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Support for Reminders #34

Closed georgehrke closed 9 years ago

georgehrke commented 12 years ago

Support reminders in calendar app

axeluhl commented 11 years ago

Support should cover the HTML UI as well as jobs attached to a reminder such as sending e-mail or triggering some other command if the user has the permissions necessary.

macintoshplus commented 11 years ago

With the addition of reminders, it might be possible to launch reminders on computers with the client owncloud? With selection of the calendar to follow!

DavidHodges commented 11 years ago


I want an open source replacement for Google calendar, which allows me to specify multiple reminders at a time that I specify.

rfpn311 commented 11 years ago

+1 Would love and heavily use this.

Pazu commented 11 years ago

We also need the ability to set the default reminder settings for each calendar. Let me know if that should have its’ own issue.

RobTranquillo commented 11 years ago

Would be wonderfull if OC-instance can send emails based on calendar-entrys.

screendriver commented 10 years ago

ownCloud 6 has arrived. Any news about reminders in the calendar? The only thing that prevents me from switching from Google Calendar to ownCloud calendar are the reminders :blush:

SvenVD commented 10 years ago


This is preventing me from switching from google to owncloud

felixhummel commented 10 years ago


feddar commented 10 years ago

:+1: for reminders. thanks! :blush:

LassMiRanDa commented 10 years ago

:+1: For Reminders :blush:

sureshprakash commented 10 years ago

Eagerly looking for this feature. Is it available for use, now?

dan-tee commented 10 years ago

:+1: for this from me, too

rjbur007 commented 10 years ago

Oh no, tell me me it's not so. I just went through all the setup, dealt with a couple of issues. It's up and I can't use it.... There's no way I can switch and not be reminded about meetings or events. Really need to add features such a pop up alerts on my iOS or Android device and SMS Text alerts etc. and definitely more than one alert.... Shucks guess I'm stuck sticking with Google. I'll keep an eye out for it... Mean while, will keep trying out other features.

Dingo232 commented 10 years ago

:+1: from me also. I have spent a few days getting OC up and running and syncing contacts etc with our family devices. Just come to set up events and reminders and they are not there :anguished:

So far everything else is working great. Thank you devs for helping us get away from the evil data mining corporations. ;)

Pazu commented 10 years ago

Note you can work with reminders via CalDAV.

rjbur007 commented 10 years ago

Not a solution... CalDav, if I remember right, is an interface or way to exchange the calendar. I'd have to create the event or meeting, then sync it using CalDav to my device, add the reminder and then remember that I cannot manage the reminders from within my OwnCalendar, but have to use my device... A workaround yes, but not enough to make me jump to using the calendar. I'm stuck with Google till a solution is implemented.

All other aspects or features look good to great for OwnCloud, but to advertise the Calendar and talk all of this up as being ready for even business to consider to use is a bit premature. Personal and Business users depend heavily on the ability to be reminded about an upcoming meeting or event or else they would just go back to using paper.... Everything else seems ready, but this is a big letdown / missing feature. Should be #1 for the development team.

I may have missed it, but I don;t even remember reading anything that gives me a really confident and strong feeling that it will be implemented anytime soon. I read treads from last year saying things like... in the next release... but I can't tell if that has already come and gone...

Now this is a GREAT php solution and I went through all the trouble and a few issue resolved to get it running only to find it did not have this feature. Will I use it, possibly, but not for the Calendar. Would I Donate to the cause? Thinking about it, definitely would have if the Calendar worked with Alerts / Reminders.. I have Donated in the past to other causes / free applications. Still might here, but I need to start using it and right now, I'm on hold, and to be honest, hunting for any other solution that might have it all working... So far, have not found anything as close...

Does anyone really know "when" Alerts and Reminders will be available and to what extent? Pop-up, email, SMS???

PVince81 commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure how much work this is overall, but I think this could be done in two phases:

1) Let the user set up reminders from the ownCloud calendar UI:

This means the value is simply set in the event entry and can be read out later to be modified.

2) Show notifications on the web site:

I think part 2) is the more complicated because it requires design input about how notifications need to work in ownCloud in general (not only calendar ones). I'm not sure about that part, CC @owncloud/designers

Another issue is that when you're in ownCloud, you're not always in the calendar app but might be in the files app or somewhere else. This means the calendar app would need to load extra JS and run extra checks to find out whether a reminder is to be shown or not.

