own-pt / glosstag

Semantically Tagged PWN glosses
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export Mongo Json to TSV error #16

Open arademaker opened 4 years ago

arademaker commented 4 years ago

Token ordinary at sentence adj.all-1044557 has inexisting sense ordinary%5:45:00:common:01


% grep "ordinary%" query-senses.csv
"ordinary",7,"ordinary%1:18:01::    ordinary%1:06:00::  ordinary%5:00:02:common:01  ordinary%1:26:00::  ordinary%1:18:00::ordinary%1:06:01::    ordinary%3:00:00::"

% grep "ordinary%" ~/work/wn/WordNet-3.0/dict/index.sense
ordinary%1:06:00:: 03853734 5 0
ordinary%1:06:01:: 03853924 4 0
ordinary%1:18:00:: 10382480 3 0
ordinary%1:18:01:: 10382380 1 3
ordinary%1:26:00:: 13942743 2 1
ordinary%3:00:00:: 01672607 1 28
ordinary%5:00:02:common:01 00486290 2 4

I checked in the original glosstag files (merged dir) and this sentence 'ordinary' was not annotated. So why sensetion created this non-existent ordinary%5:45:00:common:01?

odanoburu commented 4 years ago

this sense key is the same key from https://github.com/own-pt/sensetion.el/issues/180; so an annotation using sensetion data from mill's current master (as of 2019-11-20) may create this inexisting sense key (the 45 is the lexicographer file number for the new adjs.all lexicographer file).