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📊 GBD health-adjusted life expectancy, life expectancy and years lived with disability #2919

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data-diff: ❌ Found differences ```diff = Dataset garden/agriculture/2024-03-26/attainable_yields = Table attainable_yields = Dataset garden/agriculture/2024-03-26/long_term_crop_yields = Table long_term_crop_yields = Dataset garden/agriculture/2024-03-26/long_term_wheat_yields = Table long_term_wheat_yields = Dataset garden/agriculture/2024-03-26/uk_long_term_yields = Table uk_long_term_yields = Dataset garden/agriculture/2024-05-23/daily_calories_per_person = Table daily_calories_per_person = Dataset garden/animal_welfare/2024-05-20/animals_used_for_food = Table animals_used_for_food = Dataset garden/faostat/2024-03-14/additional_variables = Table land_spared_by_increased_crop_yields = Table share_of_sustainable_and_overexploited_fish = Table arable_land_per_crop_output = Table food_available_for_consumption = Table agriculture_land_use_evolution = Table maize_and_wheat = Table hypothetical_meat_consumption = Table cereal_allocation = Table fertilizers = Table area_used_per_crop_type = Table vegetable_oil_yields = Table fertilizer_exports = Table macronutrient_compositions ~ Dataset garden/faostat/2024-03-14/faostat_qcl - - +The number of poultry birds in Europe, the EU, and High-income countries, has spurious jumps on recent years. The reason is that some European countries (a least Germany, Italy and Spain) lack data on those years. However, the original FAO data for Europe and the EU does have data for those years (even though the member countries do not). So, we replace the affected years of Europe and the EU by the original FAO data. On the other hand, the affected years for High-income countries will be removed (since this aggregate is not included in the original FAO data). - - = Table faostat_qcl ~ Dim area_code + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) year item_code element_code area_code 2018 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC ~ Dim year + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code item_code element_code year OWID_HIC 00002029 005112 2018 OWID_HIC 00002029 005112 2019 OWID_HIC 00002029 005112 2021 OWID_HIC 00002029 005112 2022 ~ Dim item_code + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year element_code item_code OWID_HIC 2018 005112 00002029 OWID_HIC 2019 005112 00002029 OWID_HIC 2021 005112 00002029 OWID_HIC 2022 005112 00002029 ~ Dim element_code + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 ~ Column country (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code country OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 High-income countries OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 High-income countries OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 High-income countries OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 High-income countries ~ Column element (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code element OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 Stocks OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 Stocks OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 Stocks OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 Stocks ~ Column element_description (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code element_description OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 This variable indicates the number of animals of the species present in the country at the time of enumeration. It includes animals raised either for draft purposes or for meat, eggs and dairy production or kept for breeding. Live animals in captivity for fur or skin such as foxes, minks etc. are not included in the system although furskin trade is reported. The enumeration to be chosen, when more than one survey is taken, is the closest to the beginning of the calendar year. Livestock data are reported in number of heads (units) except for poultry, rabbits and other rodents which are reported in thousand units. Source: FAO Statistics Division OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 This variable indicates the number of animals of the species present in the country at the time of enumeration. It includes animals raised either for draft purposes or for meat, eggs and dairy production or kept for breeding. Live animals in captivity for fur or skin such as foxes, minks etc. are not included in the system although furskin trade is reported. The enumeration to be chosen, when more than one survey is taken, is the closest to the beginning of the calendar year. Livestock data are reported in number of heads (units) except for poultry, rabbits and other rodents which are reported in thousand units. Source: FAO Statistics Division OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 This variable indicates the number of animals of the species present in the country at the time of enumeration. It includes animals raised either for draft purposes or for meat, eggs and dairy production or kept for breeding. Live animals in captivity for fur or skin such as foxes, minks etc. are not included in the system although furskin trade is reported. The enumeration to be chosen, when more than one survey is taken, is the closest to the beginning of the calendar year. Livestock data are reported in number of heads (units) except for poultry, rabbits and other rodents which are reported in thousand units. Source: FAO Statistics Division OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 This variable indicates the number of animals of the species present in the country at the time of enumeration. It includes animals raised either for draft purposes or for meat, eggs and dairy production or kept for breeding. Live animals in captivity for fur or skin such as foxes, minks etc. are not included in the system although furskin trade is reported. The enumeration to be chosen, when more than one survey is taken, is the closest to the beginning of the calendar year. Livestock data are reported in number of heads (units) except for poultry, rabbits and other rodents which are reported in thousand units. Source: FAO Statistics Division ~ Column fao_country (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code fao_country OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 NaN OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 NaN OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 NaN OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 NaN ~ Column fao_element (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code fao_element OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 Stocks OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 Stocks OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 Stocks OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 Stocks ~ Column fao_item (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code fao_item OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 Poultry Birds OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 Poultry Birds OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 Poultry Birds OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 Poultry Birds ~ Column fao_unit_short_name (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code fao_unit_short_name OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 1000 An OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 1000 An OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 1000 An OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 1000 An ~ Column flag (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code flag OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 multiple_flags OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 multiple_flags OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 multiple_flags OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 multiple_flags ~ Column item (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code item OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 Poultry OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 Poultry OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 Poultry OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 Poultry ~ Column item_description (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code item_description OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 ~ Column population_with_data (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code population_with_data OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 972364102 OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 966890483 OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 960849042 OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 947328234 ~ Column unit (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code unit OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 animals OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 animals OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 animals OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 animals ~ Column unit_short_name (new data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code unit_short_name OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 animals OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 animals OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 animals OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 animals ~ Column value (new data, changed data) + + New values: 4 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code value OWID_HIC 2018 00002029 005112 4092026112.0 OWID_HIC 2019 00002029 005112 4126217984.0 OWID_HIC 2021 00002029 005112 4048410112.0 OWID_HIC 2022 00002029 005112 3949990912.0 ~ Changed values: 8 / 6907594 (0.00%) area_code year item_code element_code value - value + OWID_EU27 2019 00002029 005112 1579394048.0 757353024.0 OWID_EU27 2021 00002029 005112 1568039936.0 682350976.0 OWID_EU27 2022 00002029 005112 1574957952.0 583499008.0 OWID_EUR 2021 00002029 005112 2671702016.0 1790632960.0 OWID_EUR 2022 00002029 005112 2699513088.0 1712675968.0 = Table faostat_qcl_flat ~ Column poultry__00002029__stocks__005112__animals (changed data) ~ Changed values: 12 / 14464 (0.08%) country year poultry__00002029__stocks__005112__animals - poultry__00002029__stocks__005112__animals + Europe 2021 2671702000 1790633000 European Union (27) 2018 1563728000 789960000 European Union (27) 2021 1568040000 682351000 High-income countries 2021 4048410000 High-income countries 2022 3949991000 Legend: +New ~Modified -Removed =Identical Details Hint: Run this locally with etl diff REMOTE data/ --include yourdataset --verbose --snippet ``` Automatically updated datasets matching _weekly_wildfires|excess_mortality|covid|fluid|flunet|country_profile|garden/ihme_gbd/2019/gbd_risk_ are not included

Edited: 2024-07-02 15:24:55 UTC Execution time: 178.01 seconds