And what if you have multiple browser windows open, should the reminder be shown on all windows ?

axeluhl commented 10 years ago

1) is what I'd love to see. 2) is not so important to me. I have the appointments synced to my phone anyway, and the phone keeps reminding me of things.

feddar commented 10 years ago

3) send reminders via mail :-)

jancborchardt commented 10 years ago

@PVince81 if there’s notifications in the web interface (regarding point 2) they should be done via the native browser notification framework.

rjbur007 commented 10 years ago

Darn I accidentally deleted my recent post when I thought I was choosing the cancel edit option... I apologize to those that this may seem like a duplicate if the system was fast enough to send out the first one.

I believe the desire of OwnCloud is that we use our OwnCloud Calendar as our MASTER Calendar and all others are sync'ed to it. That being the case, it must support reminders or it will never be able to take the place of my now Master Google Calendar.

Now I do not know what the CalDAV standard or protocol supports. I can only assume it is a standard for sharing calendars. I do not know if it supports tracking of reminder types or just treats then all as "reminders" and that will be what ever it is for what ever system it is sync'ed to...

Lets just assume it only supports a single type of "reminder" for the purpose of my discussion. If that is the case, then I would still want to be able to create three types of reminders while actively logged into my OwnCloud Calendar. Those would be; Pop-up, Email, and SMS. The ONLY type that would be exported or sync'ed remotely with any other device would the ones I setup as "Pop-up" and all others would be handled by my OwnCloud Server.

So if I never setup a "Pop-up" reminder, then I will not have any reminders on any of my other sync'ed calendars.. Just have to remember I need to first setup a few "Pop-up" reminders first, then get fancy with Email and SMS reminders...

I would want the system to support multiple reminders. I would say a minimum of 4 assuming I went way overboard and decided to setup 2-Pop-ups, an Email and SMS... Heck, if possible, as many as I can would be great so I could send email reminders to a set of addresses...

OK, maybe it was a good think I deleted my first one by mistake...

georgehrke commented 10 years ago

Now I do not know what the CalDAV standard or protocol supports. I can only assume it is a standard for sharing calendars. I do not know if it supports tracking of reminder types or just treats then all as "reminders" and that will be what ever it is for what ever system it is sync'ed to...

Reminders are part of the calendar standard. If you add them one device that syncs with ownCloud, you will see it on all other devices that support reminders.


SMS are not part of the official standard. It seems to be a proprietary (google) extension. The standard ownCloud calendar app will definitely never be able to send SMS, even though you might be able to add them.

rjbur007 commented 10 years ago

The "SMS" support on Google is the same as "Email" as all they are doing is packaging the message and sensing it to the Cell Carrier's special address with your cell phone number in front of it. To even have this available within Google you have to activate it my going to the setting area and entering your phone number. Then they send you a text msg with a confirmation code you have to enter. If the confirmation code matches, they know it's you and turn on SMS as an option available when you click on the reminder type drop down list...

Now the trick bit of coding I think they have on their end is that I do not remember being asked what cellular carrier I'm using. That said, they must be using a look up feature that identifies the phone as being with a particular provider. In my case that would be Sprint. After know this, its as simple as sending an email to the appropriate phonenumber@provider.com address format.

Now as far as CalDEV goes, I had a feeling all they track is that there exist a "Reminder" and that its set to go off xx minutes / days / weeks prior to the appointment/event.

Does CalDEV support multiple Reminders?

georgehrke commented 10 years ago

Yes, CalDAV supports multiple reminders.


And google pays a lot of cash to the mobile carriers. So that's nothing we can / will implement.

Please excuse my brevity and typos. Sent from my iPhone 5

On Feb 13, 2014, at 2:09 AM, rjbur007 notifications@github.com wrote:

The "SMS" support on Google is the same as "Email" as all they are doing is packaging the message and sensing it to the Cell Carrier's special address with your cell phone number in front of it. To even have this available within Google you have to activate it my going to the setting area and entering your phone number. Then they send you a text msg with a confirmation code you have to enter. If the confirmation code matches, they know it's you and turn on SMS as an option available when you click on the reminder type drop down list...

