - - This is called the Cantril ladder: it asks respondents to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0. They are then asked to rate their own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale. - - - - The rankings are calculated by the source based on nationally representative samples for the three years prior to the year of the report, so that data for the 2023 report will draw from survey data from 2020-2022. We show the data for final year of the three-year survey period, i.e. we show the 2020-2022 survey data as 2022. - - - - The only exception is the data for the 2012 report, which uses survey data from 2005-2011, we show this data as the final year of the survey data - 2011. - - - - The number of people and countries surveyed varies year to year, but typically more than 100,000 people in 130 countries participate in the Gallup World Poll each year. - - - - The rankings are based entirely on the survey scores, using the Gallup weights to make the estimates representative. - - - - Cantril ladder data from for current and previous reports can be found at: - - - - 2023: https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2023/DataForFigure2.1WHR2023.xls - - - - 2022: https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/Appendix_2_Data_for_Figure_2.1.xls - - - - 2021: https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2021/DataForFigure2.1WHR2021C2.xls - - - - 2020: https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2020/WHR20_DataForFigure2.1.xls - - - - 2019: https://s3.amazonaws.com/happiness-report/2019/Chapter2OnlineData.xls - - - - 2018: https://s3.amazonaws.com/happiness-report/2018/WHR2018Chapter2OnlineData.xls - - - - 2017: https://s3.amazonaws.com/happiness-report/2017/online-data-chapter-2-whr-2017.xlsx - - - - 2016: https://s3.amazonaws.com/happiness-report/2016/Online-data-for-chapter-2-whr-2016.xlsx - - - - 2015: https://s3.amazonaws.com/happiness-report/2015/Chapter2OnlineData_Expanded-with-Trust-and-Governance.xlsx - - - - 2012: https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2012/2012.xlsx - - sources: - - - name: World Happiness Report (2023) - - url: https://worldhappiness.report - - date_accessed: '2023-03-20' - - published_by: |- - - Helliwell, J. F., Layard, R., Sachs, J. D., De Neve, J.-E., Aknin, L. B., & Wang, S. (Eds.). (2023). World Happiness Report 2023. New York: Sustainable Development Solutions Network. - - version: '2023-03-20' ? ^ ^ - + + version: '2024-06-09' ? ^ ^ + + + update_period_days: 365 ~ Table happiness (changed metadata) - - title: World Happiness Report (2023) + + description: |- + + The World Happiness Report is a partnership of Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the WHR’s Editorial Board. + + It reviews the state of happiness in the world today and shows how the science of happiness explains personal and national variations in happiness. + + primary_key: + + - country + + - year ~ Column cantril_ladder_score (changed metadata, new data, changed data) + + description_short: |- + + Average of survey responses to the 'Cantril Ladder' question in the Gallup World Poll. The survey question asks respondents to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10, and the worst possible life being a 0. + + description_key: + + - |- + + The Cantril ladder asks respondents to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0. They are then asked to rate their own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale. + + - |- + + The rankings are calculated by the source based on nationally representative samples for the three years prior to the year of the report, so that data for the 2024 report will draw from survey data from 2021-2023. We show the data for final year of the three-year survey period, i.e. we show the 2021-2023 survey data as 2023. + + - |- + + The only exception is the data for the 2012 report, which uses survey data from 2005-2011, we show this data as the final year of the survey data - 2011. + + - |- + + The number of people and countries surveyed varies year to year, but typically more than 100,000 people in 130 countries participate in the Gallup World Poll