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add link to node in allegro from synset page #198

Closed odanoburu closed 4 years ago

odanoburu commented 4 years ago

it would be nice to have the allegro page for a synset one click away. e.g., have a link to http://wnpt.sl.res.ibm.com:10035/#/repositories/wn30/node/%3Chttps://w3id.org/own-pt/wn30-pt/instances/synset-02765692-v%3E from http://wn.mybluemix.net/synset?id=02765692-v

arademaker commented 4 years ago

We must have the urls of the synsets dereferenced:


arademaker commented 4 years ago

We do have already a stable URL schema for OWN-PT. For the example above


@hmuniz do you think it is easy to implement this extra link in the synset page to the URL above? This URL redirects to the Allegro Graph page. In the future, if we change the triplestore or move it for another server, we just need to change w3id (https://w3id.org).

I believe this issue is too simple that would be nice to close it soon.

hmuniz commented 4 years ago

For sure, It's simple. I will close it soon.

hmuniz commented 4 years ago


arademaker commented 4 years ago

Sorry, maybe better to link to the EN version


hmuniz commented 4 years ago


hmuniz commented 4 years ago

It's done.