own-pt / delphin-rdf

RDF specifications for DELPH-IN semantic representations and a Pydelphin plugin for RDF generation.
MIT License
2 stars 3 forks source link

interfaces #18

Closed arademaker closed 3 years ago

arademaker commented 3 years ago
% delphin -h
usage: delphin [-h] [-V]  ...

PyDelphin command-line interface

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -V, --version        show program's version number and exit

available subcommands:

    compare            Compare MRS results across test suites
    convert            Convert DELPH-IN Semantics representations
    mkprof             Create [incr tsdb()] test suites
    process            Process [incr tsdb()] test suites using ACE
                       delphin profile to dmrs-rdf
                       delphin profile to eds-rdf
                       delphin profile to mrs-rdf
    profile-to-rdf     delphin profile to rdf
    repp               Tokenize sentences using REPP
    select             Select data from [incr tsdb()] test suites

Let us keep only the profile-to-rdf

% delphin profile-to-rdf -h
usage: delphin profile-to-rdf [-h] [-v] [-q] [-p PREFIX] [-o OUTPUT] [-f FORMAT] [--to SEMREP] profile

Transcribes a profile intro a RDF graph.

For more details, see: {https://github.com/arademaker/delph-in-rdf}.

positional arguments:
  profile        profile path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  increase verbosity
  -q, --quiet    suppress output on <stdout> and <stderr>
  -p PREFIX      URI prefix (default: http://example.com/example)
  -o OUTPUT      output file name (default: output.ttl)
  -f FORMAT      output file format (default: turtle)
  --to SEMREP    modeled semantic representation (default: mrs)
  1. update the link to the repository
  2. default format should be rdfxml or ntriples
yfaria commented 3 years ago

Solved on #20. The default format ended up being ntriples