each year. + + - The rankings are based entirely on the survey scores, using the Gallup weights to make the estimates representative. + + - |- + + The data is the compilation of all previous World Happiness Reports, which can be found at https://worldhappiness.report/archive/. + + origins: + + - producer: Wellbeing Research Centre + + title: World Happiness Report + + description: |- + + The World Happiness Report is a partnership of Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the WHR’s Editorial Board. + + It reviews the state of happiness in the world today and shows how the science of happiness explains personal and national variations in happiness. + + citation_full: |- + + Helliwell, J. F., Layard, R., Sachs, J. D., De Neve, J.-E., Aknin, L. B., & Wang, S. (Eds.). (2024). World Happiness Report 2024. University of Oxford: Wellbeing Research Centre. + + version_producer: 2024 + + url_main: https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2024/ + + url_download: https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2024/DataForFigure2.1+with+sub+bars+2024.xls + + date_accessed: '2024-06-09' + + date_published: '2024-03-08' + + license: + + name: '' + + url: https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2024/ + + - producer: Various sources + + title: Population + + description: |- + + Our World in Data builds and maintains a long-run dataset on population by country, region, and for the world, based on various sources. + + + + You can find more information on these sources and how our time series is constructed on this page: https://ourworldindata.org/population-sources + + citation_full: |- + + The long-run data on population is based on various sources, described on this page: https://ourworldindata.org/population-sources + + attribution: Population based on various sources (2023) + + attribution_short: Population + + url_main: https://ourworldindata.org/population-sources + + date_accessed: '2023-03-31' + + date_published: '2023-03-31' + + license: + + name: CC BY 4.0 + + licenses: + + - name: Creative Commons BY 4.0 + + url: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-RmthhS2EPMK_HIpnPctcXpB0n7ADSWnXa5Hb3PxNq4/edit?usp=sharing + + - name: CC BY 3.0 + + url: https://dataportaal.pbl.nl/downloads/HYDE/HYDE3.2/readme_release_HYDE3.2.1.txt + + - name: CC BY 3.0 IGO + + url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igo/ + + processing_level: major + + presentation: + + title_public: Self-reported life satisfaction + + attribution_short: WHR + + attribution: World Happiness Report (2012-2024) + + topic_tags: + + - Happiness & Life Satisfaction + + description_processing: Average of regions is calculated by taking a population-weighted average over all countries within + + that region. + + New values: 264 / 1787 (14.77%) cantril_ladder_score 7.5715 4.9753 6.6480 6.3788 4.1969 ~ Changed values: 1522 / 1787 (85.17%) cantril_ladder_score - cantril_ladder_score + 7.1229 1.859000 7.0636 4.471300 6.4940 6.171800 4.2920 5.477073 6.8670 7.235363 ~ Column country (changed metadata, new data, changed data) - - {} + + origins: + + - producer: Wellbeing Research Centre + + title: World Happiness Report + + description: |- + + The World Happiness Report is a partnership of Gallup, the Oxford Wellbeing Research Centre, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, and the WHR’s Editorial Board. + + It reviews the state of happiness in the world today and shows how the science of happiness explains personal and national variations in happiness. + + citation_full: |- + + Helliwell, J. F., Layard, R., Sachs, J. D., De Neve, J.