Now the trick bit of coding I think they have on their end is that I do not remember being asked what cellular carrier I'm using. That said, they must be using a look up feature that identifies the phone as being with a particular provider. In my case that would be Sprint. After know this, its as simple as sending an email to the appropriate phonenumber@provider.com address format.

Now as far as CalDEV goes, I had a feeling all they track is that there exist a "Reminder" and that its set to go off xx minutes / days / weeks prior to the appointment/event.

Does CalDEV support multiple Reminders?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

unhammer commented 10 years ago

Georg Ehrke notifications@github.com writes:


And google pays a lot of cash to the mobile carriers. So that's nothing we can / will implement.

I have email from Fastmail, who lets you send sms'es by sending or even forwarding email to NUMBER@somethingsomething. I once had a cell phone provider who had a similer service. They all charge something of course, but these services do exist, where the user pays for them.

So if owncloud can send email reminders, they can send SMS reminders by letting the user edit what email address the reminders go to.

However, SMS reminders have to be short. So a way to support SMS-over-email would be to have two types of fields [ ] Send regular reminder to email address [____] [X] Send SMS-length reminder to email address [____]

unhammer commented 10 years ago

(Note: for some reason github hides my example, click the three dots to see it)

Edited by @kabum: fixed

rjbur007 commented 10 years ago

Not sure why Google would be paying anything to send an email message? Also not sure why OwnCloud would pay anything at all...

OwnCloud would be running in MY server and sending emails out through MY server using MY internet provider or however I would be setting that up...

Here are the steps from an eHow page for Sprint Cell Phones.... It's just sensing an email....

How to Use Email to Text a Sprint Text Message to a Sprint Cell Phone

Instructions 1 - Sign into any work or personal email account.

2 - Click inside the "To" box.

3 - Type the Sprint cell phone number inside the box. The 10 digits of the Sprint number should all run together (for example: "5656655656").

4 - Type "@messaging.sprintpcs.com" directly after the phone number (5656655656@ messaging.sprintpcs.com).

5 - Click in the "Compose" message box. Type the text message you want to send to the Sprint cell phone.

6 - Click "Send." The Sprint cell phone will receive the text message from your email account.

Tips & Warnings Emails that are more than 160 characters in length will be sent to the Sprint cell phone as multiple texts.

Read more: http://www.ehow.com/how_6128898_use-message-sprint-cell-phone.html#ixzz2tEUeS9b7

georgehrke commented 10 years ago

Not sure why Google would be paying anything to send an email message? Also not sure why OwnCloud would pay anything at all...

E-Mails a free for sure. But we were talking about SMS. It might work with sprint, but there are other mobile carriers which do not offer sending an SMS by mail

georgehrke commented 10 years ago

If you have a mobile carrier that supports sending SMS by E-Mail, just setup an email reminder to this address.

georgehrke commented 10 years ago

There is no reason to have a dedicated SMS reminder.

rjbur007 commented 10 years ago

The "reason" is OwnCould" is trying to replace services that have this feature and make it easy for their "users" to "choose" to have it sent to their phones as well as to an email address. If OwnCloud wants to be more than a home server or small business hobbyist product and truly be considered by the big companies it needs to keep up or exceed feature sets offered by others or at least have a road map to get there.

Yes you are right, email will work and for most carriers, I would guess all major carriers in the United States, would support this the same as Sprint. I have used this feature for AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, etc... Here's a site that list many of them: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/email-to-sms/

I just thought it was cool the way that "Possibly" (let me be clear I don't know how they do it) they are able to take my cell phone number and figure out my provider. Possibly using a service such as: https://www.carrierlookup.com/

But heck the really easy way to do this is vie an SMS Setup screen where the user has to provide there full SMS address For me it would be either [10-digit phone number]@pm.sprint.com (MMS) or [10-digit phonen umber]@messaging.sprintpcs.com. Then the system would send out a random 6 digit code to that address and require you to enter that code to officially activate the Text Msg Reminder feature.

Since the idea is that this is a self managed cloud, there could even be a list of these available provider addresses to choose from and if they change of a new one is needed, then the Admin has a way on the Admin page to manage them. Then NO outside service would be required....

Now if email was the ONLY way, then I would ask that OwnCloud let the user enter multiple email addresses and then those would be available via a nick name on the drop down list where we choose the "type" of reminder. Then I could create as many email address reminders as I want and nick name them something like HOME, WORK, SMS.... Then an FAQ or Support system would point user to the need to create their SMS address in the email reminder setup area and just give your email address a meaningful nick name (or short name) such as SMS or CELL and you will recognize it when you get the list of options.