-E., Aknin, L. B., & Wang, S. (Eds.). (2024). World Happiness Report 2024. University of Oxford: Wellbeing Research Centre. + + version_producer: 2024 + + url_main: https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2024/ + + url_download: https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2024/DataForFigure2.1+with+sub+bars+2024.xls + + date_accessed: '2024-06-09' + + date_published: '2024-03-08' + + license: + + name: '' + + url: https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2024/ + + New values: 264 / 1787 (14.77%) country Switzerland Turkey United Arab Emirates Uruguay Yemen ~ Changed values: 1505 / 1787 (84.22%) country - country + New Zealand Afghanistan Tanzania Liberia Azerbaijan Malaysia Iraq Niger Nepal Spain ~ Column level_0 (new data) + + New values: 264 / 1787 (14.77%) level_0 1531 1624 1659 1704 1763 ~ Column population (changed metadata, new data, changed data) - - {} + + title: Population + + description: Population by country and year. + + description_short: Population by country, available from 10,000 BCE to 2100, based on data and estimates from different sources. + + origins: + + - producer: Various sources + + title: Population + + description: |- + + Our World in Data builds and maintains a long-run dataset on population by country, region, and for the world, based on various sources. + + + + You can find more information on these sources and how our time series is constructed on this page: https://ourworldindata.org/population-sources + + citation_full: |- + + The long-run data on population is based on various sources, described on this page: https://ourworldindata.org/population-sources + + attribution: Population based on various sources (2023) + + attribution_short: Population + + url_main: https://ourworldindata.org/population-sources + + date_accessed: '2023-03-31' + + date_published: '2023-03-31' + + license: + + name: CC BY 4.0 + + licenses: + + - name: Creative Commons BY 4.0 + + url: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-RmthhS2EPMK_HIpnPctcXpB0n7ADSWnXa5Hb3PxNq4/edit?usp=sharing + + - name: CC BY 3.0 + + url: https://dataportaal.pbl.nl/downloads/HYDE/HYDE3.2/readme_release_HYDE3.2.1.txt + + - name: CC BY 3.0 IGO + + url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igo/ + + unit: persons + + short_unit: '' + + display: + + numDecimalPlaces: 0 + + processing_level: major + + presentation: + + topic_tags: + + - Happiness & Life Satisfaction + + New values: 264 / 1787 (14.77%) population 8638609 85816192 8994266 3422205 32981644 ~ Changed values: 1512 / 1787 (84.61%) population - population + NaN 41128772 NaN 205188208 NaN 10999668 NaN 1383112064 NaN 32749838 ~ Column year (new data, changed data) + + New values: 264 / 1787 (14.77%) year 2020 2023 2016 2017 2021 ~ Changed values: 1386 / 1787 (77.56%) year - year + 2020.0 2014 2018.0 2022 2015.0 2021 2014.0 2017 2011.0 2014 = Dataset garden/health/2023-08-09/unaids = Table unaids = Dataset garden/health/2023-08-14/avian_influenza_h5n1_kucharski = Table avian_influenza_h5n1_kucharski = Dataset garden/health/2023-08-16/deaths_karlinsky = Table deaths_karlinsky = Dataset garden/homicide/2023-01-03/homicide_long_run_omm = Table homicide_long_run_omm = Dataset garden/homicide/2023-07-04/unodc = Table by_relationship_to_perpetrator = Table share = Table total = Table by_mechanisms = Table by_situational_context = Dataset garden/imf/2024-05-02/world_economic_outlook = Table world_economic_outlook = Dataset garden/lis/2023-08-30/luxembourg_income_study = Table lis_percentiles_adults = Table luxembourg_income_study = Table luxembourg_income_study_adults = Table lis_percentiles = Dataset garden/met_office_hadley_centre/2024-05-20/near_surface_temperature = Table near_surface_temperature = Dataset garden/missing_data/2024-03-26/children_out_of_school = Table children_out_of_school = Dataset garden/missing_data/2024-03-26/who_neuropsychiatric_conditions = Table neuropsychiatric_conditions = Dataset garden/neglected_tropical_diseases/2024-05-02/soil_transmitted_helminthiases = Table soil_transmitted_helminthiases_national_pre_sac ~ Column estimated_number_of_pre_sac_treated (changed data) ~ Changed values: 73 / 1015 (7.19%) country year estimated_number_of_pre_sac_treated - estimated_number_of_pre_sac_treated + Haiti 2008 3.075040e+05 996287.0625 Indonesia 2013 1.886434e+06 352002.0000 Nepal 2008 7.029040e+05 2377778.0000 North America 2008 9.133650e+05 1602148.0000 Oceania 2012 4.897131e+05 494614.5000 ~ Column national_coverage__pre_sac__pct (changed data) ~ Changed values: 44 / 1015 (4.33%) country year national_coverage__pre_sac__pct - national_coverage__pre_sac__pct + Bangladesh 2011 10.365409 93.247604 Haiti 2013 72.339790 15.174798 Myanmar 2013 62.194031 23.301626 Nepal 2008 24.687189 83.511620 Philippines 2010 12.764831 100.000000 = Table soil_transmitted_helminthiases_national_sac ~ Column estimated_number_of_sac_treated (changed data) ~ Changed values: 80 / 1332 (6.01%) country year estimated_number_of_sac_treated - estimated_number_of_sac_treated + Haiti 2013 1693225.25 365948.0 Honduras 2014 1173367.00 1109543.0 Myanmar 2010 1624495.50 8306526.0 Nepal 2008 2196576.00 860150.0 World 2012 175355168.00 170127808.0 ~ Column national_coverage__sac__pct (changed data) ~ Changed values: 48 / 1332 (3.60%) country year national_coverage__sac__pct - national_coverage__sac__pct + Benin 2013 13.326796 4.596746 Madagascar 2010 36.413532 55.088360 Mozambique 2014 98.238396 11.941169 Myanmar 2010 18.508488 94.639374 Myanmar 2013 58.066761 22.275246 = Table soil_transmitted_helminthiases_pre_sac = Table soil_transmitted_helminthiases_sac = Dataset garden/neglected_tropical_diseases/2024-05-18/funding = Table funding_disease_product = Table funding_product = Table funding_product_ntd = Table funding_disease = Dataset garden/oecd/2023-08-11/road_accidents = Table road_accidents = Dataset garden/ophi/2023-07-05/multidimensional_poverty_index = Table multidimensional_poverty_index = Dataset garden/research_development/2024-05-20/patents_wdi_unwpp = Table patents_articles ~ Dim country + + New values: 716 / 6288 (11.39%) year country 1999 Chad 2019 Ethiopia 2021 Finland 1997 Kosovo 1996 Niger ~ Dim year + + New values: 716 / 6288 (11.39%) country year Chad 1999 Ethiopia 2019 Finland 2021 Kosovo 1997 Niger 1996 ~ Column articles_per_million (new data, changed data) + + New values: 716 / 6288 (11.39%) country year articles_per_million Chad 1999 0.448515 Ethiopia 2019 22.667601 Finland 2021 NaN Kosovo 1997 0.000000 Niger 1996 1.903460 ~ Changed values: 3662 / 6288 (58.24%) country year articles_per_million - articles_per_million + Israel 2001 1489.280884 1502.079834 Israel 2005 1557.984009 1563.316040 Norway 2014 2079.426758 2033.840088 Philippines 2000 4.384143 4.434683 Singapore 2011 1933.671997 1920.811646 ~ Column patents_per_million (new data, changed data) + + New values: 716 / 6288 (11.39%) country year patents_per_million Chad 1999 NaN Ethiopia 2019 NaN Finland 2021 281.250916 Kosovo 1997 NaN Niger 1996 NaN ~ Changed values: 19 / 6288 (0.30%) country year patents_per_million - patents_per_million + Australia 1980 447.562408 26.995180 World 1995 122.405205 122.387794 World 2013 234.546326 235.663467 World 2017 295.177948 296.243774 Zambia 2020 0.845321 0.898154 = Dataset garden/technology/2024-05-30/mobile_money = Table mobile_money = Dataset garden/terrorism/2023-07-20/global_terrorism_database = Table global_terrorism_database = Dataset garden/tuberculosis/2023-11-27/budget = Table budget = Dataset garden/tuberculosis/2023-11-27/burden_disaggregated = Table burden_disaggregated = Table burden_disaggregated_rate = Dataset garden/tuberculosis/2023-11-27/burden_estimates = Table burden_estimates = Dataset garden/tuberculosis/2023-11-27/drug_resistance_surveillance = Table drug_resistance_surveillance = Dataset garden/tuberculosis/2023-11-27/laboratories = Table laboratories = Dataset garden/tuberculosis/2023-11-27/notifications = Table notifications = Dataset garden/tuberculosis/2023-11-27/outcomes_disagg = Table outcomes_disagg = Dataset garden/un/2023-08-16/igme = Table igme_under_fifteen_mortality = Table igme = Dataset garden/un/2023-08-29/long_run_child_mortality = Table long_run_child_mortality = Table long_run_child_mortality_selected = Dataset garden/un/2023-10-30/un_members = Table un_members = Dataset garden/un/2024-03-14/un_wpp_most = Table population_5_year_age_groups = Table population_10_year_age_groups = Dataset garden/war/2024-01-23/nuclear_weapons_treaties = Table nuclear_weapons_treaties = Table nuclear_weapons_treaties_country_counts = Dataset garden/wash/2024-01-06/who = Table who = Dataset garden/wb/2024-06-10/gender_statistics = Table gender_statistics = Dataset garden/who/2023-07-13/autopsy = Table autopsy 2024-06-20 16:51:14 [error ] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 974, in json return complexjson.loads(self.text, **kwargs) File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/simplejson/__init__.py", line 514, in loads return _default_decoder.decode(s) File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/simplejson/decoder.py", line 386, in decode obj, end = self.raw_decode(s) File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/simplejson/decoder.py", line 416, in raw_decode return self.scan_once(s, idx=_w(s, idx).end()) simplejson.errors.