Now the BIG DANGER of NOT using a dedicated setup screen for text message alert setups is that the user does not go through the VALIDATION 6 code process and could start sending text alerts to someone other than themselves. That would be a big no-no and why I think a little extra code (being funny here, I know it's probably more than just a little) would be called for to make sure its all setup right and text messages actually go to where thet are suppose to...

I think OwnCloud has awesome potential. I wish I knew how to program php and had the time to help out...

If I really did NOT care would I go on and on and on and on and on... OK I got to get back to my day job...

georgehrke commented 10 years ago

Now if email was the ONLY way, then I would ask that OwnCloud let the user enter multiple email addresses

There is no limitation on how many reminders you can set for one event. It's perfectly fine to setup multiple email reminders.

rjbur007 commented 10 years ago

"There is no limitation on how many reminders you can set for one event. It's perfectly fine to setup multiple email reminders."

WAIT! Did I miss something here???? Does OwnCloud now support creating and managing Reminders such as Pop-up and Email???

WOW that was fast!

I recently installed OwnCloud and it did NOT support ANY reminders. Has that changed?

georgehrke commented 10 years ago

There is no limitation in the calendar standard

rjbur007 commented 10 years ago

That's NOT an answer... I just went to my OwnCloud and there is NO way to add any reminders and that's the point of this tread... So there is a limit in OwnCloud of zero (0) or no reminders.

Yes I know that CalDAV supports this, or at least someone stated something like this...

The POINT of this thread is we all want OwnCloud to natively, as our MASTER calendar to support REMINDERS... Having to sync it with my phone or table or outlook or google calendar just so I can add a reminder is NOT a solution. It is a WORKAROUND...

Darn, I got excited there for a minute and thought OwnCloud supported reminders...

nlenlited commented 10 years ago

Im still waiting for reminders as well. It's the only function that is keeping me from switching from Google. Some suggestions:

In the web interface; 1.) Enable/disable popup reminders + set reminding time ; This creates a popup like Google Calendar does. 2.) Enable disable email reminders + set reminding time ; Sends you an email at the set time.

If its THAT hard for you guys, then just implement max one reminder per event. I can live with that if that is what it takes.

aventrax commented 10 years ago

How to add reminders using bash: http://mhtechz.wordpress.com/2014/03/14/adding-email-reminders-to-owncloud-calendar-with-a-bash-script/

sureshprakash commented 10 years ago

I have tried to add remainder support for the calendar application. It works for me. Kindly use it and tell me your suggestions for improvement. Check it out here: https://github.com/sureshprakash/owncloud_calendar Step by step procedure to configure event remainder email in ownCloud is given in the README.md file.

PVince81 commented 10 years ago

@sureshprakash can you submit a pull request from your repo to here ? It will make it much easier to review the changes you made to the code.

georgehrke commented 10 years ago

@sureshprakash What you implemented is not what's meant by reminders but rather a morning overview about what's on your schedule today.

sureshprakash commented 10 years ago

@PVince81 When I try to push my code, I'm getting the following error. error: The requested URL returned error: 403 while accessing https://github.com/owncloud/apps/info/refs fatal: HTTP request failed

georgehrke commented 10 years ago

@sureshprakash see https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests

sureshprakash commented 10 years ago

@PVince81 Pull request given at https://github.com/sureshprakash/apps/commit/46f14d4abb4b6374b669e142cfe1046d68fcacb7

PVince81 commented 10 years ago

Sorry, this is not a pull request, just a single commit. To create a pull request, please see the instructions here: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests#initiating-the-pull-request

sureshprakash commented 10 years ago

@PVince81 Sorry, it was a mistake. New pull request is made at https://github.com/owncloud/calendar/pull/374

Iridias commented 10 years ago

I implemented a simple feature to set a reminder. See Pull request https://github.com/owncloud/calendar/pull/376

It has some limitations (see "Known Issues" in the description) but it should be OK for most use cases.

yasokuhl commented 9 years ago


Superheld commented 9 years ago

no alarm-function or reminders on smartphones until now? :( -1

danielbadri commented 9 years ago

Any news on this?