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/owid/etl/etl/datadiff.py", line 423, in cli lines = future.result() File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 458, in result return self.__get_result() File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 403, in __get_result raise self._exception File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 58, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/home/owid/etl/etl/datadiff.py", line 416, in func differ.summary() File "/home/owid/etl/etl/datadiff.py", line 254, in summary self._diff_tables(self.ds_a, self.ds_b, table_name) File "/home/owid/etl/etl/datadiff.py", line 122, in _diff_tables table_a = future_a.result() File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 458, in result return self.__get_result() File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 403, in __get_result raise self._exception File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/thread.py", line 58, in run result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs) File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tenacity/__init__.py", line 330, in wrapped_f return self(f, *args, **kw) File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tenacity/__init__.py", line 467, in __call__ do = self.iter(retry_state=retry_state) File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tenacity/__init__.py", line 368, in iter result = action(retry_state) File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tenacity/__init__.py", line 390, in self._add_action_func(lambda rs: rs.outcome.result()) File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 451, in result return self.__get_result() File "/usr/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/_base.py", line 403, in __get_result raise self._exception File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tenacity/__init__.py", line 470, in __call__ result = fn(*args, **kwargs) File "/home/owid/etl/etl/datadiff.py", line 837, in get_table_with_retry return ds[table_name] File "/home/owid/etl/etl/datadiff.py", line 278, in __getitem__ return tables.load() File "/home/owid/etl/lib/catalog/owid/catalog/catalogs.py", line 312, in load return self.iloc[0].load() # type: ignore File "/home/owid/etl/lib/catalog/owid/catalog/catalogs.py", line 363, in load return Table.read(uri) File "/home/owid/etl/lib/catalog/owid/catalog/tables.py", line 172, in read table = cls.read_feather(path) File "/home/owid/etl/lib/catalog/owid/catalog/tables.py", line 355, in read_feather cls._add_metadata(df, path) File "/home/owid/etl/lib/catalog/owid/catalog/tables.py", line 328, in _add_metadata metadata = cls._read_metadata(path) File "/home/owid/etl/lib/catalog/owid/catalog/tables.py", line 389, in _read_metadata return cast(Dict[str, Any], requests.get(metadata_path).json()) File "/home/owid/etl/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 978, in json raise RequestsJSONDecodeError(e.msg, e.doc, e.pos) requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0) = Dataset garden/who/2023-08-04/icd_codes = Table icd_country_year = Table icd_totals ⚠ Found errors, create an issue please Legend: +New ~Modified -Removed =Identical Details Hint: Run this locally with etl diff REMOTE data/ --include yourdataset --verbose --snippet ``` Automatically updated datasets matching _weekly_wildfires|excess_mortality|covid|fluid|flunet|country_profile|garden/ihme_gbd/2019/gbd_risk_ are not included

Edited: 2024-06-20 16:51:18 UTC Execution time: 458.65 seconds

lucasrodes commented 1 week ago

This has grown too much. Working on it step by step here: https://github.com/owid/etl/pull/2884